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Phantacea Publications in Print

- 'Phantacea Phase Two' 2016-2018 - The 'Launch 1980' story cycle - 'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' Fantasy Trilogy - The '1000 Days' Mini-Novels - The phantacea Graphic Novels -

Phantacea Phase Two 2016-2018

Decimation Damnation

Decimation Damnation front cover, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2017

Mini-novel published in 2016; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

Hidden Headgames

Hidden Headgames front cover, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2017

Collection of three intertwined novellas published in 2017; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

Daemonic Desperation

Daemonic Desperation cover mockup, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2016

Tentative cover for Dem-Des; will probably be changed before it's published; scheduled to be released in 2018;

The Phantacea Phase Two revival physically began with 2016's "Decimation Damnation", the first mini-novel extracted from the as yet open-ended saga of 'Wilderwitch's Babies'. It was set between the 9th of Tantalar and the 1st of Yamana, 5980 Year of the Dome. However, its follow-up, "Hidden Headgames" was set between the 30th of Maruta and the 14th of Tantalar in that same year. "Daemonic Desperation" picks up Babes near the end of the second week of Yamana and continues through the Summer Solstice of 5981. As the last known member of the Damnation Brigade, if the Witch was fortunate to survive Dec-Dam, alive and pregnant, she may not be so lucky come the end of Dem-Des. Oddly enough, her unborn babies may yet still be both viable and unborn by then.
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The 'Launch 1980' Story Cycle

The War of the Apocalyptics

Front cover of War Pox, artwork by Ian Bateson, 2009

Published in 2009; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

Nuclear Dragons

Nuclear Dragons front cover, artwork by Ian Bateson, 2013

Published in 2013; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

Helios on the Moon

Front cover for Helios on the Moon, artwork by Ricardo Sandoval, 2014

Published in 2014; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

The 'Launch 1980' story cycle comprises three complete, multi-character mosaic novels, "The War of the Apocalyptics", "Nuclear Dragons" and "Helios on the Moon", as well as parts of two others, "Janna Fangfingers" and "Goddess Gambit". Together they represent creator/writer Jim McPherson's long running, but now concluded, project to novelize the Phantacea comic book series.

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'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' Epic Fantasy

Feeling Theocidal

Front Cover for Feel Theo, artwork by Verne Andru, 2008

Published in 2008; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

The 1000 Days of Disbelief

Front cover of The Thousand Days of Disbelief, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

Published as three mini-novels, 2010/11; main webpage is here; ordering lynx for individual mini-novels are here

Goddess Gambit

Front cover for Goddess Gambit by Verne Andru, 2012

Published in 2012; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

Circa the Year of Dome 2000, Anvil the Artificer, a then otherwise unnamed, highborn Lazaremist later called Tvasitar Smithmonger, dedicated the first three devic talismans, or power foci, that he forged out of molten Brainrock to the Trigregos Sisters.

The long lost, possibly even dead, simultaneous mothers of devakind hated their offspring for abandoning them on the far-off planetary Utopia of New Weir. Not surprisingly, their fearsome talismans could be used to kill Master Devas (devils).

For most of twenty-five hundred years, they belonged to the recurring deviant, Chrysaor Attis, time after time proven a devaslayer. On Thrygragon, Mithramas Day 4376 YD, he turned them over to his Great God of a half-father, Thrygragos Varuna Mithras, to use against his two brothers, Unmoving Byron and Little Star Lazareme, in hopes of usurping their adherents and claiming them as his own.

Hundreds of years later, these selfsame thrice-cursed Godly Glories helped turn the devil-worshippers of Sedon's Head against their seemingly immortal, if not necessarily undying gods. Now, five hundred years after the 1000 Days of Disbelief, they've been relocated.

The highest born, surviving devic goddesses want them for themselves; want to thereby become incarnations of the Trigregos Sisters on the Hidden Continent. An Outer Earthling, one who has literally fallen out of the sky after the launching of the Cosmic Express, gets to them first ...

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The '1000 Days' Mini-Novels

The Death's Head Hellion

- Sedonplay -

Front cover for The Death's Head Hellion, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

Published in 2010; main web presence is here; Character Companion starts here; ordering lynx are here;

Contagion Collectors

- Sedon Plague -

Front cover for Contagion Collectors, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

Published in 2010; main web presence is here; Character Companion starts here; ordering lynx are here;

Janna Fangfingers

- Sedon Purge -

Front cover for Janna Fangfingers, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2011

Published in 2011; two storylines recounted side-by-side, the titular one narrated by the Legendarian in 5980, the other indirectly leading into the 'Launch 1980' story cycle; main web presence is here; Character Companion starts here; ordering lynx are here;

In the Year of the Dome 4825, Morgan Abyss, the Melusine Master of the Utopian Weirdom of Cabalarkon, seizes control of Primeval Lilith, the ageless, seemingly unkillable Demon Queen of the Night. The eldritch earthborn is the real half-mother of the invariably mortal Sed-sons but, once she has hold of her, aka Lethal Lily, Master Morgan proceeds to trap the Moloch Sedon Himself.

In the midst of the bitter, century-long expansion of the Lathakran Empire, the Hidden Headworld's three tribes of devil-gods are forced to unite in an effort to release their All-Father. Unfortunately for them, they're initially unaware Master Morg, the Death's Head Hellion herself, has also got hold of the Trigregos Talismans, devic power foci that can actually kill devils, and Sedon's thought-father Cabalarkon, the Undying Utopian she'll happily slay if they dare attack her Weirdom.

Utopians from Weir have never given up seeking to wipe devils off not just the face of the Inner Earth, but off the planet itself. Their techno and biomages, under the direction of the Weirdom of Cabalarkon's extremely long-lived High Illuminary, Quoits Tethys, have determined there is only one sure way to do that -- namely, to infect the devils' Inner Earth worshippers with fatal plagues brought in from the Outer Earth.

Come All-Death Day there are more Dead Things Walking than Living Beings Talking. Believe it or not, that's the good news.

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phantacea Graphic Novels

Forever and Forty Days

- The Genesis of Phantacea -

Front cover of Forever and Forty Days; artwork by Ian Fry and Ian Bateson, ca 1990

Published in 1990; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

The Damnation Brigade

- Phantacea Revisited 1 -

Front cover of The Damnation Brigade, artwork by Ian Bateson, retouching by Chris Chuckry 2012

Published in 2013; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

Cataclysm Catalyst

- Phantacea Revisited 2 -

Front cover for Cataclysm Catalyst, artwork by Verne Andru, 2013

Published in 2014, main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

Kadmon Heliopolis had one life. It ended in October 1968. The Male Entity has had many lives. In his fifth, he and his female counterpart, often known as Miracle Memory, engendered more so than created the Moloch Sedon. They believe him to be the Devil Incarnate. They've been attempting to kill him ever since. Too bad it's invariably he, Heliosophos (Helios called Sophos the Wise), who gets killed instead.

On the then still Whole Earth circa the Year 4000 BCE, one of their descendants, Xuthros Hor, the tenth patriarch of Golden Age Humanity, puts into action a thought-foolproof, albeit mass murderous, plan to succeed where the Dual Entities have always failed. He unleashes the Genesea. The Devil takes a bath.

Fifty-nine hundred and eighty years later, New Century Enterprises launches the Cosmic Express from Centauri Island. It never reaches Outer Space; not all of it anyhow. As a stunning consequence of its apparent destruction, ten extraordinary supranormals are reunited, bodies, souls and minds, after a quarter century in what they've come to consider Limbo. They name themselves the Damnation Brigade. And so it appears they are -- if perhaps not so much damned as doomed.

At least one person survives the launching of the Cosmic Express. He literally falls out of the sky -- on the Hidden Continent of Sedon's Head. An old lady saves him. Except this old lady lives in a golden pagoda, rides vultures and has a third eye. She also doesn't stay old long. He becomes her willing soldier, acquires the three Sacred Objects and goes on a rampage, against his own people, those that live.

Meanwhile, Centauri Island, the launch site of the Cosmic Express, comes under attack from Hell's Horsemen. Only it's not horses they ride. It's Atomic Firedrakes!

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PHANTACEA on the Web logo, prepared by Jim McPherson, 2002


Well, here it is!

And a whole lot more!


