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Welcome to a Glossary of Devilish Characters described during the course of Jim McPherson's phantacea Mythos

| Phantacea Publications: Latest List | 2014: "Helios on the Moon" | 2014: "Cataclysm Catalyst" | 2013: "Nuclear Dragons" | 2013: "Damnation Brigade" | Blog on | Get Busy | 2012: "Goddess Gambit | 2010/11: "The Thousand Days of Disbelief" | 2009: The War of the Apocalyptics" | 2008: "Feeling Theocidal" | Quick Lynx |

Helios on the Moon

- 2014 Print Edition -

Covers for Helios on Moon print edition, artwork by Ricardo Sandoval, 2014

Artwork by Ricardo Sandoval, 2014; back cover text is here; back cover characters, unobscured, are here; excerpts from the novel are here; additional lynx re 'Hel-Moon' are here; ordering lynx are here and here

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What might have been, will be for sure in 2014

Two versions of Rhadamanthys Revealed, art by Verne Andru, 1980-2013

Cover(s) by Verne Andru, 1980-2013; text by Jim McPherson, 2014

BTW, pHz-1 #12 only exists in script form; Kitty-Clysm is pH-Webworld shorthand for "Cataclysm Catalyst";

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Phantacea Revisited 2: Cataclysm Catalyst

Cataclysm Catalyst front and back cover in black and white, art by Verne Andru

The third graphic novel from Phantacea Publications extracts another complete story sequence from Phantacea 1-7 and Phantacea Phase One #1. Includes artwork by Dave Sim, Ian Fry, Sean Newton, Verne Andrusiek, and Ian Bateson. Dedicated webpage is here. Order online or from the publisher.

Double-click to enlarge a black and white version of the cover in a separate window

What was once, will be again

Helios on the Moon, bw versions of front cover for pH-3, art by Richard Sandoval, 1978

Thirty-six years after its original release, Jim McPherson completes his Launch 1980 project to novelize all the Phantacea comic books with the release of "Helios on the Moon"

pH-3 artwork by Richard Sandoval, 1978; rollover adjustments made by Jim McPherson, 2013

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Phantacea Seven

- The unpublished comic now novelized -

pages 1 and 2, artwork by Ian Bateson, 1980

At long last, the second entry in the Launch 1980 epic fantasy has arrived

Check out the expanded Availability Listings for places you can order or buy Phantacea Publications in person

Images in this row double-click to enlarge here

Look out below!

Full covers for Nuclear Dragons, art by Ian Bateson, 2013; text by Jim McPherson

Nuclear Dragons are here!

- A phantacea Mythos Mosaic Novel -

Jim McPherson continues his ongoing project to novelize the entire Phantacea comic book series

Double-click on image to enlarge in a separate window

Dedicated webpage can be found here; back cover text here; lynx to excerpts from the book start here and here; check out material that didn't make it here and related excerpts from its scheduled follow-up, 2014's "Helios on the Moon", here; for the time being its Auctorial Preamble is reprinted here and here

Centauri Island

- The web-serial enlarged radically -

pages 3 and 4, artwork by Ian Bateson, 1980

Ian Bateson's unpublished artwork from Phantacea Seven provides the basis for the first full-length phantacea Mythos Mosaic Novel since "Goddess Gambit".

Ian Bateson's breathtaking wraparound cover for the novel utilizes his own dragons from pH-7. Those from the unfinished cover for the Phantacea Phase One project can be seen here and here.

Images in this row double-click to enlarge here and here

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Phantacea Revisited 1

B/w first and last pages from DB graphic novel

Check out the expanded Availability Listings for places you can order or buy Phantacea Publications in person

NEW: Read most of the mini-novels making up "The Thousand Days of Disbelief" today on Google Books

Hit here to see what else is currently available there

Guess what isn't coming soon any more?

Text reads Graphic Novel coming soon or here

Phantacea Revisited 1: The Damnation Brigade"

A Watermarked PDF of the graphic novel can be ordered from Drive Thru Comics here

To order from the publisher, click here or go straight to here.

Postage is extra. Please be aware that as yet Phantacea Publications can only accept certified cheques or money orders.

The Damnation Brigade Graphic Novel

artwork by Ian Bateson and Vince Marchesano

Artwork never seen before in print; almost all of pH-5 available for the first time since 1980

Images in this row double-click to enlarge here

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No wonder they call themselves the Damnation Brigade

Variations of DB cover, artwork by Ian Bateson, 2012, collage by Jim McPherson, 2012

Now available from Phantacea Publications

Images in this row are double-clickable from here, here, and, to a lesser degree, here.

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Two Damnation Brigade Collages, 2009, 2012

Register now and contribute whenever you please

The 2006 PDF of Mythos Mag, with its updated 2012 lynx, can be downloaded here.

Hit here for a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) of the most recent pHantaBlog entries

The Phantacea Revisited Project

D-Brig covers

Collecting the Phantacea comic books 1977-1980, 1987, Rv1:DB contains material from pH #s 1-5 + pHz1 #s 1 & 2.

This will be the first time in the better part of 30 years that material from pH-5 has been available except from online traders.

Watch for "Phantacea Revisited #2: Cataclysm Catalyst" coming in the Spring of 2014


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D-Brig advertisement with graphic novel table of contents on one side2013 Phantacea Publications advert with price listSearch all the Phantacea Sites
Contribute to the all-new pHantaBlog and download a free PDF of Mythos Mag #1 while you're at it
Get hold of "Phantacea Revisited 1: The Damnation Brigade", a graphic novel collecting the DB-storyline from pH 1-5, as well as Phantacea Phase One #s 1 & 2 (unpublished) now available for ordering from Phantacea Publications

Get hold of "Cataclysm Catalyst", the second Phantacea Revisited graphic novel collecting the Soldier's Saga from pH 2-6, as well as Ian Bateson's unpublished Hell's Horsemen sequence intended for Phantacea Seven, now available for ordering from Phantacea Publications

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"Goddess Gambit"

– Now available from Phantacea Publications –

Eyemouth over cover for Gambitsedonic eyes"For the Dead to Thrive, the Living must Die!"

So proclaims Nergal Vetala, the Blood Queen of Hadd.

When her soldier falls out of the sky she's not only back in the pink again – as in arterial – she reckons she's found the perfect foil through which to play, and win, a Trigregos Gambit.

She might be right as well.

Thus Ends 'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' Trilogy

For more on the actual celestial phenomena upon which the eye-collages were based, click here. There's additional information re the Sedonic Eye here and here. The complete cover for Phase One #1 is here whereas yet another variation of it is here. The left eye double-click is the full cover for "Goddess Gambit", artwork by Verne Andru 2011/2. The right eye double-click is of Ian Bateson's enduring, 1986 Sedonic Eye as prepared by Jim McPherson, 2011. Gambit's main webpage is here.

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"The 1000 Days of Disbelief" is not only 3/3rds Done, it's E-done (albeit for Kindle, not kidding nor kindling)

In part to celebrate the 35th Year of Anheroic Fantasy, Phantacea Publications is pleased to announce that "Feeling Theocidal", Book One of the trilogy, and all three mini-novels extracted from 1000-Daze are available on the Kindle platform from and a number its affiliates worldwide.

Alternative covers for Goddess Gambitcovers and characters from Janna FangfingersSubtitled Sedonplay, Sedon Plague and Sedon Purge, the mini-novels commence, continue and conclude Book Two of 'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' trilogy.

Watch for e-versions of Book Three, "Goddess Gambit", and its full-length predecessor in the Launch 1980 story cycle, "The War of Apocalyptics", coming soon from Phantacea Publications.

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Like the first two mini-novels extracted from 1000-Daze, "The Death's Head Hellion" and "Contagion Collectors", "Janna Fangfingers" contains a book-specific character companion. An Auctorial Prefatory and the opening chapter extracted from Gambit round out a 230-page volume bargain-priced at only $12.00 per book CAD and USD, vastly less as an e-book.

(Please note: although their character companions are for the most part applicable to Feel Theo, in large measure they're not so much so to either War-Pox or Gambit, which tend to feature characters more prevalent in the phantacea comic books and web-serials.)

Together they carry on recording the multi-millennia-long chronicles of the gods and goddesses, the demons and monsters, of antique mythologies — the same seemingly endless saga also presented in the 1990 graphic novel, "Forever & 40 Days — The Genesis of phantacea", and the three, thus-far-published, full-length mosaic novels featuring Jim McPherson's Phantacea Mythos.

Variations on covers prepared for Goddess Gambit

Each of the mini-novels is complete unto itself. Among many another character, they feature Thrygragos Everyman and his firstborn Unities (the incomparable Harmony, Thunder & Lightning Lord Order and Uncle Abe Chaos) in their freewheeling prime. On top of that, Fangers presents a framing story set in 5980 Year of the Dome. As such it could be considered a prequel to the Launch 1980 story cycle that began in earnest with War-Pox and eventually picks up again in Gambit.

[Check out for extracts, synopses, teasers, and a grab bag of even more intriguing graphics pertinent to Phantacea Publications' 35th anniversary.]

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Cover for the Death's Head Hellion, artwork prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010Cover for the Contagion Collectors, artwork prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

"Forever & 40 Days — The Genesis of PHANTACEA", a graphic novel with additional features written by Jim McPherson, "Feeling Theocidal" (Book One of 'The Thrice Cursed Godly Glories'), "The War of the Apocalyptics" (the opening entry in the Launch 1980 story cycle), the three mini-novels, "The Death's Head Hellion", "Contagion Collectors" and "Janna Fangfingers", that comprise "The 1000 Days of Disbelief" (Book Two of 'The Thrice Cursed Godly Glories'), the trilogy's concluding novel, "Goddess Gambit", the graphic novel "Phantacea Revisited 1: The Damnation Brigade", "Nuclear Dragons"(the second, full-length entry in the Launch 1980 story cycle), plus the latest graphic novel, "Phantacea Revisited 2: Cataclysm Catalyst", and "Helios on the Moon", the culminating entry in the Launch 1980 story cycle, should be available at your favourite book stops.

If they're not, kindly direct local librarians and neighbourhood booksellers to in order to start rectifying that sad situation. Either that or, if you're feeling even more proactive, click here, copy the link, paste it into an email and send it to them, along with everyone else you reckon could use a double dose of anheroic fantasy. It will certainly be appreciated.