Collages for the cover to the two mini-novels prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010/11

Cover Text and Collages prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010/11

© copyright Jim McPherson (Phantacea Publications)

| pH-Webworld's Welcoming Page | Internal Search Engine | Main Menu | Online PHANTACEA Primer | Ongoing PHANTACEA Features | pHantaBlog | Information for ordering by credit card | Information for ordering by certified cheque or money order | Serial Synopses | Contact | pH-Webworld Miscellanea | Lynx to additional websites featuring Jim McPherson's PHANTACEA Mythos | Bottom of Page Lynx |

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Colour Key for various sections of pH-Webworld

Ongoing Web-Features Pages

Glossaries of Peculiarities

The PHANTACEA Mythos Online: A Glossary of Characters

| Illustrated Character Companions for mini-novels extracted from "The 1000 Days of Disbelief" | The Shining Ones — The First and Second Generations of Devazurkind | The Shining Ones — Master Devas | The Shining Ones — Devils Described | PHANTACEA Essentials | Non-Devic Pivotal Players | Additional Non-Devic Characters | Deviants | Golden Age Patriarchs | Gypsies & Etocretans | Supranormals | Teutonic Templars | Utopians of Weir | Witches | The Moloch Sedon | The Thrygragos Brothers | The Trigregos Sisters | Byronics Listed | Lazaremists Listed | Mithradites Listed | Devils — by Tribal Affiliation | Celestial God | Recurring Dual Entities | Supranormals/Deviants by Group Affiliation | Places Peculiar to PHANTACEA | Terms Peculiar to PHANTACEA |

Web-Publisher's Commentaries

Serial Synopses

Serendipity and phantacea

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pH-Webworld began in 1996. Although I tend to call it Jim McPherson's PHANTACEA Mythos Online these days, it still has two primary purposes.

Firstly, it provides a web-presence whereby I can advertise print publications, such as 'Feeling Theocidal' and 'War of the Apocalyptics', as well as back issues of the PHANTACEA Comic Books and Graphic Novel, that are still available for purchase.

Secondly, it gives me an opportunity to serialize chapters and, indeed, entire novels featuring the aforementioned PHANTACEA Mythos. With those serials (cereals or Web Wheaties, as I sometimes refer to them howsoever lamely) come synopses for chapters that have come and gone -- as well as for the few that keep on going and going, which are listed here.

Plus, there are all sorts of features that I keep adding to; so much so that information on the PHANTACEA Mythos can and presumably does occasionally overwhelm. Which, as it happens, is most of the reason for this page, the less detailed Main Menu and the list of phantacea essentials that's been gracing the pHpubs page for almost as long as there's been a pH-Webworld.

Early on I started adding a graphics component. Mostly, these consisted of photos I took during various 'Travels in my Pants' (TIMP), many of which can now be found on a different website. In time I developed some small ability of my own when it came to preparing collages and suchlike specific to the PHANTACEA Mythos. There are now so many of graphics out here that the PHANTACEA Mythos Online presents what amounts to its own ever-expanding 'Webworld'.

What follows are a series of brief notes and day-glow markers linking to more detailed information regarding what you can see as you navigate this web-world not so much between-space as within Cyberia. For even more of the PHANTACEA Mythos, specifically with respect to the print-publications, have a boo at

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The Web Serials

| Heliodyssey | Ringleader's Revenge | The Launching of the Cosmic Express | The Damnation Brigade |

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Lynx to completed mosaic novels within the PHANTACEA Mythos whose potential covers, background information and introductory chapters are still online

| 2002: "The Moloch Manoeuvres" | 2004: "Decimation Damnation" | 2005: "The Trigregos Gambit" | 2008: "Feeling Theocidal" (now published — original 'potential' version of cover can be found here and here) | 2009: "The War of the Apocalyptics" (also now published — original 'potential' version of cover can be found here; the actual cover is currently near the top of this page) | 2010/11: "The 1000 Days of Disbelief" (covers for the first two mini-novels extracted from 1000-Daze can be found at top of this page)

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Web-Publisher's Commentary

  • Introductory Remarks: Greetings! Welcome back! Ordering Information
  • Hestia Housekeeping: What to look for this time up
  • Stories and Synopses
  • Today's Topic: For example, in the Winter 2005/6 update I asked and answered the question: Who are we supposed to cheer for in PHANTACEA?
  • Notes on Graphics: A look at any new images that may not have been up before on pHpubs (the commentary page); mostly for the benefit of those whose browsers don't accommodate text mouse-overs atop graphics
  • A List of Sites with Loads of Graphics: A good place to start for those who only look at the pictures
  • A link to the location of remnants of previous pHpubs
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PHANTACEA Photo Essays & Web Galleries

Warning: Dependent on your browser and the speed of your Internet connection, lynx to these sites might take a while to load.

The PHANTACEA Mythos Home & Prime Picture Gallery

The PHANTACEA Mythos Covers Gallery


Additional lynx to some perhaps more elaborate character studies and illustrated mini-essays prepared over the years

Jim McPherson's Travels Website

Lynx to illustrated travelogues re observations made and a few of the incidents too often limped away from while on the road

Peculiar Perspectives:

Photo essays re some singular oddities spotted, shot and/or noted

  • Belgian Bosco's 2012 Guide to Boschian Delights -- contains lots of references to Phantacea Publications influenced by Jerome Bosco, a character in "Contagion Collectors"
  • Golden Age Patriarchs -- includes a table with names and date, a graph taken from 'Forever & 40 Days - The Genesis of PHANTACEA', additional note and quotes taken directly from the mosaic novels
  • House Head Museum (currently offline)
  • Ephesian Heads Stone -- photographs from Ephesus, Turkey 1996
  • Faeries and PHANTACEA -- includes photos from the Faerie Tree in London's Hyde Park, the Yucatan and my front yard
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Glossaries of Peculiarities (Mostly Characters Peculiar to PHANTACEA)

Primarily because of the confounding nature of the time-tumbling Dual Entities and the fact devils are, generally speaking, undying and unchanging, the PHANTACEA Mythos bounces throughout time and space. It is therefore sometimes difficult to keep track of 'who's who when & where'. Which is why most sections under this heading include details of the Pivotal Characters yet usually just list the Supporting & Secondary Characters.

Besides an at times bewildering number of characters, the PHANTACEA Mythos contains an almost equally large number of terms and interpretations of familiar mythological elements not readily found elsewhere. Also, since the graphic novel, the mosaic novels and the mini-novels are set throughout time and space, the 'Heliodyssey' quintet of web-serials is mostly set in 1938, the 'Launch' Tetralogy and the first serialized version of its 'D-Brig' sequel in 1980, and the (thus far) two 'Ringleader's Revenge' mini-series betwixt and between them, some terms commonly used in one sequence of stories will not necessarily be seen much, if at all, in any of the others.

That holds even though they refer to the same person, place, or thing. An example of this is Brainrock and Gypsium, which are two words for the same essentially Godstuff. Another useful function of the Glossary is to keep 'who is related to whom' fresh in your mind.

The PHANTACEA Mythos Online: A Glossary of Characters

| Illustrated Character Companions for mini-novels extracted from "The 1000 Days of Disbelief" | The Shining Ones — The First and Second Generations of Devazurkind | The Shining Ones — Master Devas | The Shining Ones — Devils Described | PHANTACEA Essentials | Non-Devic Pivotal Players | Additional Non-Devic Characters | Deviants | Golden Age Patriarchs | Gypsies & Etocretans | Supranormals | Teutonic Templars | Utopians of Weir | Witches | The Moloch Sedon | The Thrygragos Brothers | The Trigregos Sisters | Byronics Listed | Lazaremists Listed | Mithradites Listed | Devils — by Tribal Affiliation | Celestial God | Recurring Dual Entities | Supranormals/Deviants by Group Affiliation | Places Peculiar to PHANTACEA | Terms Peculiar to PHANTACEA |

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Character Lists

Extensively illustrated, book-specific Character Companions for mini-novels extracted from "The 1000 Days of Disbelief";

The Shining Ones — The First and Second Generations of Devazurkind for more on the Moloch Sedon, the Thrygragos Brothers and the Trigregos Sister as they appear in Phantacea Publications' current series of mosaic novels and mini-novels

The Shining Ones — Master Devas for third generational Lazaremist, Mithradite and Byronic devils as they appear in Phantacea Publications' current series of mosaic novels and mini-novels;

The Shining Ones - Described: descriptions of mostly third and fourth generational devils taken directly from Phantacea Mythos novels, mini-novels and e-books;

phantacea Essentials for lynx to photo essays on devils and some terms/extracts as often as not pertaining to Phantacea Publications' current series of mosaic novels and mini-novels;

Non-Devic Pivotal Players for characters who may not either appear or play major roles in any particular web-serial, or whose roles are not as prominent in every serial they appear in, but whose actions emanate throughout the PHANTACEA Mythos;

Deviants for the mortal offspring of devils possessing other mortals as they appear in Phantacea Publications' current series of mosaic novels and mini-novels;

Golden Age Patriarchs for a chart that originally appeared in the graphic novel, “Forever & 40 Days – The Genesis of PHANTACEA”, as well as notes added more recently;

Gypsies & Etocretans for characters associated with the Sangatis and Malanthean Minoans of 1938;

Supranormals Described for descriptions of supras and possible supras taken directly from Phantacea Mythos novels, mini-novels and e-books;

Teutonic Templars for characters associated with the Volsungs and Hermiones primarily of 1938;

Utopians for characters associated with the Weirdom of Cabalarkon throughout the ages. These include Trinondevs & Illuminaries, the Weirdom of Kanin City, the Sarpedon Underclass prior to circa 5500 YD, Old Weir & New Weirworld. Some characters initially listed under Utopians may be cross-referenced at a later date when more details of who they actually are become apparent. See also here.