Help build the buzz. The more books sell, the faster the PHANTACEA Mythos spreads.

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Covers for Feeling Theocidal and Forever and Forty DaysTwo Ian  Bateson covers of the same scene

Individual copies of "Feeling Theocidal", "The War of the Apocalyptics", the three mini-novels comprising "The Thousand Days of Disbelief" ("The Death's Head Hellion", "Contagion Collectors" and "Janna Fangfingers") and "Goddess Gambit" can be ordered from and its affiliates, including and, as well as from Barnes & Noble.

Libraries, bookstores and bookseller collectives can place bulk orders through Ingram Books, Ingram International, Baker & Taylor, Coutts Information Services, and a large number of other distributors worldwide.

E-books for Kindle, Kindle Fire, I-pad, I-phone and other applications can be ordered through, and other amazon affiliates worldwide. An interactive e-book containing the entirety of "Feeling Theocidal", as built specifically for Adobe Reader, is available direct from the publisher. (Certified cheques or money orders only, please.) E-books on other platforms are also available. Check you favourite online bookseller for the latest list and ordering instructions for Phantacea Publications. lists the latest releases from Phantacea Publications along with a goodly number of additional booksellers carrying them. Also listed therein are almost all of the PHANTACEA Mythos print and e-publications, including the graphic novel and some of the comic books.

Another interesting option for the curious is Chegg, which has a rent-a-book program. Thus far its search engine shows no results for phantacea (any style or permutation thereof) but it does recognize Jim McPherson (a variety of them) and the titles of many releases from Phantacea Publications.

As for the Whole Earth (other than the Hidden Continent of Sedon's Head, at least as far as I can say and always assuming it's still around in what be its 61st century), well, this page contains a list of a few other websites where you can probably order the novels in a variety of currencies and with credit cards.

Of course you can always email or send me your order(s) via surface mail. No matter where you live or what currency you prefer to use, I'll figure out a way to fill your order(s) myself. Just be aware that I can only accept certified cheques or money orders. Plus, I'll have to charge an additional 12% to cover Canadian and provincial goods and sales taxes as well as Canada Post rates for shipping.

I do use bubble mailers, though.

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Logo for Phantacea reads Anheroic Fantasy since 1977

The PHANTACEA Mythos Online: A Glossary of Characters

| Illustrated Character Companions for mini-novels extracted from "The 1000 Days of Disbelief" | The Shining Ones — The First and Second Generations of Devazurkind | The Shining Ones — Master Devas | The Shining Ones — Devils Described | PHANTACEA Essentials | Non-Devic Pivotal Players | Additional Non-Devic Characters | Deviants | Golden Age Patriarchs | Gypsies & Etocretans | Supranormals | Teutonic Templars | Utopians of Weir | Witches | The Moloch Sedon | The Thrygragos Brothers | The Trigregos Sisters | Byronics Listed | Lazaremists Listed | Mithradites Listed | Devils — by Tribal Affiliation | Celestial God | Recurring Dual Entities | Supranormals/Deviants by Group Affiliation | Places Peculiar to PHANTACEA | Terms Peculiar to PHANTACEA |

The Shining Ones

- Devils Described during the course of Jim McPherson's Phantacea Mythos -

| Publicity Announcements | Third Generation of Devakind | Fourth Generation of Devakind |

© copyright Jim McPherson (PHANTACEA)
| pH-Webworld's Welcoming Page | Internal Search Engine | Main Menu | Online PHANTACEA Primer | Ongoing PHANTACEA Features | pHantaBlog | Information for ordering by credit card | Information for ordering by certified cheque or money order | Serial Synopses | Contact | pH-Webworld Miscellanea | Lynx to additional websites featuring Jim McPherson's PHANTACEA Mythos | Bottom of Page Lynx |

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The Third Generation of Devakind

- Collectively known as Master Devas -

| Byronics | Lazaremists | Mithradites |

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The sons and daughters of Thrygragos Byron, born simultaneously in broods of three by the Trigregos Sisters in the long destroyed First Weir System

| Bride of Byron | Byron's Mouthpiece | Blowhard | Bisexual Nucleoid | Byron's Venus | Byron's Apollo | The Dragon of Byron |

Byron's First Born Threesome -- Not so briefly the Bride of Byron (Serathrone Hallow)

- see here for additional lynx


There were those who said that all three of the Great Gods, when Mithras was around, were conglomerate devils. According to this scenario, which for one the Legendarian, Jordan ‘Q for Quill’ Tethys propagated, the highest born third generational goddesses once were as well: Pyrame Silverstar as concubinage company for Sedon, Divine Coueranna for Mithras, Serathrone Hallow then Umashakti Silvercloud for Byron, when he had a body, and Datong Harmonia for Lazareme. Were at various times repositories for all their sires’ daughters, their sisters, when the Sedonshem was plying the cosmos for ten of thousands of years pre-Earth.

... from "Harry on the Head", the unpublished sequel to the 'Aspects of an Amoebaman' web-serial


Byron's First Born Threesome -- Gravity - Byron's Moon - By-Wife #2 (Umashakti Silvercloud)

see also here, here and here


Byron's First Born Threesome -- Savage Storm - Byron's Beast (Rudra Silvercloud)

"Unless the Master’s determined to set up a kangaroo court, I can’t be convicted of anything remotely criminal. And if he is, hell, I’m as good with kangaroos as I am with the wild beasties I witch-wooed into the Zebranid village.”

Melina smiled at that, sort of smiled, rather, in that crinkle-free way the Witch found so off-putting about Utopian women. “If the Dual Entities were your half parents, have you ever wondered if he was possessing Rudra Silvercloud, Byron’s Beast? That sounds like something he’d do. And did, back in Tantalar, when he rescued his sister-wife, Umashakti Silvercloud, from Vetala’s Solider and her own foolhardy insistence on playing a Goddess Gambit.”

... from "The Weirdness of Cabalarkon", a web-serial published in the early 2000s that continued The Damnation Brigade saga


Bipedal, the orange and brown striped fur of a tiger coated the devil’s powerfully-built humanoid form. His equally humanoid face was both orange-coloured and orange-textured. With brownish hair stroked back, he sported a Fu Manchu moustache and had a long, goat-like beard. His power focus was a spear with a crescent moon attached just beneath its metal­lic point. It therefore closely resembled a poleaxe.


As befit a firstborn, he was one the Hidden Headworld’s most powerful Master Devas. Both a weather-wizard, the Devalord of Storms, and a Beast Master, though these days his favourite sort of beasts were were-beasts, he’d thoroughly earned the descriptive epithet of Savage Storm. To say the least he liked to make a dramatic entrance.

“That was rude, Beast,” exclaimed Sedona Spellbinder in her own voice. “You could have hit father.”

“Maybe that’s why ancient Illuminaries named me Rudra, Secondary Smoke.”


Illuminaries named him Rudra Silvercloud. They did so, first of all, because his attributes reminded them of attributes ascribed to a god worshipped in a different subcontinent, that of India, during Vedic times as Rudra. They did so, second of all, because he always travelled about in a silver cloud.

He called his weapon Cloud-Pleaser solely because it pleased him.

... from 'Pyrame's Progress'



see also here and here


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Byron's Second Born Threesome -- Byron Mouthpiece (Sedona Spellbinder)

see also here


Smoky Sedona – named after the Mighty Eye-Mouth usually in the Sky – as often as not took the shape of a three-eyed, apparently naked female composed entirely of just that, particulate smoke. Was among those worshipped by the Nephilim Cloud Creatures until Centauri Enterprises, and by extension the Byronic devils, so pissed off Nefertiti Nephele, an Inner Earth Summoning Child, that she evacuated Godbad’s Cloud Cities. And thereby, until its Master Devas smartened up and started pissing down on it themselves, plunged the Subcontinent into an extended period of drought.

... from "Harry on the Head", the unpublished sequel to the 'Aspects of an Amoebaman' web-serial


Then again the Byronic was called Spellbinder for a reason — reputedly her particulate smoke was akin to transformative faeriedust that worked on devils as well as almost anything else.

... from "Harry on the Head", the unpublished sequel to the 'Aspects of an Amoebaman' web-serial


- there's a bit of a spoiler from "Harry on the Head" here

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Byron's Second Born Threesome -- Vayu Maelstrom, Devil Wind

see also here


Salvador Dali's Don Quixote, as shot in Dubrovnik, Croatia, by Jim McPherson in 2017There certainly were a number of Byronics identified with pre-Columbian American deities. The eldest was a second-born, Vayu Maelstrom, Devil Wind. His physiognomy was American aboriginal and his power focus, such that he had a visible talisman, was an Iroquois-style topknot. Although his skin was bluish, not reddish, he had been worshipped by the Irache natives of Old Iraxas before it became Hadd, the Land of the Dead.

As a Primary Nucleoid his abilities were among the most impressive of any Byronic Master Deva. Was nothing less than a living whirlwind and, indeed, when he was went into action, from the waist down his body was just that, a whirlwind; one that he flew upon. Which made him the ideal devil to go up against the cyclonic Cyclodes.

... from "Harry on the Head", the unpublished sequel to the 'Aspects of an Amoebaman' web-serial

- Salvador Dali's Don Quixote, as shot in Dubrovnik, Croatia, by Jim McPherson in 2017, is unmistakably suggestive of Devil Wind, who also appears on the front cover of pH-5, "The War of the Apocalyptics" and "The Damnation Brigade".


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Byron's Second Born Threesome -- Chimaera Glimmenmare, Byron's Stallion

- see also here
- named Chimaera Glimmenmare in part because he always gleamed and was ever-changing but also because there were times he appeared to be female;
- worshipped by centaurs


The problem was solved by Vayu’s breed brother, Chimaera Glimmenmare. Byron’s Stallion was held in awe by the centaur race. These exotic horsemen were once native to Old Iraxas. It being the Land of the Dead and Godbad too mountainous, they were now more commonly found up north in Twilight or roaming the vast plains of Marutia, neither of which were Byronic territories.

Found, it should be noted, in very much diminished numbers. Until the practise was forbidden by their longest serving Taurus of the century, the Mithrant Legionnaires who controlled most of Sedon’s Cheeklands hunted them for sport. Sure, centaurs being sentient being, and devils thrived on the worship of sentient being, it was supposed to be catch and release but accidents do happens. Too terribly too often, sometimes accidents happen deliberately.

Thus deprived of his usual adherent constituency, Chimaera had to become adaptable; had to become ever-changing. One thing he did not have to become was quirky. Had always been quirky. So it was he chose a shape that served a double function. Signalling whom he blamed for all this mass-monstrous mayhem he became, for all to see, an enormous Lemurian frogwoman complete with breasts, warty complexion and flypaper tongue.

... from "Harry on the Head", the unpublished sequel to the 'Aspects of an Amoebaman' web-serial


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Byron's Third Born Threesome -- Aphropsyche Morningstar, APM All-Eyes, Byron's Venus

- The oft-quoted "All hates All-Eyes" refers to how easily APM can sicken, if not completely overwhelm, All the Invincible She-Sphinx of Incain


The main difference between the two Venuses was their devic talismans. APM’s took the form of morning stars; that is to say the myriad twinkling eyeball-like objects that appeared just before the crack of dawn on either side of Cathonia. The old saying ‘The night has a thousand eyes but Pacifica has a thousand islands’ (eye-lands) didn’t apply to APM. She had thousands upon thousands of little eyeballs, each and every one of being as much her as her as a whole.

... from "Harry on the Head", the unpublished sequel to the 'Aspects of an Amoebaman' web-serial


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Byron's Third Born Threesome -- Damon Goldenrod, Byron's Apollo

Byron's Third Born Threesome -- Nevair Neverknight, Byron's Paladin

Byron's Fourth Born Threesome -- Heroic Hektoris, Headcase, Headstrong, Byron's Defender

Byron's Fourth Born Threesome -- 'Yati, Hiyati Samarand, The Dragon of Byron

- see here for additional lynx;


Sometimes even tricksters are delighted when even their cleverest tricks prove reversible.

Young Life produced a batch of eyeorbs out of her bottomless beach bag. A dozen other Byron Spawn – the next-door-to-fullness of Aphropsyche Morningstar, her third-born brood brother Damon Goldenrod, heroic Hektoris Headcase, cow-faced Vach-Hathor, the bowman Djerrid Ruin, the temptress pretty Parsis, elephantine Ganesh, Tau Hanuman, All-Merciful Kannon, Scorpio Hala Sadrapa, Petrogod and Kunta-Kintu Mawulisa  – immediately surrounded Nihila.

Even Yati, the Dragon of Byron, but for his third eye still appearing to be Project Centauri’s human overseer, Dr Hiyati Samarand, came out of Samsara. In all likelihood he wouldn’t be humanoid for very long. And this dragon, while presumably not nuclear, was no mandroid. He might actually have eaten Hush alive.

“Balance them, babe,” challenged the little girl.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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The sons and daughters of Thrygragos Lazareme, born simultaneously in broods of three by the Trigregos Sisters in the long destroyed First Weir System

| The Onetime Unity of both Balance and Panharmonium | Formerly a Sparking Star | A Devic Suicide | The Time-Space Displacer | Twilight's Grey Lady | Flapper-footed Speedster |

Lazareme's Firstborn -- Harmony's Nemesis-Mode now has a Name

Image suggestive of Datong Harmonia, shot in Mexico CityDatong Harmonia – the Unity of Balance as well as the Lazaremists’ realized, not idealized, version of Panharmonium – had just torn out of the Weird not far from where the Thanatoid was waiting to repel whichever members of the Damnation Brigade the Dand chose to send against him.

Tariqartha could not replicate devils per se – he could handle their most common appearances easily enough but he couldn’t imbue any of his doppelgangers with their abilities – so it had to be the real Harmony. Until then they had thought her wiped out by her brother Unity, that of Chaos, nearly five hundred years ago. For one who was reputedly incomparably beautiful, she looked, it had to be said, gods-awful.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


She hadn’t become the Unity of Disharmony. She’d become Freespirit Nihila.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle

Nihila Nereid graphic prepared by Jim McPherson, 2017========

Even in an unheard-for-Hadd deluge of near-biblical proportions, facially Fisherwoman (born Scylla Nereid) looked good in a glowingly golden, chain-mail.

Plus, there was nothing better against incoming, oversized vultures ridden by Sangazur-animated Dead Things firing modern ordnance, helicopter gunships lower down, Godbadian warplanes higher up and, yes, even a few missiles, no matter what they were tipped with, than teleportive Brainrock chains transmuted into an acreage-covering, Brainrock umbrella that shimmered as if akin to multi-coloured Northern Lights.

Of course, being impossibly huge, so much so that her webbed feet straddled either side of Diminished Dustmound, there was no way that could just be Fish (officially Lady Achigan, onetime Queen Scylla of Godbad). For another thing, she ordinarily didn’t have, let alone display, a third eye. And while it was true she’d managed to acquire no less than three devic power foci in her sixty-odd – very odd – years of deviant life, one of them was not and never had been a Borealis brolly.

Evidently gone was Scylla Nereid; evidently found was Nihila Nereid.

'Pyrame's Progress', a thus far unpublished aspect of the open-ended saga entitled "Wilderwitch's Babies"


Variations on covers prepared for Goddess Gambit


Harmony was the first born of the first born.

The three Great Goddesses were the simultaneous mothers of all the Master Devas ever born. Harmony, by a matter of milliseconds over the male Unities, that of Chaos and Order, was merely the first of them to see the light of Old Weir’s day.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Icelandic Nihila, photo by Tom Mackie, 2014, cropped and reversedIncomparable as she, as Harmony, may be, she's no more infallible than any other devil, including her Thrygragos of a father and her Moloch of a grandfather;

What even Harmony ­– the devils’ best and brightest, whom Machine-Memory purported to base herself upon as much as Human Memory ­– failed to grasp was at the vital heart of Panharmonium. The inception of the Ants’ version would mark the day when the inbred-patriarchal, devazur race finally joined other fully sentient races on the Whole Earth as equals, not overlords.

To accomplish that, a gender balance had to be restored. Which, in their view [the Antheans'], meant the Trigregos Sisters either had to be reborn or else lured to the Whole Earth. (The Three Great Goddesses were the simultaneous mothers of all the Master Devas ever born. Harmony, by a matter of milliseconds over the male Unities, that of Chaos and Order, was merely the first of them to see the light of Old Weir’s day.)

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


As also per here, Harmony once ran the DDD at the north-east corner of the Diluvia Mountain Range, where it hasn't stopped raining since the Moloch Sedon raised the Cathonic Zone (the Dome) to protect Pacifica, the Places of Peace, from the Genesea (Great Flood of Genesis). Text reads Acquiring Nihila; a black and white version of this appeared inside Hidden Headgames, prepared by Jim McPherson, 2017She, albeit as an entirely different persona, returns to it near the end of the 'Launch 1980' story cycle and again in 'Acquiring Nihila', the final novella in the three-part "Hidden Headgames" collection released as part of the Phantacea Phase Two revival in 2017:

... the darkly golden-haired, butterscotch-skinned former Unity – her with the Brainrock necklace, stern, oval-shaped face, fresh green tunic, it covered with a mesh of glowing chain mail, and metal-shackled wrists, they with only a couple links of eminently extendible chains dangling off them – smiled benignly, as if in reassurance.

Almost every man in the vicinity – and not just men ­– sighed involuntarily. Their longing suspiration didn’t quite suck all the air out of the tavern but it was almost humourously audible. Not a one withered in her presence, though. Quite the contrary. No one melted either, except perhaps figuratively. (Fortunately for the non-casualty count, none of Tantal Thanatos’s icemen were around.)

Harmony had always had that effect on people, and not just people. If her father was thought of as Thrygragos Everyman because everyone who beheld him when he wasn’t wearing a disguise somehow perceived him as his, hers or its idea of Godhood, then Harmony was everyone’s ideal of feminine loveliness. Seems, despite her atypically grim demeanour, Freespirit Nihila had much the same effect when not acting ferociously.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Variations on covers prepared for Goddess Gambit

Although not the titular goddess in "Goddess Gambit"; Nihila did have moments of madness after Kronokronos Mikoto entirely unintentionally released her from the Susasword after nearly 500 years of immobility. As she tells Quill Tethys she's beyond acting dangerously crazy. Now she's worse; she'd depressed. (BTW, Angelus and Tethys's flapper-footed former sister refer to the same Master Deva, Irisiel Mercherm, Lazareme's Heliodromus):

"Anything in particular I can do for you this fine wintry morning in the land of everlasting rainfall? So long as it isn’t helping you try for Great Godly Goddess Hood again, that is?”

“Like I told Fish, I’m over that.” Nihila grew briefly silent, as if formulating an appropriate response. “What I’m not over is what’s become of me. I’m a mite lost, sooth said. You called me Harmonia, Illuminaries of yore named me Datong Harmonia, both of which mean the same thing: Harmony, me. Winged Booties, your flapper-footed former sister, also called me Balance, as in the Unity thereof. But what is there to balance if Lord Order isn’t back as well?”Collage of Nlights, photo by Tom Mackie, 2014, scanned in from FT 327

“And Abaddon.”

“Angelus told me what became of him too, after he catasterized Yajur.  Am I to leave him in charge of the mess the Headworld’s become in my absence?”

“He isn’t; at least not in the way you’re thinking. Chaos may reign but that’s just a figure of speech; that’s not him. He’s in the Land of Nothingness — after your time; way, way after your time. Think of a dimensional rift letting an Anti-Matter Universe leak into this one without actually vapourizing anything and you wouldn’t be far wrong. Best leave sleeping dogs lie is my best advice to you.”

"... That’s my point isn’t it. Even if I wanted to go back to the way I was before – back to my birthright, in other words – I couldn’t. I’m supposed to stand between my brood brothers; supposed to balance them, Chaos and Order."

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Hush had already guessed her identity. Wasn’t much of a guess, sooth said. Brainrock necklace, glowing chains, body beautiful, everything about her beautiful, including the unmistakable, if muted, rage she couldn’t help but exude: Who else could it be?