Witches of Weir for characters associated with any of the various Sisterhoods on either the Inner or the Outer Earth. Although the vast majority of these Afrites, Altheans, Antheans, Athenans, Hellions, Korants, Mariamnics, Ophirants, and so on cannot be considered 'Supranormals' or 'Deviants', those that do gain abilities beyond what is considered 'normal' for witches will eventually be cross-referenced under their code names.

Supporting and Secondary Characters for characters who do not feature prominently in any of the initial, but by now long concluded, web-serials. In subsequent serials they may have moved into more pivotal roles but their main lynx remain here. This list is still growing to include non-devic characters that appear and have therefore been described in Phantacea Mythos novels, mini-novels and e-books.

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The PHANTACEA Mythos cover slightly more than forty years during the mid-20th Century. In that time, there have been a number of these groupings. They include 'The Society of Saints', 'The Hermiones', 'The Olympians' (sometimes referred to as 'The Malanthean Minoans' or 'The Black Rose Anarchists'), 'The King's Own Crimefighters', 'The King and Queen Conquerors', 'WORLD', 'Signal System', 'The Damnation Brigade', and so on.

The DSSD section contains lists only, usually using code names. See below for more detailed information on the devic characters.

  • BYRONICS, those devils born of Thrygragos Byron by the Trigregos Sisters before Heliosophos caused Weirstar to go supernova. As such they are part of the Third Generation of Devazurkind. These Master Devas made up about a quarter of those that eventually reached the Whole Earth in the year 669 PD (Pre-Dome) ==>
  • LAZAREMISTS, those devils born of Thrygragos Lazareme by the Trigregos Sisters before Heliosophos caused Weirstar to go supernova. As such they are part of the Third Generation of Devazurkind. These Master Devas made up about a quarter of those that eventually reached the Whole Earth in the year 669 PD (Pre-Dome) ==>

    NOTE: Lazareme has been asleep almost ever since Thrygragon, which occurred on Mithramas Day in the 4,376th Year of the Cathonic Dome. Nonetheless, the Age of Lazareme lasted until the Disunition of the Unities, at roughly the beginning of the Dome's 55th Century (YD), whereupon it became the Age of Byron. (In this regard see also the 'The Thousand Days of Disbelief'.) The Outer Earth's 20th Century was the Inner Earth's 60th Century.

  • MITHRADITES, those devils supposedly born of Thrygragos Mithras by the Trigregos Sisters before Heliosophos caused Weirstar to go supernova. As such they are part of the Third Generation of Devazurkind. These Master Devas made up about half of those that eventually reached the Whole Earth in the year 669 PD (Pre-Dome) ==>

NOTE 1: There is considerable controversy about Mithras. Is he a Great God or is he just the VAM Entity (Varuna, Ahriman, Mithras) and therefore just a Master Deva? If he is not a Thrygragos, then he should be considered three distinct individuals born in the first litter of Thrygragos Sedon.

NOTE 2: Mithras, who was worshipped extensively on the Outer Earth under his own name during Roman times and earlier, was killed on Thrygragon in the latter half of 44th Century YD; at least, as detailed at nearly 300 pages of length in "Feeling Theocidal", so it seemed to those there.

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Detailed information about those characters listed in DSSD. The code names used are their most common ones and are usually cross-referenced to their real names in some other section.

NOTE: The true identities of some characters, such as 'Old Man Power' and 'The Conqueror' (as opposed to the King Conqueror and the Conquering Christ, both of whom were Jesus Mandam, aka Wiccan Warlock) may never be revealed whereas 'Faceless Strife' seems able to have had many identities;

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Ian Bateson's front cover for The War of the ApocalypticsDetailed information about those devils listed on the devils by affiliation webpage. Since they usually have many nicknames -- most devils also tend to refer to each other by their attributes -- they are listed by names that only comparatively recently, in devic terms, have passed into common parlance.

For the most part, these thereafter commonly used names were made up by Illuminaries of Weir returning from the Outer Earth in the first millennium BC (the 4th Millennium of the Dome). Only the Moloch Sedon and the Six Great Gods had names prior to Xuthros Hor causing the Genesea, or Great Flood, in the Dome's Year Zero.

Sedon himself raised the Cathonic Zone or Dome out of his own essence in order to protect the archipelago of Pacifica, the Places of Peace, in what is now the largely seemingly empty North Pacific oceanic basin. Pacifica thus became the Hidden Continent of Sedon's Head.

There have been many rifts or gaps in its fabric throughout its existence. By passing through them, devils became the gods and goddesses of antique mythology.

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PHANTACEA: Add-On Notebooks

PHANTACEA -- the Print Publications

- information on ordering "Feeling Theocidal", the first all-prose novel featuring Jim McPherson's PHANTACEA Mythos, and "The War of the Apocalyptics", which is based on the PHANTACEA comic books, can be found at the bottom of this page; direct quotes taken from the published novels can be found throughout as linked from here and here; lynx to additional passages from Feel Theo as found in pH-Webworld are here;

- information on the comic book series, from pH-1 to the Phase One project; additional information on what can and cannot still be ordered in either print or digital format;

- information on the graphic novel: 'Forever & 40 Days', which can still be ordered in print format only;

- Y-PHANTACEA: a 20th Century essay featuring loads of scans from the comic book series;

Anarchy and PHANTACEA

Added to whenever I find examples in print or in my readings of the kind of moral anarchy practised and sometimes even preached by some of my characters; might be renamed 'The Fluffy Philosophies Page' someday;

Serendipity and PHANTACEA

Added to whenever I find examples of "hey, maybe I'm not making all of this up after all", which is nearly every update; the main list is here;

Net-Specific Bibliography

Provides links to various online webpages external to PHANTACEA on the Web that may be of interest to readers.

Places Peculiar to PHANTACEA

Will not only include places on the Hidden Continent of Sedon's Head (see also: Big Shelter) but, since Centauri Island & the various Academies of Man do not exist except for the PHANTACEA Mythos, will also include places ostensibly on the Outer Earth. Entries on other planets (such as both Weirworlds) and areas (such as the Celestial Sphere) can be found in this section. [Assuming I get around to it!]

Be aware as well that, in terms of places, there are at least five Trigons, and counting, thus far. The first is Aegean Trigon, the tri-peaked Islet in the Mediterranean that came into being when Strongyne, Modern Day Santorini, blew its heart into the sky circa 1500 BCE. It's the one that eventually came to belong to the Family Zeross until the events there of 1968 AD.

Another is Trans-Time Trigon, the one that time-tumbles along with the Entities' from His Story's lifetime to lifetime. Then there's Subterranean Trigon, which is in Temporis and turns out to be a leftover from the Male Entity's Seventh Lifetime; Lunar Trigon, which is where much of 'Helios on the Moon' takes place; and, finally, there's a wooden fortress called Trigon on the heart-shaped of Shenon, which is where the Ventricular, Telepassa of Godbad, and her four daughters are living near the beginning of 'Month One - After Limbo'.

Terms Peculiar to PHANTACEA

There will be many of these, so you'll probably keep coming back here. In addition, some terms not invented solely for the PHANTACEA Mythos will be annotated here. An example of this is the Seven Steps of Roman Mithraism or the Inner Earth Apple Isle's female equivalent of same, Korantism. In such cases, further information can usually be found in books listed in the Offline Bibliography section or links to other sites as found in the 'Online Bibliography'.

PHANTACEA -- Twenty-Five Years Onward

Provides a 2002 chronology of the PHANTACEA print publications and web-serials that were then available for ordering on compact or floppy disk, an offer since withdrawn due to copyright reasons.

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Gold-Mining for PHANTACEA Factoids

Over the years I've excerpted what I consider highly pertinent statements re characters and/or concepts peculiar to the PHANTACEA Mythos. Many of these can be linked from my Glossary pages, whose main home is here. I've also prepared a number of illustrated mini-essays. The list of PHANTACEA Essentials is on the 'pHpubs' page and repeated here. Of course additional lynx to just about everything that's still out here in Cyberia can be found from the Main Menu and the Ongoing PHANTACEA Features pages.

However, I've also highlighted many areas of what I term 'Gold-Mining for PHANTACEA Factoids'. They can be found in various synopses of chapters for serialized novels more often than not long ago completed. It occurs to me there is no central list of these gold-mines. Let's make that past tense, shall I?