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle

Icelandic Nihila, photo by Tom Mackie, 2014, cropped and reversedCollage of Nlights, photo by Tom Mackie, 2014, scanned in from FT 327========

Panel Background Note: The northern lights background is based on image to left of paragraph, also here, as photographed by Tom Mackie in Iceland, 2014, and scanned in from the May 2015 issue of Fortean Times (FT 327); the Nihila figure is by Verne Andru, 2012; it appears on the front cover of "Goddess Gambit" as well as many other places including here, here and here, all of which are both NipHty (Nihila + pHantacea + nifty) and double-click to enlarge in a separate window. Background also used here and on the Nihila Nereid, which could easily have been titled 'Freespirit Scylla', rollover above.

Much more on Harmony pre-Nihila links from here

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Lazareme's Firstborn -- The Lord of the Sparking Azuras no longer

- onetime Unity of Order;
- by 19/5980, a star in the Sedon's Sphere (the night's sky above the Hidden Headworld) since the Thousand Days of Disbelief;

For a brief second, Thunder and Lightning Lord Yajur appeared in space. Five hundred years had passed since he was cathonitized, made a star in the night’s sky above his homeland, thus bringing an end to the Thousand Days of Disbelief. He nevertheless looked as he commonly let himself look. His hair was bolts of electricity, his brown body Apollo-perfect, muscular and dressed in a blazing chlamys. All three of his eyes were wide open.

He raised his lightning blade and pointed it at the moon. “I know you’re there, entity. Wait for me. Shan’t be long!”

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


When he looked up, a big, brown-skinned man was standing on the plank between him and the porthole.

He wore a short, white tunic. Had bare legs with sandals strapped up his calf. His hair was a thundercloud. Son-shine spotted lightning flashes going off inside it. Scarily he had a third eye. Even more scarily, he carried a long, glowing, fractal-edged sword that looked like one of those lightning bolts with a hilt.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Opening his third eye as wide as he could without detaching it – which he could have easily done were he in the mood for parlour games – he scanned the skies. He was looking for tracings of devic energy; found hints of just that over the city’s centre. Wielding his lightning blade to slice through the Weird, as devils generally referred to between-space, he cut himself to its vicinity.

He enjoyed making a spectacle of himself so he strode the rest of the way on the air itself; did so in full view of the multitude already gathering in the towers and outdoor walkways.

“Quail, mortals,” he bellowed. “The gods have returned!”

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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Lazareme's Firstborn -- An Enduring Suicide

- onetime Unity of Chaos whom Illuminaries of old belatedly named Abaddon, after the Angel of the Bottomless Pit in Revelations;
- a devic suicide since the Thousand Days of Disbelief;
- by 19/5980 apparently residing in the Land of Nothingness with long time, as in post-Heliodyssey, lady love Anitigen-Antagone;


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Lazareme's Second Born -- currently Krepusyl Evenstar; formerly Mariamne Dawnstar

- Lazareme's Venus
- Twilight's Grey Lady;
- God-Queen of Crepuscule's feeorin;


By contrast [with Byron's Venus] the power focus crafted, as all devic power foci were, by Tvasitar Smithmonger for his fellow Lazaremist, nowadays Krepusyl of Crepuscule, titular devic goddess of Sedon’s Outer Nose, was a ‘Morgenstern’, a word that meant Morningstar.

Hers was a holy water sprinkler to some. Was a knobby mace in all other respects. Particularly to those once Mariamne Dawnstar smacked with it. Was akin to Cupid’s arrows to some degree. Except the Grey Lady of the Grey Land believed in tough love.

Also believed in possessing, among others, its reigning Faerie Queen; that is to say whomever happened to be its reigning Faerie Queen at the time. Whose name was always God-Devil, Godda for short.

... from "Harry on the Head", the unpublished sequel to the 'Aspects of an Amoebaman' web-serial


Curiously, the Witch’s devic half-mother was once Mariamne Dawnstar, long Krepusyl Evenstar. A second-born Lazaremist, she was the devic goddess of Twilight, previously Daylight; was therefore only a breed down from Nihila in terms of strength and authority.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


see also here; an impressive statue, shot in London, England, could represent her, though more likely her Dawnstar aspect than her current Evenstar Grey Lady, it's on pHanta-pHlickr here

Lazareme's Fourth Born -- Dand Tariqartha

- Lazareme's Persian or Earth Magician;
- A couple of wooden sculptures spotted and shot by Jim McPhersondevic half-father of Kronokronoi such as Kronokronos Akbarartha and Kronokrona Lakshmi of Lemuria;


[They] were now in Temporis, the subterranean protectorate of Dand Tariqartha.

Known variously as the Time-Space Displacer and/or the Chronocollector, among other nicknames, Thrygragos Lazareme’s fourth-born Persian or Earth Magician specialized in replicating, mostly for his own amusement, half-life mantels out of the same tellurian ooze whence chthonic critters such as daemons (with or without the ‘a’) and feeorin faerie farts came.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


See also here,

Lazareme's Seventh Born -- Flapper-Footed Speedster

- Lazareme’s female Heliodromus or Messenger of the Gods;
- Angelus to devils; Irisiel Mercherm to Illuminaries;
- nicknamed 'Speedy' for reasons obvious; also sometimes called 'Winged Booties', after her talaria talisman;
- her power focus is a pair of talaria or winger booties
- Irisiel had blink-and-you'd-miss-her moments in a number of Phantacea Mythos books and web-serials including "Feeling Theocidal", "The 1000 Days of Disbelief" and "Helios on the Moon";


"You may go, Angelus." King Cold used the word in its older context, as in envoy. (Her Illuminary-given name came from a combination of mythological messengers of the Classical variety, including Iris, Mercury and Hermes.) "We have Aristotle Zeross now. He can traverse the Dome, which we devils can’t, and he’s already brought us our daughter, Water. Soon the rest of our children will be back with us."

The devic courier shook her arms, restoring their feeling. A dark-skinned, chiton-clad, Mediterranean or East Indian looking daughter of the Libertine, she was used to warmer climes. To her mind, the Frozen Isle was no place for even a Master Deva.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Well over 1500 years earlier, the lone female Unity found her sleeping with their mutual father right here on Tympani. She promptly tossed her in All the self-proclaimed Invincible She-Sphinx, on the Prison Beach of Incain, as punishment. Left her there for decades, too; until Thrygragon’s aftermath, as it happened. Irisiel thereupon found out that, after ditching her in All, Harmony went back to sleeping with him herself.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


see also here, here and here

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The sons and daughters of Thrygragos Varuna Mithras*, born simultaneously in broods of three by the Trigregos Sisters in the long destroyed First Weir System

| Dream Weaver | Kore-Discord | Iron Lord Abdullah Ziderite | King Harvest | The Idiot Twins | King Cold | Scarlet Sorceress | Saurlord | Headless Disaster | Cat-Faced Drought | The Pauper Priestess | Demon Child | Mundane Death | Stupid Cupid |

Mithras's Thought Firstborn -- Phantast Thanatos, the Dream Weaver

- click link for suggestive image on pHanta-phlickr from London, England, 2014

- notorious mastermind behind the Crimson Conspiracy ca 4000 YD (Year Zero B.C. & A.D.)


Dream was Phantast, their immediate brother in Varuna Mithras’s firstborn litter of three. Sleep was Mordira surnamed Faeriedust, a comparatively lowborn Mithradite, but one Phantast Thanatos had always found favour in – not that he needed her to cast dreams. Both were cathonitized during the failed debacle of the Crimson Conspiracy most of two thousand years past. Presumably they were possessing cosmicompanions on one cosmicar or another – possibly, even dangerously, the same one – either on the Head or beyond the Cathonic Dome.

... if Phantast did return, he [Tantal] and his sister-wife [Methandra] would no longer be undisputed leaders of the Mithras Spawn. And, given what he almost pulled off with the Crimson Conspiracy – a reassertion of the devils’ former position as the Outer Earth’s foremost deities with himself, not Grandfather Sedon nor any of the Thrygragos Brothers, as their top dog top dog – Phantast might be able to attract more adherents than both of them combined.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


In terms of Master Devas, Phantast Thanatos was rightly called the Dream Weaver. Born in the same litter as Lathakra’s Tantal and Mythland’s Methandra, whilst he was active even his own kind feared him. Until the Thirtieth of November 1980, he hadn’t been active for a very long time. Along with most of his underlings and co-conspirators in the Crimson Conspiracy, the Moloch Sedon cathonitized (catasterized) him circa 4000 YD in there, around the time of Jesus Christ out here.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


... Phantast Thanatos’s Crimson Conspiracy ran its mass murderous course most of two millennia gone.

(Regardless of the fact that virtually all of the unnecessary deaths attributed to him took place on the Outer Earth, Dark Sedon ill-starred, or cathonitized, the Mithradite Dream Weaver. Served Phantast right, many said, for attempting to make himself a Great God beyond the Dome. Was hardly the only one the Mighty Moloch mostly in the Sky cathonitized back then ...)

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Phantast-Dream was the Mithradite firstborn Tyrtod von Alptraum – today’s Sharkczar, yesterday’s Steltsar – apparently acquired after exposure to Satan St Synne’s devaray in 1943. Somewhat beside the point, as the Legendarian himself had noted on the night of the 30th of Maruta, Phantast’s star was no longer in the Sedon Sphere. If Dream had made it back to the Inner Earth, no one had bothered to inform Tethys

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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Mithras's Thought Firstborn -- Tantal Thanatos, King Cold

King Cold's power focus is a double-headed war-axe or labrys. Although he looks somewhat Viking-like, he was a major, albeit male figure, worshipped during the Mediterranean Goddess Culture of roughly 2000-1500 BC (2000-2500 YD). As such, or perhaps because of its superfical resemblance to fallopian tubes, his labyrs or objects like it figured in their rituals.Collage prepared by Jim McPherson to represent old King Cold

Old King Cold and his onetime Empress, the Scarlet Sorceress, weren’t simply the rulers of Lathakra. Its two races, the Intuits and the Fikings, worshipped them as gods. Rightfully so! They were the first born of Thrygragos Varuna Mithras. Along with Rudra and Umashakti Silvercloud of Byron’s initial litter, they were the eldest and, excluding the suicide, Unholy Abaddon – the now two-eyed Unity of Chaos and Thrygragos Lazareme’s last surviving firstborn – most powerful Master Devas left on the Head ...

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


... Arguably only his father, Varuna Mithras, had more azuras than [blue-skinned, icicle-bearded] Tantal.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


So long as they had a power focus, devils could travel through the Weird at will. Some, like the Thanatoid Devalord of Lathakra, had a flare for the dramatic. Liked to use their talismans to slash great gashes in the sky itself preparatory to hauling themselves and those they carried to their destination.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


More notes and lynx are here; another image of a phantacea-specific labrys is here

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Mithras's Thought Firstborn -- Methandra Thanatos, the Scarlet Empress, Hot Stuff, Miss Myth

... red-skinned, fiery-haired Methandra

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Something of a showman herself, Methandra broke her Brainrock walking cane, her firebrand power focus, into tiny pieces. These she tossed underneath the cauldron, causing the flames to heighten. Her cane, which was more of a matchstick than a walking stick, reformed itself. She used it to stir the scarlet waters of her broiling cauldron. Its fumes formed an image in the air.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Methandra as Minerva, collage by Jim McPhersonMiss Myth was no misnomer. Her protectorate was Mythland, the Jewel of Sedon’s Crown; not Lathakra, which belonged to Tantal. As for her becoming Klannit’s mother – Tantal was Klannit’s father – that didn’t count against her remaining Mithras’s Virgin. At least it didn’t in her mind. Both her and Tantal been eaten by daemonic lovers when she, they, in the usual fashion, conceived the universe’s first identified azura.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Although they tried, the Byronic Nucleus hadn’t enough power left to cathonitize Tantal or Methandra in Antheal (April) 5933.

Instead, just after red-skinned, fiery-haired Methandra accessed the SAG Gap to send away their second set of Elemental Twins, Air and Water (Fire and Earth were their first born set), Smoky Sedona cast upon them the Spell of Disproportionment.

Ever since that day, when one was tiny, six to eight inches tall, the other was gigantic, ten or twelve feet high.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Methandra Thanatos (Hot Stuff, Miss Myth, the Mistress of Mythland), ... by now, as per usual when dealing with outsiders, masked and robed or gloved in various shades of red such that neither her hair nor even her hair was visible ...

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Methandra had to have become pregnant with, and given birth to, ten fourth generational devils over the course of the five years between 5919 and 5922 because of her.

The War Witches’ other ally was the Female Entity!
... from "The Weirdness of Cabalarkon", a web-serial published in the early 2000s that continued The Damnation Brigade saga



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Mithras's Thought Second Born -- Fitna Marutia (Strife, Kore-Discord, Kanin Marut)

- faceless, sometimes even eyeless, geyser-haired etherealist who features in the second section of "Nuclear Dragons" and hovers around the edges of "Helios on the Moon";
- many more lynx go from here and here;


[The Moloch Sedon would have] done for Fitna Marutia, Mithras’s myrionymous Ewe for Aries, which had just ended, but Harmony, in one of her nastiest Nemesis states ever, got to her first.Collage on Faceless Strife prepared by Jim McPherson, 2007,  integral images taken from Web

(Hurled her into the lava lake filling the Peak’s caldera with molten Brainrock. Watched as she swam toward the subsurface cave that contained the then stationary SAG Gap. Her debrained, daemonic body must have been mostly Red Salamander or Lovely Lady Lava Lout because damned if she didn’t get away, albeit minus her power focus, her Golden Apple of Discord. Which melted out of existence like Harmony hoped she, Strife, would.)

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


A woman appeared in front of the six oncoming Thanatoids. With an otherwise featureless, scarlet-skinned face, a single cyclopean eye and a geyser of red-hair spurting out of the top of her skull, she was wrapped in a muslin gown, like a coarse cotton sheet. It wasn’t so much dyed red as blood-soaked.


... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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Mithras's Thought Fourth Born -- Iron Lord Abdullah Ziderite

Iron Lord Abdullah Ziderite, (arguably) born in the fourth litter of Thrygragos Varuna Mithras, was the devic Master of Magnetism.

In the second millennia of the Dome, Father Mithras spent much of his time beyond the Dome as Kronos-Saturn to Divine Coueranna’s Great Goddess Rhea or, according to some traditions, Erda. Seizing on his thought-father’s absence some forty-five hundred years ago, Magnetism allied himself with a few other Master Devas, the indigent Lemurians of the by then fifteen hundred years Hidden Continent, and their tellurian, mantel, or mandroid servants. These last included the Master Mother Machine, All of Incain (now over six thousand years formerly Ginny the Gynosphinx).

They raised a revolt against the Three Great Gods; even managed to trap them within All for a com­paratively brief period. (Brief, at least in terms of thus far seemingly endless, devic lifetimes.) Led by the two Thanatoids of Mithras, the two Silverclouds of Byron, and the three Unities of Lazareme, a majority of the eldest Master Devas rallied to their fathers’ defence, and eventually defeated the Iron Lord.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


NOTE: Others thought he was born in Mithras's sixth brood of three;

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Mithras's Thought Fifth Born Earthlings -- King Harvest Underlord Yama Nergal, the Mithradite Reaper

Suddenly a shadow-thing appeared behind Chameleon. It wielded a glowing scythe. Two swipes and it cut off the Emperor’s arms at the elbows. Tibetan Death God, used as a stand-in for Yama Nergal though probably Yima, image taken from WebA third swipe took off his head. Resolving itself more fully, the shadow became Yama Nergal, the devic Grim Reaper since the days of the Expansion of the Empire of Lathakra and a Mithradite a brood above that of Chameleon and Klizarod.

Initially it was a skeleton in a hood and long robes. Then it began to develop skin and girth. Underlord Yama had originally been the devic god of miners. His Tvasitar-crafted power focus was a pick-axe which, as he gained substance, materialized strapped to his back. He contemptuously kicked away the pieces of his younger brother in Mithras’s body, caused his hood and robes to fly off his body, wrap up the scythe, and vanish into Samsara.

He stood before Chimaera and Sedona as his ancient self. Bare-chested, wearing only a pair of tattered denims: short-haired, scarred but handsome in a rugged way; he emanated strength. He rip­ped the pick-axe off his back and challenged the other devils.

“You wanted me, Byron Spawn, here I am. In a land that has always belonged to Mithradites and with five thousand of my worshipful followers backing me up. I cathonitized the Straw Man in his own realm over a millennium ago. I should be able to handle you two in my father’s country.”

... from "The Weirdness of Cabalarkon", a web-serial published in the early 2000s that continued The Damnation Brigade saga


- More lynx are here;

- Image in this panel taken from Web, it's of a Tibetan Death God (Yima?); used as a stand-in on the front cover of "Hidden Headgames", where this quote or one very nearly identical also showed up;

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Mithras's Thought Seventh Born -- Saulord Klizarod Rex, Tyrant Lizard

Representative of Klizarod Rex, image taken from Web and used in cover collage for Hidden HeadgamesFor his part the Tyrant Lizard, Klizarod Rex, soared to a height in excess of twenty feet. Nevertheless, like his Saurs, there was something distinctly humanoid about him. His arms, for example, were more humanly proportionate to the rest of his body than a standard Tyrannosaur or an even larger Allosaurus, of which there were a few in his army. He also carried a weapon, a Brainrock talisman, a kind of halberd: two axe-heads and a spear point mounted on a long pole.

from "The Forgettable Fiend", the first novella in the "Hidden Headgames" collection

- more lynx are here;
- image in this panel showed up on front cover of the "Hidden Headgames" collection

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Mithras's Thought Eighth Born -- Mars Bellona, the now nearly mindless Apocalyptic of War

Tyrtod meant War-Death. He was Guardian Angel Mars Bellona, inside an eighth born Mithradite; the devic Apocalyptic of War.

A bonehead with two-eyeholes, a nose-hole, glistening teeth (though not fanglike, nor otherwise inhuman), and a goatee; spikes crested his skull, like a Mohawk hairstyle, from where his third eye should be all the way to its backside, occipital base. He had an incongruously muscular body, wore camouflage pants, combat boots, with bident-spiked toes, and a multi-spiked bandoleer over an otherwise bare chest.

Likely the bandoleer was his power focus. It glowed. All sorts of deadly things emitted from its spikes. His forearms were alterable. As on Damnation Island a week and a day ago, one was a rotating Gatling gun while the other was a wide-bored cannon barrel. His ammunition was ordinarily blazing skulls ...
... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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Mithras's Thought Eighth Born -- Nakba Ramazar, the Headless Apocalyptic of Sudden Destruction

Amongst devils it almost went without saying that Catastrophe, with no head, had far more brains than the Vultyrie did with two.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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Mithras's Thought Ninth Born -- Cathune Bubastis, the Apocalyptic of Drought

Then [Methandra] looked above Temporis, into Sisert, the Silent Sands of Cathune Bubastis (the cat-faced Apocalyptic of Drought, a ninth-born Mithradite whose heyday occurred on the Outer Earth during the half-millennium-long Mediterranean Goddess Culture.)

There hovered the reviled Byronic Nucleus.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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Mithras's Thought Ninth Born -- Pyrame Silverstar, the Pauper Priestess, once Providence

The Celestial Superior was the odds-on maternal grandmother of the current Master. It was her equally silver-haired daughter, Pandora, who had been possessed by a devil when she bore Saladin Devason. And that devil, some shuddered to recall, also has silver hair. When she had hair at all, that is. And when it was not breathtakingly long and jet black, which it had been during parts of the Teens, Twenties and Thirties when she, masquerading as Miracle Maenad, co-ruled Apple Isle alongside her Taurus, Ulysses Heliopolis, and its resident Master Deva, Cruel Plathon, the Bull of Mithras.

Naturally – or as naturally as devils could get – that devil, the one who was immune to Trinondev eyeorbs and had tried to take over the Weirdom in 5950, had a quadrangular head with a single eye shining out of each of its three uppermost, triangular sides. Had a name, too. Lots of them. Was, however, most commonly individualized as Pyrame Silverstar.

... from "Wilderwitch's Babies", the 2016 continuation of the Damnation Brigade saga


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Mithras's Thought Ninth Born -- Tralalorn, Perpetual Presence (Female, Child)

Trala was Tralalorn, the so-called White Dwarf. No one was quite sure if she, immortal perpetual child that she was regardless, was actually a devil or a demon or both. Neither was it necessarily true that she went upstairs with the rest. Indeed, about the only thing that was certain about the little horror was that she could sprinkle almost anything alive with her talisman-generated equivalent of faeriedust, thereby transmogrifying them into Circean-style swine and other, ergo Mog-Mob-monsters.