Yes, let's do that. Let's further hope I remember to add to it whenever I do another one.

| Amoeba Prime | Attis as a deviant | Attis Just Happens | Babel, Baby and Badhbh | Between-Space | Brilliant, Dark, Lucifer | Cabalarkon | Cabalarkon 1980 | Cathonic Fluid | A Cosmicar Described | Devic Talismans | Fish & the Diver | Helios as Cain? | Iraches | Korants Happy to Have Firstborn Boys | Lamiae | The Magdalene, Thea and the Panharmonium Project | Magister Mandam as D-Brig's OMP | Mariamnics' attitude towards life & loving vs that of the Anthean Sisterhood in 5938 YD | Panharmonium and the Trigregos Sisters | Pre-Babel Babble | Primeval Lilith, the Queen of Demons | Pyrame Silverstar | Pyrame as Astroarche, Queen of Heaven | Pyrame Silverstar and the Panharmonium Project | The (Abe) Ryne Family | The 1st Ringleader | The Raven Fetishim Shaman Manitoulin once assigned to John Sundown | Samsarites | Demios Sarpedon | Satanwyck's Seven Sinistrals | Sorciere and Granny Garuda encounter Ophiomedea and her psychopomp wyrms | Strife's Miracle Key | Who was Helios called Sophos the Wise?| Who was Mnemosyne or Milady Memory? | Xuthroditic Faith |
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PHANTACEA Essentials

| Anheroic Fantasy | Apple-Kores | Beware Firstborns | The Celestial Superior | The Cretan Snake Goddess | Daze's Devils | Daze's Deadly Ds | D-Brig as Deviants | Devic Names | 'Domus Delle Gorgoni' | The Demons of Salvador | Fecundity | Fisherwoman | Freespirit Nihila | Gloriella D'Angelo Dark | Goatish Trailblazer | Heliosophos | Mithras's Ninth | The Moloch Sedon | Names for the Nameless | PHANTACEA Factoids | The Perfidious Polygamist | Primeval Lilith | Sedonplay | The Silverclouds | The Smiling Fiend | Thrygragos Everyman | Thrygragos Varuna Mithras | The Thrygragos Talismans | The Time-Tumbling Dual Entities | The Trigregos Talismans | The Unities of Lazareme | Utopians of Weir | Utopians Dazed | The VAM Entity |

- double click on image for a larger but different image - go to linked webpage for info on both images -
  • Freespirit Nihila: Perhaps Datong Harmonia, the Unity of Balance and, initially, the lone Unity of Panharmonium; alternatively she could be Nemesis, from the tail end of the 500-year Middle Sea (Mediterranean) Goddess Culture circa 1500 BC (2500 YD); With chains and scales-of-justice earrings suggestive of Freespirit Nihila and Harmonia, the Unity of Balance, scanned in from a newspaper and adjusted on PHOTOSHOP by Jim McPherson, 2003of course she could be both, and a whole lot more; starting with 'War-Pox', Nihila appears in the Launch sequences set in 19/5980;
    (NOTE: if she's Harmony then she's the firstborn daughter of Thrygragos Lazareme and the Trigregos Sisters and, as such, the eldest female Master Deva; additional lynx re Harmony are here and here, both lynx have text from 'Feel Theo');Scan of photo taken at the Delhi National Museum by Jim McPherson in 2005; the statue is entitled 'The Flying Celestials'
  • Gloriella D'Angelo Dark: Aka Radiant Rider, Rainbow; also of other angels and a devil or three;
  • Gold-Mining for PHANTACEA Factoids;
  • Heliosophos: The recurring Male Entity; in his 1st Lifetime during the 1955 & 1960 web-serials, his 11th during the 19/5938 serials and his 100th during the 19/5980 ones; could be his 61st Lifetime doesn't end until twilight Thrygragon;
  • Magnus Minus, the Mighty (and mightily minute) Minotarus of Minius: a potomaniacal maybe-mandroid who first print-appeared in "The Death's Head Hellion" but has also shown up in some web-serials;
  • Mithras's Ninth: Although generally identified as Pyrame Silverstar, Cathune Bubastis and Tralalorn (Lost Lorna), Mithras doesn't believe Trala is his; he thinks she's either the Moloch Sedon's 4th generational devil child or the Devil's firstborn, demonic offspring by Primeval Lilith; text comes from "Feeling Theocidal";
  • The Moloch Sedon: The skyborn, as in extraterrestrial, lone member of the first generation of devazurkind, the inspirations for the Gods and Goddesses of Mythology; his essence composes Cathonia, the Sedon Sphere; arguably the Devil Himself;
  • Names for the Nameless (or PHANTACEA as an equal opportunity Mythos): antique Illuminaries of Weir gave names to third generational devils;
  • The Perfidious Polygamist: Jordan Tethys, the Legendary 30-Year Man, who also answers to 30-Beers; text comes from "Feeling Theocidal";
  • Primeval Lilith, the Demon Queen of the Night: The immortal, chthonic or earthborn daemon The Queen of the Night (Demon Queen Lilith), terracotta from Southern Iraq circa 1800 BC, scanned-in from a postcard purchased at the British Museum in London, Englandwho must possess the birth mothers of mortal Sed-sons at the moment of their conception; without Sed-sons alive on both sides of the Whole Earth the Sedon Sphere would collapse; arguably the Devil Herself;
  • Goatish Trailblazer: Pusan Wanderlust as the Fabulously Female Fauna — distaff satyrs not just in phantacea; text from both 'Feel Theo' and '1000-Daze'; photos and scans primarily from the painted walls and ceiling of a remarkable little nook spotted in an old villa in Venice;
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Without whom there would be no PHANTACEA Mythos

| The Dual Entities | The Moloch Sedon | The Thrygragos Brothers | The Trigregos Sisters |



The so-called Recurring Male & Female Entities; generally referred to as Helios called Sophos the Wise (Heliosophos for short) and Mnemosyne (Miracle Memory, Machine-Memory, Milady Memory or just plain Memory, as in the Hellenic Titans' Mother and Queen of the Muses, the Moon to his Sun) [SIDE SHOT OF TWO COLOSSI REMINISCENT OF THE DUAL ENTITIES TAKEN OUTSIDE THE GREAT TEMPLE OF ABU SIMBEL, EGYPT, PHOTO BY JIM MCPHERSON, 2000]

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


"We are the Dual Entities, you and I: Adam Kadmon and the Cosmic Woman.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Both are time-tumblers. Which means they don't time travel by design, as in a machine for example. They time travel randomly. Unless, as they've been known to speculate themselves, it's at the whim of the ineffable Godstuff they tend to call Gypsium but those on the Head refer to as Brainrock.

The sun and moon kissing, shot in Mexico by Jim McPHerson,  2014

“Two LAC Squads have been sent down from the Liberty.”

“So deal with them. Do as you’ve been programmed.”

“As I’ve programmed myself, you mean.”

“Same thing. Just follow your instructions.”

“When haven’t I, Kadmon?”

“Yeah, right! The genie and her three wishes. Lifetime after ... lifetime. You’re stuck in a rut, Mnemosyne. And it’s not purely because you love rutting either.”

“That’s not fair. I live to serve you.”

“Precisely – unlike any other machine, you do live.”

“Whatever you say, my love. Yet, despite a hundred deaths, so do you. Who’s that down to except me?”

“I’d say Gypsium Godstuff but there’s no point. You no more understand it than I do you. Just let’s get it right this time, Memory. Okay?”

“Oh, I fully intend to, Hel!”

... from "Helios on the Moon"; also from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Helios is prone to dressing up. One assumes it's because endless deaths and rebirths, as a man already in his late twenties, has rendered him somewhat flaky.

Cover from pH-3, artwork by Richard Sandoval, 1978Helios on the Moon, cover by Ricardo Sandoval, 2014"Greetings, old friends, old enemies," said the Merlin, capitalized, as in wizardly — not merlin, lower case, as in falconiform. "I am Helios, Light of the World, called Sophos the Wise. I bring Brilliance, Enlightenment and Freedom to the Whole Earth."

He strummed some power-chords. The room became sparkly, shimmering with colour, like the Northern Lights; like, as well, much the same thing Yajur’s brood sister self-generated so often before Chaos as good as killed her, thus instigating the 1000 Days of Disbelief, a mite less than 500 years earlier on the Inner Earth.

"I am the original technomage, the precursor of Old and New Weir’s scientocrats. I am the Wizard of Wit and Wisdom, of Warped Waves and Wondrous Ways, the Lightray Lunatic. But my lunacy is that of love and peace, mutual understanding, mutual respect and, above all, happiness. I am the Holograph Houdini. My ‘Holocaster’ plays the most mesmeric of melodies. Monitor now, as it manifests the most miraculous of motion pictures."

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Sin, an ancient Middle Eastern god of the Moon, with his tri-peaked headpiece he's suggestive of Heliosophos's            relationship to Trigon, picture taken at Ankara Museum of Anatolian Civilizations by Jim McPherson in 2003Every time he's slain or commits suicide (he's yet to die a natural death), he goes back into the time stream carrying with him Trans-Time Trigon and the often triplicate being who is his constant accompanist if not necessarily his companion.

They can end up anywhere, either before or after their previous lifetime. However, at least until his eleventh lifetime, the one detailed in the 'Heliodyssey' sequences, they seem unable to alter what passes for our current notion of history. (Helios is often called His Story; conversely Memory is sometimes referred to as Her Story.)