... from 'The Vampire Variations', a Phantacea Mythos web-serial appearing on pH-Webworld in the late Nineties


Trala was Tralalorn, the breed sister of Pyrame and Cathune from Mithras’s Ninth. The White Dwarf, as she was nicknamed after her talisman, which appeared to be a glowing meteorite, was a perpetual child, seemingly never more than six or seven years old. She had black and white striped hair and three-toned eyeballs: blue, red and yellow, or variations thereof. She was not having a good day. It was getting worse.

Her smart dress was torn, her braids a frayed mess. She had skinned a knee and was drenched in Saur blood after slipping in a pool of the stuff a few minutes earlier on another battlefield in the Southern Lakes, near the Flood Lands. Was tired, frustrated; wanted nothing more than to go home to Corona City, on Apple-Apis-Ape Isle, have a nice long bath then play with her living dolls.

“Infantize them!” cried the Lakes’ devic lord.

... from "The Weirdness of Cabalarkon", a web-serial published in the early 2000s that continued The Damnation Brigade saga


Ostensibly Trala, the perpetual devil child also known as the White Dwarf in part because she refuse to grow up, was Pyrame’s brood sister in Mithras’s Ninth, the one besides Drought, Cathune Bubastis, she of Sisert. Was still around; never hadn't been. Was, arguably, even more of a Headworld constant than Pyrame and her Sed-sons. Curiously, to Illuminaries and devils both, there was no record of the little horror pre-Dome.

(And why would there be, Pyrame would protest protectively. Devils were just Spirit Beings pre-Earth. In literal aeons of existence, only Sedon and the six Great Gods had names to go along with consistent forms and personalities. Their female companions – Pyrame having always been Sedon’s main squeeze – were actually conglomerate beings, with as much distinctiveness as there were components.)

... from "Wilderwitch's Babies", the 2016 continuation of the Damnation Brigade saga


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Mithras's Thought Eleventh Born -- The Idiot Twins

- as per "Feeling Theocidal", in the Outer Earth's Mithraic rituals, Tammuz (Equinoctial Spring), Mithras's epitome of Mid-Spring or the Spring Season, is Cautes, one of Mithras's torchbearers (the one whose torch points upwards);
- as per "Feeling Theocidal", in the Outer Earth's Mithraic rituals, Osiraq (Equinoctial Autumn), Mithras's epitome of Mid-Fall or the Autumnal Season, is Cautopates, one of Mithras's torchbearers (the one whose torch points downwards);


Osiraq, unless it was Tammuz, was one of the Idiot Twins held within All of Incain since the 49th Century of the Dome. Tammuz, unless it was Osiraq, was the other. Their story so far, as ineluctably meshed with that of the Death’s Head Hellion, Melusine Master Morgan Abyss, ended with the atomic ruination of the Elysian Fields and the corresponding generation of the Ghostlands in the Upper Head circa 4825 YD.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


One side of the Mithrras relief found in the Lourvre, Paris, taken from WebIn the Mithraic tradition on either side of the Dome until Thrygragon, they were Thrygragos Varuna Mithras’s heraldic torchbearers. As Cautes, one held his torch up to symbolize either Sunrise or the Vernal Equinox, whereas the other, as Cautopates, held his down, symbolic of Sunset or the Autumnal Equinox.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


More lynx are here and here; whenever you see a Mithraic depiction of his torchbearers, Cautes and Cautopates, that's them; the one in this panel is also here;

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Lower Born Mithradites -- Mater Matare, the Apocalyptic of Mundane Death

The Apocalyptics’ non-Nergalid Death, the lone female among them besides the Vultyrie, was pregnant. Had been when the Byronic Nucleus cathonitized her, along with her brothers in Mithras and the Vultyrie, around 5850 Year of the Dome, some one hundred and thirty years earlier. Her Illuminaries of Weir given name was Mater Matare, Mother Murder, hence Death. Physically she was a combination of the Gorgon Medusa, complete with serpentine hair, and Kali, the multiple-armed Hindu Goddess of Death and Time, she whose name reputedly gave rise to the English word ‘calendar’.

Matare’s power focus was a girdle but, when she was cathonitized, she had four other talismans: a machete, a noose, a javelin or harpoon, and a hatchet or tomahawk. Which, naturally enough, led Thrygragos Byron and his Primary Nucleoids, Vayu Maelstrom, Chimaera Glimmenmare, and Sedona Spellbinder, to speculate she would have given birth to four fourth generational devils had she been allowed to bear them. Which, in turn, needless to say, they did not allow.

... from "The Weirdness of Cabalarkon", a web-serial published in the early 2000s that continued The Damnation Brigade saga


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Lower Born Mithradites -- Bobby Badboy, also Robin Goodgirl, Sinisitral Envy of Satanwyck

Satanwyck was Sloth's protectorate. He’d inherited it, as one might expect given his attribute, by default after his immediate predecessor, that envious little cupid, Bobby Badboy, got outside during the French Revolution and couldn’t resist guillotining Marie Antoinette himself.

Even beyond the Dome, Grandfather Sedon took a dim view of Master Devas killing potential adherents and consequently gave Envy a dim view of his Headworld. From above it. He cathonitized him.

... from 'Pyrame's Progress'


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MITHRADIC NOTE: As per both "Feeling Theocidal" and "Goddess Gambit", there is a certain, ordinarily never-remembered individual who insists Mithras was not a Great God at all; that he was, rather, but one of three born in Thrygragos Sedon's first brood via the Trigregos Sisters; he also insists fourth generational devils like those nominally belonging to the Family Thanatos and the Apocalyptics are paternally half his; not for nothing is he also known as Judge Druj, the Lord of Liars;

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The Fourth Generation of Devakind

| The Family Thanatos | The Quadrang Nucleoids |

The Family Thanatos

The sons and daughters of old King Cold and the Scarlet Sorceress while possessing the Dual Entities*; with two exceptions, born simultaneously in pairs in the late Teens and early Twenties of the Dome's Sixtieth Century on the Frozen Island of Lathakra

"[In Helios's 11th lifetime] devils learn they can control us [the Dual Entities]. Can do more that; can make me [Miracle Memory] pregnant, so long as he’s possessed, too. Hence, I might as well tell you, the dozen fourth generational members of the Family Thanatos."

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle

| Air | Artist | Autumn | Day | Earth | Fire | Mirrors | Night | Sea | Spring | Stillborn | Summer | Winter |

Born Pre-Flood -- Klannit Thanatos, the Mirror Mentalist

That first time, Methandra had been the giant. She was also pregnant. Fearing for her unborn, Tantal forged an ice statue for Klannit to occupy. He then managed to transplant the foetuses to her womb. The thereby solidified azura carried them, never truly developing, in what was in effect an internal cryonics chamber, for twenty-two years.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Although her mirrors were the conduit through which the Thanatoids redirected the worship of their Intuit and Fiking adherents to power All the Invincible in the absence of the Idiot Osiraq, when it came right down to it Klannit wasn’t too popular with Methandra either. Sedunihas, though, all but worshipped her.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Elsewhere in the Lunar Citadel, cosmicompanions stirred.

First was Anon Sasarian, possessed as he was by the devilish Amoeba Prime, Constantin Thanatos. Next was Nidaba Starrus, she possessed of Night, Ereba, the very devil – albeit a later, evolved, as in from-the-future, version of her – Miracle Memory professed to possess right this very minute.

“They’re on the Moon,” exulted Klannit Thanatos on the Frozen Isle of Lathakra. No one was around to hear her.

Sedunihas was deaf.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Klannit was born pre-Dome, the first azura ever, when Tantal and Methandra were stuck inside a pair of earthborn demons who‘d eaten them. Her affinity for mirrors was close to devic, though she didn’t have a power focus. Even more embarrassingly, she could only become a solid individual by possessing brain-damaged mortals like Thartarre Holgatson’s late Nanny Klanny or artificial constructs such as such Tantal’s icemen and the statuary Sedunihas latterly made specifically for her.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Mirrors was Klannit. Somewhat similarly to Heliodromi like Irisiel Mercherm, the world's first known azura occasionally acted as her mother’s messenger and/or interpreter.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


‘My God,’ he congratulated himself, to himself, howsoever caustically. ‘Aren’t you are a handsome devil!’

Versailles Hall of Mirrors, shot by Jim McPherson, 2004“You’re no more god than devil,” a voice spoke into his head, insubstantial as it and what was left of his headplate was. The ghost, Cerebrus David Ryne wayfaring in the Wild Weird for the first time successfully, re-evaluated his reflection; reconnoitred it, put better. A female form seemingly made up of translucent ice superimposed itself, glass on glass, over itself, himself.

“Have another peek, Horrite. Try to look deeper, with your middling impressive mind’s eye.”

“You are?”

“Klannit Thanatos. Pleased to make your acquaintance, such as it is. Don’t ask where the name Klannit comes from because, other than four thousand years ago it was a kind of daemon, with an ‘a’, I neither know nor care. I just assume my parents, or maybe just my mother, came up with it as if out of the air. Which is probably where they think they came up with me as well. Because that’s what I mostly am, a somehow sentient shape in the air.

“The Zerosses, and many another, know me as the Thanatoids’ Haunted Angel. Thanatoid because my parents, whom Illuminaries of the long ago past named Tantal and Methandra Thanatos, are Master Devas, two of Thrygragos Varuna Mithras’s first born of three by the Trigregos Sisters. Angel because, as such, I’m a useless Spirit Being barely able to occupy and thereafter hold onto an icicle homunculus crafted specially for me.

“Haunted not just because that’s what I’ve been doing to my parents ever since my birth, the first azura ever born, decades before the Great Flood of your Genesis, our Genesea. Haunted also because of my desire to become a true devil; not just a devilish wannabe. Today’s Illuminaries call me Mirrors on account of my affinity for what else? Were we on the Outer Earth thirty, forty years ago, your father might have codenamed me the Mirror Mentalist.

“And maybe he did, because I was out there a few times during your Suprawar. Probably acquired more than one codename. As Speculum, for one, I was even a member of Strife’s Sinister Sisterhood, though then I was animating a dead supra calling herself Obsidianna.”