For much of his seemingly not-exactly-endless existence he has been obsessed with exterminating devil-gods, whom he believes he engendered when, as depicted in "Forever & 40 Days - The Genesis of PHANTACEA", he helped the Utopian Biogeneticist Cabalarkon in effect create the Moloch Sedon, the devazurs' subsequent All-Father, in his Fifth Lifetime;

That goal has changed somewhat by the time he reaches his 100th lifetime:

"Helios’s goal is to liberate the planet not just from devils but from enforced and, to not just his mind, very much unnecessary authority. The way he figures to do that is by empowering humanity to think for itself, like the Golden Agers did. The purpose of our thought beams is thus twofold. Make it so devils can’t possess men and women anymore and make it so we can’t be exploited by our own kind, either."

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Helios's Milady Memory occasionally addresses him as Kad, albeit not that he's necessarily a cad -- at least he isn't always a cad. She's speaking as in Kadmon Heliopolis (b. 1940; d. 1968); unless it's as Adam-Kadmon or King Cadmus of Grecian Thebes (circa 1500 BC). Even though he may have been all of them, and dozens more, equally so he may have been none of them. The Dual Entities are nothing if not confounding.

Another theory is that he is the Biblical Cain, Slayer of Abel. However, as partially per here, Miracle Memory seems to discount that in "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle, which takes place during his his 100th lifetime.

Be that as it may, somewhat consistent with the Bible, in PHANTACEA Celestial God placed a mark on Cain's forehead (traditionally a circled-X). This seemingly made him incapable of dying ( though, if Cain was Helios, it did not stop him from being killed over and over again).


Helios claims he's just a man whom Brainrock-Godstuff has chosen to bless, or curse, by turning him into a time-tumbler. As per this sequence from the print version of "Helios on the Moon", once in a while he does like to show off sun-godly attributes he's somehow managed to acquire over howsoever many lifetimes:

Helios felt the darkness harden around him. He touched the pendant around his neck. Suddenly there was light and it was coming from him. His head was instantly radiating rays of energy, like the sun’s, like a lion’s mane. Solar discs appeared underneath his feet and in his hands. He clapped them together. The darkness was banished in a veritable flash.

... Helios glided above him on his solar discs. His skin now golden; his long, remarkably fuller hair, just as golden, stuck out like sunbeams. His face was moderately leonine. Water steamed off him.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Datong Harmonia, the Unity of Balance, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2009With chains and scales-of-justice earrings suggestive of Freespirit Nihila and Harmonia, the Unity of Balance, scanned in from a newspaper and adjusted on PHOTOSHOP by Jim McPherson, 2003Miracle Memory likes devils, they make her human, and she likes being human. She particularly likes looking like Mnemosyne D'Angelo (Human Memory), who was Kadmon Heliopolis's step-mother. That means she also likes looking like Datong Harmonia, the Unity of Balance, who looks like, well, check out the images to the left and right of this paragraph.

Milady Mnemosyne – Her Story, the Memory Entity; (probably) not the Titan, the mother, by Zeus, of the Muses – was solid and waiting for him. She was his one true love; his constant, though sometimes unwelcome companion during most of his hundred lifetimes. She was a trinary being: part computer, part human, part devil. Even though, like him, she shared a hatred for devils, in the single greatest irony of their seemingly interminable existences, she could only become truly flesh and blood when she possessed one of those selfsame Sedon-spawn.

Tonight – hard not to think of it being anything but night on the Moon – his devil-touched, Melanochroid lady was dressed in a black, loose-fitting top, matching silken pants, and had a greyish kerchief covering her dark hair and forehead.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle

Her favourite devil to possess is Pyrame Silverstar, who's a major character in "Feeling Theocidal" (as is Harmony, one of Memory's templates -- the other being Human Memory). However, she's mostly a machine, a Great Mother Machine, one that makes up the insides of Trans-Time Trigon, the three-peaked, hollowed-out island that also follows Helios from one lifetime to another. As per here, it was in that capacity that she built the two Mandroid Sphinxes during Helios's 61st lifetime.

When she's humanized, Miracle Memory can have kids, most notably Chrysaor Attis, the Universal Soldier, who's yet another major character in 'Feel Theo' (one who may reappear in 'War-Pox' and "Goddess Gambit" as ... well, that would be telling far too much).

She can also have kids when it's the other way around; when devils are possessing her. Except, in that case, these kids are devils, fourth generation ones. The primary examples of this are the Thanatoids of Lathakra, all twelve of whom were born as twins (rather than as triplets like the Master Devas) yearly from 1919 until 1923.


- for a long time during Helios's Eleventh Lifetime, which began in 19/5908, she served as Apple Isle's Korant Mother Superior, who by tradition is known as Miracle Maenad (as opposed to Miracle Memory). While acting as Miracle Maenad, she was most likely possessed by Pyrame Silverstar since Clymene born Catreus Atreides (Mystery Might) had hold of the Miracle Maenads' usual occupier, Divine Coueranna;


ENTITIES NOTE 1: The suggestion (found in 'War-Pox') that the Apocalyptic Quadrangs (Jah Dreadlok, Mandragora-Gallowsghoul, Flying Doltaur & Hatchethands) were half Memory's (from when Mater Matare possessed and therefore humanized her in the mid-5800s YD) has never been confirmed. That they half-belonged to the Faerie Queen known as Titania Cabala is far more likely. Then again Titania Cabala was somehow or other derived from the Memory Entity -- whereas her husband, Archon Oberon, was derived from the Wisdom Entity -- at some point in the probably far distant past.

ENTITIES NOTE 2: Much more can be found on Heliosophos throughout this website. For example, there's a brief feature on him, with a number of those lynx, in the Summer 2004 collection of Character Likenesses. Helios as he appeared on the front cover of pH-3 is here. Helios as Cain, Slayer of Abel, is, among other places, here, here and here. His likeness also appears here, here, here and here. The two together can, arguably, be seen here, here and counting ...

ENTITIES NOTE 3: As for why Memory likes to look like Harmony, well, as revealed towards the end of 'Feel Theo' it's not like she has much choice in the matter. More interesting is why she likes to look like Memory of the Angels. But I'm not going to tell why that is either.

ENTITIES NOTE 4: There's plenty more about Memory, under any name or in any timeline, throughout both the pH-Webworld website and that of Phantacea Publications; so much so that you'd be well advised to use the Search Engine at the top of the page if you want more; or you could just hit here, or here or here or ...

ENTITIES NOTE 5: There's a nifty shot of Attis or an Attis lookalike, from Mexico City no less, here.

ENTITIES NOTE 6: The sun and the moon kissing higher up this panel is a wood carving shot in Puerto Morelos, Mexico. It seems an increasingly popular motif in Caribbean Mexico.

NOTE 7: pHanta-pHlickr also holds character likenesses of the Dual Entities; Helios is here (x2), here, whereas Miracle Memory is here, albeit as Astroarche, one of the identities she shared with Pyrame Silverstar.

NOTE 8: For a more than just slightly ironic Serendipity entry hit here for "Shelios on the Moon" or here for something similar on pHantaBlog.

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Also known as the Demon King due to the fact that, as partially detailed in "Feeling Theocidal", he overthrew the actual Demon King, whose name was Daemonicus, on Ragnarok, which, as noted in the graphic novel: 'Forever & 40 Days', occurred in the pre-Dome Year 234 (4234 BC, if you have to know); that event is also referred to here;

[Depiction of the Moloch Sedon, drawn by Ian Fry]Often equated with Satan, though not Lucifer (who, as revealed in 'Year One - After Limbo', is a different devil in PHANTACEA); the solitary member of the First Generation of Devazurkind and, maybe simultaneously, one-sixth of the Second Generation;

[Blow-up of an area in an aerial photo of a parking lot beside the Gizeh Pyramids in Egypt as taken in the 1920s or '30s and found in the Cairo Museum. Image strikes me as a depiction of the Moloch Sedon. Photo by Jim McPherson, 2000]Here's how he's described at the very beginning "The 1000 Days of Disbelief":

The Devil in his commonest guise has two stumpy, goatish horns. So does the Moloch Sedon, whom the few Outer Earthlings that know, or can recall, that the Inner Earth of Sedon’s Head exists perhaps correctly identify with Satan.

At least Dark Sedon, as always bloody red-skinned, hadn’t manifested his preposterous pitchfork. That would have made for a truly holey as well as unholy death. He wasn’t altogether naked either; though in a sleeveless, richly embroidered burgundy manteau, one worn overtop of nothing more than an immaculate swath of linen loincloth, he wasn’t far off.

... from "Heady Moments", 1000-One One of 'The 1000 Days of Disbelief'

Sedon's devic essence makes up the 'Sedon Sphere', 'Cathonia', the 'Cathonic Zone' or, most commonly, the 'Dome'. As Freespirit Nihila put to Quill Tethys near the end of the 'Launch 1980' story cycle:

“Killing you doesn’t warrant ill-starring. And you can’t cathonitize Grandfather Sedon. Even he can’t cathonitized himself. He is Cathonia.”