... from "Wilderwitch's Babies", the 2016 continuation of the Damnation Brigade saga


Klannit Thanatos, the world’s first azura, came into existence pre-Flood, when her devic parents were thoroughly subsumed by be-brained demons. Didn't realize they'd had her until thousands of years later ...

... from "Wilderwitch's Babies", the 2016 continuation of the Damnation Brigade saga


Klannit was known as the Thanatoids’ Haunted Angel for a variety of reasons. The ‘haunted’ part had as much to do with Klannit’s ghostlike, azura-aspects as it did with her desire, never requited, to be a full-fledged, able-to-become-solid devil. The ‘angel’ part, though, had less to do with her desire to be a devil, a fallen angel, as her ability, through her amazing affinity for mirrors of any description, to act as the Thanatoids’ Angel, their ‘Angelus’, their messenger, their Heliodromus or sun-runner.

... from "The Weirdness of Cabalarkon", a web-serial published in the early 2000s that continued The Damnation Brigade saga

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First of the Fourth - Castella Thanatos, Epitome of Daytime, Rainbow Hair

Day (Castella Thanatos) had red skin like her mother, though she was shorter, not quite six feet tall, and much more slender than the full-bodied motherly figure the generally masked Scarlet Sorceress presented to the world outside of Lathakra. She was dressed in a flimsy, yellowish, almost gossamer gown. Except for her skin colour, third eye and bald head, she looked surprisingly like Mnemosyne just had.

In addition to looking like a red-skinned Human Memory, had she either silvery blonde or supranormally iridescent hair and only two eyes, Day would have been a dead ringer for Gloriella D’Angelo, the Radiant Rider or, more simply, Rainbow. If the hair she didn’t have had been stark white, she would have looked like Belificent D’Angelo Zeross or, if it had been red, she might have passed for Estrella, Star Dark, Gloriel’s now twenty-seven year old daughter by Immanuel Dark.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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First of the Fourth - Ereba Thanatos, Epitome of Nighttime, Madame Midnight, Queen of Spades

Night, Ereba, was as tall and slender as her twin sister. Facially and physically she too resembled Human Memory – except her skin was blue, like her father’s. However, unlike Day, but like her mother, minus the mask, she was entirely covered; albeit in shades of grey and black, not red. Even her hair was hidden by a skull cap and cowl. Just as Mnemosyne had in her days as the Queen of Spades, she wore a shadow cape, but this one undulated like ripples of water. Although composed of Brainrock, it didn’t so much glow as sucked in light.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Machine-Memory made no secret that she’d kept Ereba Thanatos for herself. She liked being human. For one thing computers couldn’t drink retsina without short-circuiting. Being named after a moon goddess also implied an affinity for darkness. More to point, when Satan St Synne exposed her template, Human Memory, to his devaray and she thereby found herself a supra, in all likelihood it was Ereba Thanatos she acquired. So, in some respects it was akin to putting on an old friend.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Five devils – Fire, Day, Winter, Autumn and two-headed Spring – were on their feet. Bald-headed Castella, she shorn of her power focus, was in their midst. The other four stood protectively around her.

The sixth one, Night, Ereba, appeared beside Helios: Machine-Memory re-embodied but externally, yes, Madame Midnight, the Queen of Spades, reborn as one.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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Second of the Fourth - Acheron Thanatos, Fire Elemental, Burning Hell, Furnace Face

Acheron, Fire, was clad from head to foot in battleship grey iron, not so much like a knight of old as a coal-burning furnace with its grate the front of his helmet.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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Second of the Fourth - Antaeor Thanatos, Earth Elemental, Demon Land

- click link for suggestive image on pHanta-phlickr from Beziers, France


Suddenly the very ground in front of them reared up. A massive brick wall, grinning and with three eyes, blocked their pathway.
“There are no greater menaces to humankind than Apocalyptics and their allies. Myself included!”
“Did he really say that?” groaned the Witch, sounding far more horrified at what he’d just said than horror-struck at the threat he presented.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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Third of the Fourth - Aires Thanatos, Air Elemental, Airealist

- mother Methandra conjured the Wandering SAG Gap to take the Elemental Twins to the Outer Earth on the equivalent of Good Friday 1933, the day both Gloriel D'Angelo and Aranyani Nightingale Ryne were born in Rome, Italy;
- power focus: the omega-shaped Aerod;
- has (or had) cloud-white, curly hair and blue skin like his father Tantal;


Airealist was his codename. An aerialist’s costume, complete with a cloud-printed sky-blue cape, was his outfit. Under a variety of glamours cast by Wilderwitch and/or one of her fellows sisters – Fish perhaps; Sorciere more often; Superior Sarpedon most often; sometimes even her little mother, Hush Mannering – being an aerialist was also his profession.

(Aires D’Angelo was the only one of the ten re-embodied supras to wear what passed for a uniform. He wasn’t the only one to either hold down a regular job or have to wear glamour, however. Yehudi Cohen, the Untouchable Diver did, too. In his case, though, it was because he could never take off his wetsuit. In Aires’ case, it was because he, like his twin sister, barely aged after turning twenty-one.)

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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Third of the Fourth - Thalassa Thanatos, Water Elemental, Sea Goddess(?)

- mother Methandra conjured the Wandering SAG Gap to take the Elemental Twins to the Outer Earth on the equivalent of Good Friday 1933, the day both Gloriel D'Angelo and Aranyani Nightingale Ryne were born in Rome, Italy;
- power focus: the Water Wand or Aqua Ankh;
- has (or had) white-capped, curly hair and blue skin like her father Tantal


Near the end of the 'Launch 1980' story cycle, the Little Trickster (probably Pandora 'Hush' Mannering) tells Alpha Centauri, and a couple of others then with them, that she no longer believes Aires, Thalassa and Gloriella D'Angelo are actually Aires, Thalassa and Castella Thanatos:

"By the way, because both Thalassa and Aires bore a distinctly D’Angelo family look, I’ve often thought she [Dolores D'Angelo] was the twins’ mother. Conceivably,” she chortled – that was the joke, the Fatman feared, though he did not think it particularly witty: “She was impregnated by either Abe Ryne or his father, Charan, during the Summoning, because they almost always had twins. So did Mary Magdalene, Barsine and Jesse.”

(The patriarch’s sole exception on record was Aranyani always Nightingale eventually Maxwell. And she didn’t have twins either.)

“Also just by the way, after talking to Sea. I’ve revised my opinion of her and her twin. Now I don’t think they’re two-eyed devils. I think they were either Sorrow’s kids, whom she kept hidden for her own reasons, or they actually were street waifs. What happened is they found the Thanatoid children’s power focuses, the Aqua Ankh and the Aerod, and that’s how they got their powers.

“I figure the same thing happened with Gloriella D’Angelo. Only she didn’t find Castella’s hair; she was either born with it or, more likely, acquired it when she was exposed to her grandfather’s devil-ray back in ’43. But that’s neither here nor there any more, is it?”

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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Fourth of the Fourth - Auraura Thanatos, Winter Season, Winterlady

Auraura, Winter, had no clothes but her skin was a shapely, opaque sheen of ice that shimmered like the northern lights with lots of blue, particularly in her facial area. Klannit Thanatos, when she occupied a rendered-ambulatory, Ice Maiden statue made by Sedunihas the Artist, looked very similar.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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Fourth of the Fourth - Veronas Thanatos, Summer Season

Fifth of the Fourth - Constantin Thanatos, Spring Season, Amoeba Prime

- serendipitous sightings of a remarkable Amoebaman likeness shot in Carcasonne, France, are preserved on pHanta-phlickr here and here;


 "Johann Schmidt! Johann, This Is Sean. Amoebaman’s Alive! He’s A Three-Eyed Devil. No, A Six, Nine, Twelve-Eyed Fucking Hydra! He’s Got Four Bloody Heads On Four Bloody Necks!"
... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


"Amoebaman, the real Amoebaman, Amoeba Prime from before our Prime was ever devil-rayed, is on the Moon," said Smythe, reiterating his thought-shout to Johann Schmidt, the one Adolph Dulles picked up the night before on Centauri Island."His name is Constantin Thanatos, though he’s possessing – his words – a guy called Anon Sasarian, just like the Yajur-being was possessing Mikelangelo Starrus."

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Constantin, Spring, wore only a bulging loin cloth, radiated masculinity, and might have passed for Dionysus, supposedly a grandson of King Cadmus of Thebes and his queen of the day, Harmonia, had he not two heads on two necks.

He wasn’t a hydra – probably wouldn’t grow another head if one was cut off – but he would split into another body, then another, like an amoeba. As he stood there, he began to sprout breasts. His heads developed more faces, both male and female, then multiple faces on the same heads. If Maxwell had not been No Name, he would have recognized some of them; might even have recognized the breasts.

He’d fondled them often enough in the late Forties and throughout the Fifties. They, like one of the faces, were identical to that of Trebleman Joan Smith.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


It was difficult to determine which was more offensive, thought Max [OJ Maxwell], unable to speak out loud for a change: the devil’s ego or lame wit. The latter, he decided.

"Have we been formally introduced by the way? Can’t remember. Anyhow, I’m Spring, Constantin Thanatos. I’m a fourth generation devil. That is my brother Fire, Acheron, and those are my sisters: Castella, Auraura and the lovely Orinth, my twin – Day, Winter and Autumn. Ereba, Night, is the one in Memory. Like I said, the other guy’s Spring too. We’re sort of bursting out all over, aren’t we?"

Once again, Defiance [Rom Kinesis] chortled involuntarily. Whatever part of his being was [Sean] Smythe – or, rather, this devil that was presumably in charge of their joint being – thought himself a regular comedian. The rest of Kinesis wanted to throw up. If he could move he’d stick his fingers down his throat. But only if could throw up Sean-Constantin.