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle

The Dome separates the Inner from the Outer Earth. He mystically maintains it, at least in part, by fathering sedons (small case) or Sed-sons; although there can be any number of them alive at any given time, one has to have been sired on either side of the Dome at all times:

Sedon sought out Pyrame [Silverstar] in order to half-father his Sed-sons on her, her shells, because she had hold of the evidently indestructible Demon Queen [Primeval Lilith]. (He was skyborn; she was earthborn. 4,000 years of accumulated evidence confirmed that the results of their unions, their Sed-sons – so long as one was alive on either of the Head at all times – did somehow or other mystically maintain the Cathonic Zone.)

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle

For the most part Sedon is confined to his own Sedon Sphere. Because he created the Six Great Gods and Goddesses and helped them beget the Master Devas, devils in general are also known as Sedonists.

Other than at the beginning of 1000-Daze, Sedon rarely appears in the PHANTACEA Mythos but his influence is all-pervasive. For example, Heliosophos (who, along with Machine-Memory and the Utopian Geneticist named Cabalarkon, created Sedon in his Fifth Lifetime) has dedicated much of his remaining lifetimes to undoing what he is largely responsible for making in the first place.

May well be, in his Eleventh Lifetime, that of the 'Heliodyssey' sequence of web-serials, the Male Entity will succeed in snuffing Sedon. Of course, to do that, he'll have to kill his parents -- before he's even conceived! And, if he succeeds, unless the Miracle Machine stops him first, his Hundredth Lifetime will never happen. Guess that means 'Helios on the Moon' is superfluous.

Guess again!

The visage staring down at him could only be described as Satanic. The scarlet-skinned man had horns protruding out of either side of his forehead. Except for a thick, tail-like tuft of hair growing out of the back of his skull, his gnarly head was shaved. His ears were peaked and pierced, though he wore no earrings. In addition to the ponytail he had a thin moustache and a thick, forked goatee. His right arm was cut off just below the elbow. It was from this stump that the blood dripped into the tub of Cathonic Fluid within which Cerebrus was immersed.

His two eyes bore through Cerebrus, constricting his very soul. That's what gave him away. One of his eyes was in his forehead.

... from "The Disappearing Brigade", Chapter 9 of 'The Weirdness of Cabalarkon'

Sed's Mighty Eye-MouthThe Mighty Eye-Mouth in the Sky, as not just third-generational devils sometimes refer to him -- because that's how he appears when he manifests himself within his Sedon Sphere (as per here) -- earns and therefore receives a large portion of the worship devils themselves earn and receive from their adherents on the Hidden Headworld.

That does not necessarily mean they always treat him respectfully. For example, in the Heliodyssey story sequences, as set in 5938 Year of the Dome, Tantal Thanatos (King Cold of Lathakra) keeps a pet skunk, who must be at least part-demon, that he names after his thought-grandfather:

Sed-skunk was an ever-so-appropriate shell for a Demon King; all the more so considering its right front paw was missing. During a very nearly terminal engagement with Heliosophos in Old Weirsystem -- likely during the latter's ninth lifetime, though that had never been confirmed -- Helios sliced off Sed's right hand at the wrist. Consequently, to this day, Utopians of Weir called left-handedness the Mark of Sedon.

Interestingly enough, although few out there would be aware of his existence, even on the Outer Earth it is referred to as the Sinister Affliction. Who could be more sinister than the Demon King after all? Unless it was Heliosophos himself of course. Then again, Helios was born left-handed. Still had a right one, though. Not so Dark Sedon.

Since he was approaching omnipotent, the Moloch would have had little problem re-growing it. However, perhaps to remind himself never again to underestimate his co-creator and ever after want-to-be destroyer, he chose not to do so. Jordan Tethys, the not-so-legendary 30-Year Man, had a joke he invariably told his audience when he recounted the saga of Sedon losing his hand: 'What's the sound of one hand clapping? On the Head it's called Thunder.'

... from "Grail Knight's Sky", Chapter 9 of 'The Volsung Variations'

(SEDONIC NOTES: Additional information on the All-Father of Devazurkind can be found throughout PHANTACEA on the Web. In that regard, please use the Search Engine at the top of the page. However, as of the late Fall, early Winter of 2002, the latest Photo Essay regarding Sed-Satan is ==>. There's also a spoilsport notation regarding Sed's true relationship to the Three Great Gods, the Three Great Goddesses, and their Master Devas in the topic section of the Winter 2000 Web-Publisher's Commentary. Ian Fry's depiction of his birth can be found here. The nowhere-near-almighty Moloch actually deigns to make a personal appearance, howsoever briefly, in "The Death's Head Hellion". There are some neat, unless they're nifty, images re Sedon's mighty Eye-Mouth in the Sky here.)

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The Great Gods known individually as Varuna Ahriman Mithras (or, according to some, the VAM Entity), Lazareme the Libertine, & Unmoving Byron. Along with the Trigregos Sisters (who, as shown in pH-4, never left the second Weirworld), they make up the Second Generation of Devazurkind.[THE SACRARIUM INSIDE THE GREAT TEMPLE OF ABU SIMBEL, EGYPT, PHOTO BY JIM MCPHERSON, 2000]

In "Feeling Theocidal" (as of the Fall of 2008, the latest PHANTACEA Mythos print publication), Thrygragos Lazareme is also known as both Thrygragos Everyman and the Lackland Libertine whereas Thrygragos Byron is also known as Bodiless Byron or, mostly by Lazareme, Brother Moon.

Neither Lazareme nor Mithras are factors in "The War of the Apocalyptics" (as of the Fall of 2009, the latest phantacea Mythos print publication).

Indeed, come the end of War-Pox it may yet prove the not even 500-year-long Age of Byron ended with it. (Might have a better idea of that when, come the Fall of 2012, "Goddess Gambit" becomes the latest phantacea Mythos print publication.)

"Tell us, son, who are you and of which tribe?”

[The Trigregos Sisters asked this of Thunder and Lightning Lord Yajur. They were speaking to him in their private 'Shelter' on New Weirworld. The date was their equivalent of Demetray-Tuesday, 2 Tantalar-December 59/1980, two days after the Launching of the Cosmic Express from Centauri Island.]

He told them.

“Better than the other two, we suppose,” they considered. “But only moderately. Thrygragos Lazareme at least had some small degree of passion; not to mention the occasional inclination to apply it appreciably. The other two might as well have been impregnating one of these Utopians’ development tanks for all they cared about pleasing us.”

That the Sisters held Lazareme in higher regard than his brothers, Great Byron and Thrygragos Varuna Mithras – not to mention their Father Sedon himself, whom they’d just left out of the equation apparently intentionally –  didn’t surprise Yajur. Many multiple millennia ago they’d had a thing for the Male Entity, humanized his distaff half, the Mnemosyne Machine, and spent many an hour sharing the same bed.

Perhaps they had more recently as well, whilst he was an impotent star. The Entities, along with Trans-Time Trigon, randomly tumbled throughout space as well as time whenever and wherever he died. And of course Lazareme looked like Helios not just by design. Sedon fashioned him, his firstborn, out of Helios just as the latter formed him out Cabalarkon (Sed’s Daddy Cabby) and Sedon thereafter did for Thrygragos Byron out of himself.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle
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The Thrygragos Talismans

Collage prepared on PHOTOSHOP by Jim McPherson, 2006, intended to represent the Cross of Mithras as transformed in 'Feeling Theocidal'As detailed in 'The War of the Apocalyptics' (the second all-prose PHANTACEA Mythos novel and the opening entry in the Launch 1980 cycle of stories), Old Man Power (OMP) had their Brainrock power foci (The Thrygragos Talismans: The Cross of Mithras, the Mask of Byron and Lazareme's Cloak of Many Colours) in his possession on November 30, 1980.[Thrgragos Lazareme Wearing the Starcape]

As discovered in 'Coueranna's Curse', Magister Joseph Mandam had them at Castle Nightmare in January 1938.

From shortly after his birth circa 2000 Year of the Dome (YD) until Thrygragon in 4376 YD, the constantly recurring deviant Chrysaor Attis had them as part of his regalia. He also had the Trigregos Talismans. How he lost them, and who acquired them, comes near the end of "Feeling Theocidal", the first all-prose PHANTACEA Mythos novel and Book One of the opening entry in 'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' epic fantasy trilogy.

Thrygragon occurred on Mithramas 4376 YD. That the Six Great Godly Glories (the collective term for both the Thrygragos and Trigregos Talismans), or something like them, fell into the hands of Helena Somata, the then Master of the Weirdom of Kanin City, is a PHANTACEA pHact (or fact, if you prefer).

Long prior to the Thousand Days of Disbelief, which coincided with Columbus 'discovering' the Americas in 1492 AD, they were transferred to the Weirdom of Cabalarkon (Sedon's Devic Eye on a map of the Hidden Continent) where for a time Master Morgan Abyss wielded them very successfully against Dark Sedon and indeed all the remaining Great Gods and Master Devas.

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Thrygragos Varuna Mithras

Thrygragos Varuna Mithras is myrionymous. He goes (or went) by many names on both sides of the Cathonic Dome. In not just the PHANTACEA Mythos he is thought of as the embodiment of Truth, Light and Justice.