“Now here’s the real tricky bit,” proposed Spring, through the Gypsium Man ...
... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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Fifth of the Fourth - Orinth Thanatos, Autumn Season, Amoeba Prime

It was a toss up which of the other two, twins like Day and Night, looked more alien. Orinth, Autumn, had a peacock’s head and colourful eye-dotted feathers covering all but her naked torso. She could have been something Max Ernst might have drawn — and probably did, at least in his fantasies.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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Sixth of the Fourth - Stillborn Motan

Motan was born dead. Rather than bury him, Klannit pressed his body, a tiny mote of dead flesh, into amber. Bizarrely her still frozen, but always mobile, self often wore it around her neck in an amulet.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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Sixth of the Fourth - Sedunihas the Artist

Sedunihas was now twenty-five but looked to be about five. He was also deaf. Even though he learned manual sign language, the only individuals he could communicate with mentally were his mother, who bore him, and Klannit, who carried him for so long. Which was one reason Tantal hated her.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Artist was Sedunihas, their eleventh, fourth generational child. He was a deaf-mute who could make himself understood through sign language as well as telepathically, though not always altogether coherently like most true devils.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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The Quadrang Nucleoids

The sons and daughters of Mater Matare and the three Primary Apocalyptics*; conceived in Gregarian Fields during the mid 59th Century of the Dome while possessing the Dual Entities as somehow transformed into the faerie types Archon Oberon and Titania Cabala; born one after another in the Calvary Cavern of Temporis on the 6th of Tantalar 5980 YD

| Flying Doltaur | Jah Dreadlock | Mandragora Gallows Ghoul | Hatchethands |

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A Sampling of Shining Semblances

A couple of wooden sculptures spotted and shot by Jim McPherson Salvador Dali's Don Quixote, as shot in Dubrovnik, Croatia, by Jim McPherson in 2017 Representative of Klizarod Rex, image taken from Web and used in cover collage for Hidden Headgames
The Brolly image plus, prepared by Jim McPherson, 2017 Tibetan Death God, used as a stand-in for Yama Nergal though probably Yima, image taken from Web Collage prepared by Jim McPherson to represent old King Cold
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Phantacea Publications in Print

- 'Phantacea Phase Two' 2016-2018 - The 'Launch 1980' story cycle - 'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' Fantasy Trilogy - The '1000 Days' Mini-Novels - The phantacea Graphic Novels -

Phantacea Phase Two 2016-2018

Decimation Damnation

Decimation Damnation front cover, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2017

Mini-novel published in 2016; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

Hidden Headgames

Hidden Headgames front cover, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2017

Collection of three intertwined novellas published in 2017; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

Daemonic Desperation

Daemonic Desperation cover mockup, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2016

Tentative cover for Dem-Des; will probably be changed before it's published; scheduled to be released in 2018;

The Phantacea Phase Two revival physically began with 2016's "Decimation Damnation", the first mini-novel extracted from the as yet open-ended saga of 'Wilderwitch's Babies'. It was set between the 9th of Tantalar and the 1st of Yamana, 5980 Year of the Dome. However, its follow-up, "Hidden Headgames" was set between the 30th of Maruta and the 14th of Tantalar in that same year. "Daemonic Desperation" picks up Babes near the end of the second week of Yamana and continues through the Summer Solstice of 5981. As the last known member of the Damnation Brigade, if the Witch was fortunate to survive Dec-Dam, alive and pregnant, she may not be so lucky come the end of Dem-Des. Oddly enough, her unborn babies may yet still be both viable and unborn by then.
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The 'Launch 1980' Story Cycle

The War of the Apocalyptics

Front cover of War Pox, artwork by Ian Bateson, 2009

Published in 2009; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

Nuclear Dragons

Nuclear Dragons front cover, artwork by Ian Bateson, 2013

Published in 2013; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

Helios on the Moon

Front cover for Helios on the Moon, artwork by Ricardo Sandoval, 2014

Published in 2014; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

The 'Launch 1980' story cycle comprises three complete, multi-character mosaic novels, "The War of the Apocalyptics", "Nuclear Dragons" and "Helios on the Moon", as well as parts of two others, "Janna Fangfingers" and "Goddess Gambit". Together they represent creator/writer Jim McPherson's long running, but now concluded, project to novelize the Phantacea comic book series.

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'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' Epic Fantasy

Feeling Theocidal

Front Cover for Feel Theo, artwork by Verne Andru, 2008

Published in 2008; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

The 1000 Days of Disbelief

Front cover of The Thousand Days of Disbelief, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

Published as three mini-novels, 2010/11; main webpage is here; ordering lynx for individual mini-novels are here

Goddess Gambit

Front cover for Goddess Gambit by Verne Andru, 2012

Published in 2012; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

Circa the Year of Dome 2000, Anvil the Artificer, a then otherwise unnamed, highborn Lazaremist later called Tvasitar Smithmonger, dedicated the first three devic talismans, or power foci, that he forged out of molten Brainrock to the Trigregos Sisters.

The long lost, possibly even dead, simultaneous mothers of devakind hated their offspring for abandoning them on the far-off planetary Utopia of New Weir. Not surprisingly, their fearsome talismans could be used to kill Master Devas (devils).

For most of twenty-five hundred years, they belonged to the recurring deviant, Chrysaor Attis, time after time proven a devaslayer. On Thrygragon, Mithramas Day 4376 YD, he turned them over to his Great God of a half-father, Thrygragos Varuna Mithras, to use against his two brothers, Unmoving Byron and Little Star Lazareme, in hopes of usurping their adherents and claiming them as his own.

Hundreds of years later, these selfsame thrice-cursed Godly Glories helped turn the devil-worshippers of Sedon's Head against their seemingly immortal, if not necessarily undying gods. Now, five hundred years after the 1000 Days of Disbelief, they've been relocated.

The highest born, surviving devic goddesses want them for themselves; want to thereby become incarnations of the Trigregos Sisters on the Hidden Continent. An Outer Earthling, one who has literally fallen out of the sky after the launching of the Cosmic Express, gets to them first ...

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The '1000 Days' Mini-Novels

The Death's Head Hellion

- Sedonplay -

Front cover for The Death's Head Hellion, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

Published in 2010; main web presence is here; Character Companion starts here; ordering lynx are here;

Contagion Collectors

- Sedon Plague -

Front cover for Contagion Collectors, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

Published in 2010; main web presence is here; Character Companion starts here; ordering lynx are here;

Janna Fangfingers

- Sedon Purge -

Front cover for Janna Fangfingers, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2011

Published in 2011; two storylines recounted side-by-side, the titular one narrated by the Legendarian in 5980, the other indirectly leading into the 'Launch 1980' story cycle; main web presence is here; Character Companion starts here; ordering lynx are here;

In the Year of the Dome 4825, Morgan Abyss, the Melusine Master of the Utopian Weirdom of Cabalarkon, seizes control of Primeval Lilith, the ageless, seemingly unkillable Demon Queen of the Night. The eldritch earthborn is the real half-mother of the invariably mortal Sed-sons but, once she has hold of her, aka Lethal Lily, Master Morgan proceeds to trap the Moloch Sedon Himself.

In the midst of the bitter, century-long expansion of the Lathakran Empire, the Hidden Headworld's three tribes of devil-gods are forced to unite in an effort to release their All-Father. Unfortunately for them, they're initially unaware Master Morg, the Death's Head Hellion herself, has also got hold of the Trigregos Talismans, devic power foci that can actually kill devils, and Sedon's thought-father Cabalarkon, the Undying Utopian she'll happily slay if they dare attack her Weirdom.

Utopians from Weir have never given up seeking to wipe devils off not just the face of the Inner Earth, but off the planet itself. Their techno and biomages, under the direction of the Weirdom of Cabalarkon's extremely long-lived High Illuminary, Quoits Tethys, have determined there is only one sure way to do that -- namely, to infect the devils' Inner Earth worshippers with fatal plagues brought in from the Outer Earth.

Come All-Death Day there are more Dead Things Walking than Living Beings Talking. Believe it or not, that's the good news.

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phantacea Graphic Novels

Forever and Forty Days

- The Genesis of Phantacea -

Front cover of Forever and Forty Days; artwork by Ian Fry and Ian Bateson, ca 1990

Published in 1990; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

The Damnation Brigade

- Phantacea Revisited 1 -

Front cover of The Damnation Brigade, artwork by Ian Bateson, retouching by Chris Chuckry 2012

Published in 2013; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

Cataclysm Catalyst

- Phantacea Revisited 2 -

Front cover for Cataclysm Catalyst, artwork by Verne Andru, 2013

Published in 2014, main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

Kadmon Heliopolis had one life. It ended in October 1968. The Male Entity has had many lives. In his fifth, he and his female counterpart, often known as Miracle Memory, engendered more so than created the Moloch Sedon. They believe him to be the Devil Incarnate. They've been attempting to kill him ever since. Too bad it's invariably he, Heliosophos (Helios called Sophos the Wise), who gets killed instead.

On the then still Whole Earth circa the Year 4000 BCE, one of their descendants, Xuthros Hor, the tenth patriarch of Golden Age Humanity, puts into action a thought-foolproof, albeit mass murderous, plan to succeed where the Dual Entities have always failed. He unleashes the Genesea. The Devil takes a bath.

Fifty-nine hundred and eighty years later, New Century Enterprises launches the Cosmic Express from Centauri Island. It never reaches Outer Space; not all of it anyhow. As a stunning consequence of its apparent destruction, ten extraordinary supranormals are reunited, bodies, souls and minds, after a quarter century in what they've come to consider Limbo. They name themselves the Damnation Brigade. And so it appears they are -- if perhaps not so much damned as doomed.

At least one person survives the launching of the Cosmic Express. He literally falls out of the sky -- on the Hidden Continent of Sedon's Head. An old lady saves him. Except this old lady lives in a golden pagoda, rides vultures and has a third eye. She also doesn't stay old long. He becomes her willing soldier, acquires the three Sacred Objects and goes on a rampage, against his own people, those that live.

Meanwhile, Centauri Island, the launch site of the Cosmic Express, comes under attack from Hell's Horsemen. Only it's not horses they ride. It's Atomic Firedrakes!

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Webpage last updated: Spring 2015

There may be no cure for aphantasia (defined as 'having a blind or absent mind's eye') but there certainly is for aphantacea ('a'='without', like the 'an' in 'anheroic')

Ordering Information for PHANTACEA Mythos comic books, graphic novels, standalone novels, mini-novels and e-booksSun-moon-kissing logo first seen on back cover of Helios on the Moon, 2015; photo by Jim McPherson, 2014

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Website last updated: Autumn 2015

Written by: Jim McPherson --
© copyright Jim McPherson (
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(James H McPherson, Publisher)
74689 Kitsilano RPO
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