Icarus-like image spotted and shot in Rio by Jim McPherson, 2007; link goes to VAM Entity entry"Front Cover for Feeling Theocidal, artwork by Verne Andru, 2009"Consequently, whenever one asks, wherever one is: 'Whatever became of Truth, Light and Justice?' one might as well ask 'Whatever became of Thrygragos Varuna Mithras?'. One answer is proposed in 'Feel Theo'.

With respect to the aforementioned VAM Entity, here's a thought-quote from "Feeling Theocidal" (Mithras himself is doing the thinking):

Plenty of creeds the Eurasian world over allegedly had Mithras as being but one-third of an imaginary triad. At least one of the many legends the Legendarian brought back from the Outer Earth concerning him conceptualized this consequential VAM Entity as the Male Trinity, the first true Thrygragos.

The VAM Entity, he could recall that legend. By its reckoning Mithras was the sun of dawn and the day whereas Varuna was the moon and stars of night. As for Ahriman, he was the darkness of a starless, moonless night, of a total solar or lunar eclipse, of beneath the ground where plants root, minerals are found, and the dead are buried.

More on the VAM Entity shows up in "The 1000 Days of Disbelief", the second book in 'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' trilogy. In it, the Legendarian speculates on the existence of Ahriman.

Cover for the Death's Head Hellion, artwork prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010Collage cover for Janna Fangfingers, Jim McPherson, 2012Tethys glanced at the copy of the Odyssey lying on the coffee table. His eyes suddenly brightened noticeably. “But,” he blurted as if in an epiphany, “What if Mithras had a litter that predated Phantast, Methandra and Tantal; that came before Coueranna, Marut Kanin and Belialma; Zuvem-Gravedigger, Domdaniel-Pride and bullish Plathon; or any other Mithradites, such as Pyrame and her Ninth, the rest of the Nergalids, the Apocalyptics, and the devils of Pandemonium?

”That said, he seemed to reconsider this theory briefly. “Mind you, there is no firm evidence to suggest Mithras had a hidden litter. There are, I’m informed by the likes of pal Pyrame and, yes, Mithras himself, ample indicators that a malevolent force has been at work amongst the always disputatious Mithradites since well before devazurs came to Earth.

“That force has a name: Judge Druj or Ahriman, the original Prince of Darkness, the flip side of the Dualists’ Deity.” The Fatman perked up at this. “You’re talking Persian fire-faiths: that of the Magi and Zoroastrianism; then, much later on, that of the Heretical Christian, Mani or Manichaeus. You’re equating Mithras with Ahura Mazda or Ormuzd, the Lord of Light. And why not? Ahura Mazda does sound a little like Varuna Mithras.”

“That’s what Mithras himself used to say, Al. I should know, too. For a mite more than a couple of centuries pre-Thrygragon, I used to spend hours drinking his surprisingly enjoyable beer up there atop Theopolis Hill, in his still-standing Mithradium, over on Apple Isle."

... from 'The Thousand Days of Disbelief'

One side of the Mithrras relief found in the Lourvre, Paris, taken from WebSeemingly, Thrygragos Mithras did not survive Thrygragon; that is to say he's had the common courtesy to stay dead ever since. According to the Hidden Continent's own intrinsic mythos, Thrygragos Lazareme has kept his severed head to use as a pillow on Tympani, Eardrum Isle, that of the Undying One, in the Aural Sea (Sedon's Ear on a map of the Hidden Continent).

NOTE 1: in the Phantacea Mythos, the commonest depictions of the Roman Mithras (such as this one ==>, which can be found in the Paris Louvre and double-clicks to enlarge) actually depicts his deviant half-son, Taurus Chrysaor Attis, one of the major charcters in Feel Theo;
NOTE 2: Attis's devic mother is Fitna Marutia (Strife), Mithras's Ewe for Aries; Mithras and Marutia were possessing the Dual Entities when he was conceived; his betrayal of her is believed to be the reason Strife cannot tolerate possessing a pregnant shell after her daemoic body and power focus were destroyed circa 4000 YD
NOTE 3: more on Phantacea's Attis can be found here and here as well as by typing in his name in the search engine at the top of the page and selecting which of the three main websites to search;
NOTE 4: in pHanta-phact Mithras does not appear in this relief; rather characters shown are Mnemosyne as the Moon Goddes, Helios as the Sun God, the aforementioned Attis and the Idiot Twins, Tammuz and Osiraq, who feature in "The Death's Head Hellion";

PHANTACEA's Mithras is depicted on Feel Theo's front cover wielding his cross in the form of an oversized, sword-like ankh; PHANTACEA-specific imaginings of how Mithras generally appeared can also be found in collages reproduced here, here and here;

- a growing list of online references re non-pHant Mithras (Mithra, Kronos/Saturn, St Michael, St George, so on and so forth) is here;

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Thrygragos Byron

An Olmec head, shot in Mexico City by Jim McPherson, 2005As depicted in 'Forever & 40 Days - the Genesis of PHANTACEA' (a graphic novel published in 1990 that is still available for ordering), when the Moloch Sedon divided up the Whole Earth amongst himself and his three sons shortly after arriving on the then Whole Earth, he assigned Byronics the entirety of the Americas.

Consequently, the Olmec heads on both sides of this paragraph may well represent the Unmoving One. They certainly do within the context of the phantacea Mythos.

The image the emerging Byronics projected was akin to rings around Saturn in effect. More generalized star-shapes than distinctive, individually recognizable entities, they seemingly orbited the moonlike, if not quite moon-massive, benign-looking Buddha-head that was their otherwise bodiless father.

Boulder-bald and three-eyed, that was as accurate a description of Great Byron as any. Might have passed for a beardless Oriental sage – one  depending on his mood, with or without epicanthic folds around his array of eyeballs – had he had a body to support said Buddha-head.

... from "Harry on the Head", the unpublished sequel to the 'Aspects of an Amoebaman' web-serial

Something evidently disastrous happened to Bodiless Byron and his Primary Nucleoids above Sisert at the conclusion of 'The War of the Apocalyptics'. The same thing happened to them at the end of pH-5. Perhaps they were cathonitized; perhaps they were obliterated; they certainly didn't appear in pH-6.An Olmec head, shot in Mexico City by Jim McPherson, 2005

BYRONIC NOTE 1: Unmoving Byron and all three of his Primary Nucleoids (as well as Gloriel D'Angelo - the Radiant Rainbow Rider) appeared on the wraparound cover of pH-4.

BYRONIC NOTE 2: How the Great God lost his body is preserved here. The sectional overview of the sequence wherein the original artwork appeared is here.

BYRONIC NOTE 3: There's an image of the Byronic Nucleus in atomizing action here and he appears as Brother Moon in a collage found here.

BYRONIC NOTE 4: Devil Wind (Vayu Maelstrom, one of Great Byron's Primary Nucleoids, shown here as he's depicted on the front cover of War-Pox, artwork by Ian Bateson, 2009) looks accordingly aboriginal since his abilities are much the same as the pre-Columbian American aboriginal deity 'Hurican', from whence our word 'hurricane';

BYRONIC NOTE 5: There are couple of porcelain Byrons on pHanta-pHlickr here and here; they were taken in Beziers, Southern France in 2014; unfortunately, while they are (at least) two-faced, they don't have three eyes and I didn't have time to request one made special;

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Thrygragos Lazareme

Gigantic head spotted in Turkey, from a postcard bought in 2003As of end-Tantalar 5980 (December 1980 -- for clarification, please see the counting-time entry) Lazareme (Thrygragos Everyman, among many other names) is presumably the last still surviving Great God.

Although he seemingly emerged from his lassitude no matter how briefly in order to help bring an end to the Thousand Days of Disbelief, he never really recovered from his ordeals on Thrygragon. Consequently he spends most of his time asleep.

Image of a giant head taken from a postcard of the heads at Nemrut Kommagene in Turkey; it's been identified as Apollon-Mithras-Helios  but in the PHANTACEA Mythos it's more reminiscent of Thrygragos  LazaremeAs per this quote from "Feeling Theocidal", which is set in 4376 Year of the Dome (YD), devils refer to Lazareme as Thrygragos Everyman because he looks like literally anyone's idea of not just a Great God:

He was called Thrygragos Everyman because he seemed humanoid to a human, saurian to a Saur, ophidian to an Ophidian, androgynous to an Androgyny and so it went. For their part most devils saw him as today, as a bright blur vaguely in their own chosen shape.

The one commonality of his seeming was members of every species – save for pureblood Utopians, who despised devakind – perceived him as the faultless embodiment of his, her or its own genus. In that Lazareme was in some respects proof of the theorem that in every individual there resides the spark of godhood.

Put another way, if God, as he’d heard, was made in the image and likeness of whomever or whatever, he had an innate as well as effortless aptitude for making sure he looked the part.

That said, whenever he appeared in 'Forever & 40 Days - the Genesis of PHANTACEA' (a graphic novel published in 1990 that is still available for ordering), he looked a lot like the Male Entity, as per ==>.

Collages incorporating depictions of Thrygragos Lazareme are here, here and here. Should you so fancy, Photoshop your head in the hole here and you too can become Thrygragos Everyman.


Perhaps oddly, his firstborn daughter, the incomparably gorgeous, yet nonetheless thought-hellish Harmonia, Lazareme's Unity of Balance (as well as -- certainly as far as she was concerned during 'Feeling Theocidal' anyhow -- the Unity of Panharmonium), sees him as the howsoever speculative, 61st version of Helios, the one that called himself Alorus Ptah:

“And who do I remind you of, Harmony?”

“Yourself of course: Sky-blue skin, sea-green eyes and sun-blond hair.”

“And you, Order?”

“Much the same,” said Yajur, “Except with bark-brown skin and sparking hair.”

“In other words, I remind you of yourself. Chaos?”

“A bottle of beer wearing a jacket.”

Lazareme laughed. “Then all is as it should be."


In this quote, the Male Entity (Heliosophos, Helios called the Sophos the Wise) tells Romaine Kinesis (Doc Defiance) how often he and Machine-Memory have encountered the devazur race. He also acknowledges that the Moloch Sedon based Thrygragos Lazareme on him, Helios:

"I kept coming back, lifetime after lifetime, time and space after different spaces and different times – sometimes even before them. On more than a few occasions I came across Sedon and his offspring. At times there were only his parthenogeny around: the Three Great Gods and the Three Great Goddesses, Thrygragos and Trigregos. One of the former, I don’t mind telling you, was even based on me whereas the latter three have formed a lasting bond with Mnemosyne and, to a lesser degree, myself."

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Thrygragos Lazareme and his many offspring, primarily his firstborn Unities, were the featured characters in 'The Thousand Days of Disbelief', which came out in the form of three mini-novels. A couple of them appeared subsequently, playing significant roles in "Helios on the Moon" in particular, but they're never too far away from the action in any era.

Here's a quote from one of the post-Limbo novels that will probably start coming out in 2016. There's much more on 'Anarchism and Phantacea' here.

"... Yajur’s the Unity of Order, not Anarchism, though he is an anarchist. All the Lazaremists are, none more so than their father, though it’s more rulers than rules they hate. Figure everyone’s born knowing all the rules anyone will ever need and they’re probably right. Nurture, not Nature’s the problem."

... from "Wilderwitch's Babies", the 2016 continuation of the Damnation Brigade saga


THRYGRAGOS NOTE 1: The images to either side at the top of this entry are details taken from postcards I purchased in Nemrut Kommagene in Turkey during a tour I took through the area in 2003.

The one on the left has been identified as Zeus-Oromasdes but, in terms of the PHANTACEA Mythos, it's more reminiscent of Thrygragos Varuna Mithras. He had hold of Helios in the latter's Seventh Lifetime, which was when he fathered the Attis on Fitna Marutia (eventually Kore-Discord)

As for the one on the right, which supposedly looks like Elvis Presley, it's been identified as Apollon-Mithras-Helios. However, again in terms of the PHANTACEA Mythos, to my mind it's more reminiscent of Thrygragos Lazareme. Perhaps that's understandable because the Male Entity answers to Helios. See also here for more on the unmistakable resemblance between the two and why.


THRYGRAGOS NOTE 2: The images in the Thrygragos Talismans section link to a larger entry on same, here. The two Olmec heads, which I shot at Mexico City's Museum of Anthropology in 2005, remind me of Bodiless Byron, who managed to keep his head when Xuthros Hor atomized his body in 366 Pre-Dome (PD).

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The three Great Goddesses are known individually as Demeter (Body), Sapiendev (Mind), & Devaura (Spirit). Along with the Thrygragos Brothers they make up the Second Generation of Devazurkind. Devils on the Whole Earth believe they died on the first Weirworld after Heliosophos had his Milady Memory nuke Weir Star (as preserved here.)

Three female faces in one head, reminiscent of the Trigregos Sisters; taken in hostel in Granada, Nicaragua by Jim McPherson, 2003

They first appeared in pH-4. In it, they were not only alive but ordinarily devil-despising Utopians (albeit of the planet upon which Cosmicaptain Mik Starrus is put on trial) regard them as their reigning deities. That the planet is New Weirworld and that the entities depicted are the three second generational Sisters, well, that has yet to be stated unequivocally.

The quest for their Brainrock talismans, the Susasword (the Body of Demeter), the Crimson Corona (the Mind of Sapiendev) and the Amateramirror (the Soul of Devaura), which are known to have a deleterious effect on Master Devas, occupies much of 'The Trigregos Gambit', the final book in 'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' trilogy.

(One guess what the thrice-cursed godly glories are -- and, no, they're not the Thrygragos Talismans.)

In "Goddess Gambit", a Phantacea Mythos print-publication that came out in 2012, the surviving, firstborn goddesses of all three tribes decide to play a Trigregos Gambit. They are Methandra Thanatos, Umashakti Silvercloud and ... well, given what went down in "Janna Fangfingers", which came out in 2011, that would be telling.

The Trigregos Sisters appeared throughout the print version of "Helios on the Moon".


Throughout the cosmos, courtrooms were much the same as they were on the Earth. The judge sat on a raised dais behind his or hers bench, used a gavel and pronounced sentence. Secretarial staff sat in front of the judge’s bench. Prosecutors, defenders, appellants, advocates, adversaries, all were arrayed facing the judge.

This being a courtroom of a visionary there was no jury nor any audience, save those invited. Above and behind the judge’s dais was another platform, inset into the wall. Traditionally three empty chairs, more so than thrones, were placed upon it. They were for the three de facto deities of New Weir, the Trigregos Sisters: Devaura, Sapiendev, and Demeter.

Immortal and ageless, the Sisters rarely appeared, but the empty chairs remained as a symbol of those who truly ruled New Weir.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Master Devas such as his [Yajur's] brood-down sister, Metisophia (Titanic Metis, Wisdom of Lazareme), and his younger brother the Librarian (Biblio Drek), ones more inclined to speculation than he was, not to mention learning, claimed the Sisters fused when they made love and split apart again to bear their children, albeit at the same time.

Somewhat similarly, it now seemed to 'Ambassador' Yajur, they sometimes spoke individually, in different voices within the same stream of verbiage; that they vocalized, as it were, different sentences within the same paragraph; that the nevertheless harmonious sounds he heard therefore only seemed to be coming from the three simultaneously.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


TRIGREGOS NOTE 1: The Sisters never became solid (except when possessed of the Recurring Female Entity) and never left New Weirworld, -- may have actually been destroyed there, as hinted at in 'Heliodyssey'. One of the Superior Sisterhood's goals with respect to not just their 'Project Panharmonium' is to reincarnate them in the Twentieth Century. Even if it was purely by accident, in the 'The Trigon Triplets' they may have succeeded as well.

TRIGREGOS NOTE 2: The Sisters, or beings similar to the Sisters, do show up a few times during the web-serial 'Helios on the Moon'. They definitely appear in 'Forever & 40 Days - the Genesis of PHANTACEA', a graphic novel published in 1990 that is still available for ordering. Detail of a painting by William Blake, taken from a postcard from the National Gallery of Scotland in Edinburgh, 2003

TRIGREGOS NOTE 3: During a trip to Turkey in the Fall of 2003 I spotted an interesting statue of Hecate in the Ankara Museum of Anatolian Civilization. Although I wasn't allowed to take a picture of it I found it intriguing that she was described as being 'trimorphos', that is to say triple-bodied. Which of course brought to my Mythos-minded thought processes the Trigregos Sisters.

Which, in turn, is why I scanned in a detail of a William Blake painting entitled "Triple Hecate" for this entry and added to the entry on Hecate-Housekeeping I first web-published back in the Spring-Summer of 2001. (Which see ==>.) As per the text that comes up on a mouse-over of this image, the actual painting is in the Scottish National Museum in Edinburgh. Need an appointment to see it for yourself, though.

As per here, a pre-Flood Hellion by the name of Hecate plays a minor if pivotal role in 'Feeling Theocidal'.

TRIGREGOS NOTE 4: The other graphic in this entry is from a photograph I took of a wall-drawing at a hostel in Granada, Nicaragua when I passed through there in January 2003. Too bad the anonymous artist didn't think to draw a minimum of one additional eye in the 3-in-1 head's forehead.


The Trigregos Triplets, Eden Nightingale, Cybele St Synne and Mnemosyne D'Angelo, were supposed to be the great balancers: incarnations of the long lost goddesses, Demeter, Sapiendev and Devaura, Body, Soul and Mind, the collective mothers of the third generational devils. Would have been, rather, had they been allowed to reach maturity. Which Cybele, who was still alive [in 5980], and Memory were ... but there had to be three, not two, and killing the real Eden on their seventh birthday [in 5916] rendered the other two merely normal Normas.

... from "Wilderwitch's Babies", the 2016 continuation of the Damnation Brigade saga

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