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Welcome to pH-Webworld's Prime Picture Gallery

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Sun-Moon-Kissing Logo, shot in Puerto Morelos, 2014, by Jim McPherson

2015 Sun-Moon-Kissing pHlogo first seen on the back cover of "Helios on the Moon"

- Double-click to enlarge in a separate window -

Phantacea Publications in Print

- 'Phantacea Phase Two' 2016-2018 - The 'Launch 1980' story cycle - 'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' Fantasy Trilogy - The '1000 Days' Mini-Novels - The phantacea Graphic Novels -

Phantacea Phase Two 2016-2018

Decimation Damnation

Decimation Damnation front cover, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2017

Mini-novel published in 2016; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

Hidden Headgames

Hidden Headgames front cover, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2017

Collection of three intertwined novellas published in 2017; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

Daemonic Desperation

Daemonic Desperation cover mockup, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2016

Tentative cover for Dem-Des; will probably be changed before it's published; scheduled to be released in 2018;

The Phantacea Phase Two revival physically began with 2016's "Decimation Damnation", the first mini-novel extracted from the as yet open-ended saga of 'Wilderwitch's Babies'. It was set between the 9th of Tantalar and the 1st of Yamana, 5980 Year of the Dome. However, its follow-up, "Hidden Headgames" was set between the 30th of Maruta and the 14th of Tantalar in that same year. "Daemonic Desperation" picks up Babes near the end of the second week of Yamana and continues through the Summer Solstice of 5981. As the last known member of the Damnation Brigade, if the Witch was fortunate to survive Dec-Dam, alive and pregnant, she may not be so lucky come the end of Dem-Des. Oddly enough, her unborn babies may yet still be both viable and unborn by then.
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The 'Launch 1980' Story Cycle

The War of the Apocalyptics

Front cover of War Pox, artwork by Ian Bateson, 2009

Published in 2009; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

Nuclear Dragons

Nuclear Dragons front cover, artwork by Ian Bateson, 2013

Published in 2013; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

Helios on the Moon

Front cover for Helios on the Moon, artwork by Ricardo Sandoval, 2014

Published in 2014; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

The 'Launch 1980' story cycle comprises three complete, multi-character mosaic novels, "The War of the Apocalyptics", "Nuclear Dragons" and "Helios on the Moon", as well as parts of two others, "Janna Fangfingers" and "Goddess Gambit". Together they represent creator/writer Jim McPherson's long running, but now concluded, project to novelize the Phantacea comic book series.

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'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' Epic Fantasy

Feeling Theocidal

Front Cover for Feel Theo, artwork by Verne Andru, 2008

Published in 2008; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

The 1000 Days of Disbelief

Front cover of The Thousand Days of Disbelief, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

Published as three mini-novels, 2010/11; main webpage is here; ordering lynx for individual mini-novels are here

Goddess Gambit

Front cover for Goddess Gambit by Verne Andru, 2012

Published in 2012; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

Circa the Year of Dome 2000, Anvil the Artificer, a then otherwise unnamed, highborn Lazaremist later called Tvasitar Smithmonger, dedicated the first three devic talismans, or power foci, that he forged out of molten Brainrock to the Trigregos Sisters.

The long lost, possibly even dead, simultaneous mothers of devakind hated their offspring for abandoning them on the far-off planetary Utopia of New Weir. Not surprisingly, their fearsome talismans could be used to kill Master Devas (devils).

For most of twenty-five hundred years, they belonged to the recurring deviant, Chrysaor Attis, time after time proven a devaslayer. On Thrygragon, Mithramas Day 4376 YD, he turned them over to his Great God of a half-father, Thrygragos Varuna Mithras, to use against his two brothers, Unmoving Byron and Little Star Lazareme, in hopes of usurping their adherents and claiming them as his own.

Hundreds of years later, these selfsame thrice-cursed Godly Glories helped turn the devil-worshippers of Sedon's Head against their seemingly immortal, if not necessarily undying gods. Now, five hundred years after the 1000 Days of Disbelief, they've been relocated.

The highest born, surviving devic goddesses want them for themselves; want to thereby become incarnations of the Trigregos Sisters on the Hidden Continent. An Outer Earthling, one who has literally fallen out of the sky after the launching of the Cosmic Express, gets to them first ...

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The '1000 Days' Mini-Novels

The Death's Head Hellion

- Sedonplay -

Front cover for The Death's Head Hellion, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

Published in 2010; main web presence is here; Character Companion starts here; ordering lynx are here;

Contagion Collectors

- Sedon Plague -

Front cover for Contagion Collectors, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

Published in 2010; main web presence is here; Character Companion starts here; ordering lynx are here;

Janna Fangfingers

- Sedon Purge -

Front cover for Janna Fangfingers, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2011

Published in 2011; two storylines recounted side-by-side, the titular one narrated by the Legendarian in 5980, the other indirectly leading into the 'Launch 1980' story cycle; main web presence is here; Character Companion starts here; ordering lynx are here;

In the Year of the Dome 4825, Morgan Abyss, the Melusine Master of the Utopian Weirdom of Cabalarkon, seizes control of Primeval Lilith, the ageless, seemingly unkillable Demon Queen of the Night. The eldritch earthborn is the real half-mother of the invariably mortal Sed-sons but, once she has hold of her, aka Lethal Lily, Master Morgan proceeds to trap the Moloch Sedon Himself.

In the midst of the bitter, century-long expansion of the Lathakran Empire, the Hidden Headworld's three tribes of devil-gods are forced to unite in an effort to release their All-Father. Unfortunately for them, they're initially unaware Master Morg, the Death's Head Hellion herself, has also got hold of the Trigregos Talismans, devic power foci that can actually kill devils, and Sedon's thought-father Cabalarkon, the Undying Utopian she'll happily slay if they dare attack her Weirdom.

Utopians from Weir have never given up seeking to wipe devils off not just the face of the Inner Earth, but off the planet itself. Their techno and biomages, under the direction of the Weirdom of Cabalarkon's extremely long-lived High Illuminary, Quoits Tethys, have determined there is only one sure way to do that -- namely, to infect the devils' Inner Earth worshippers with fatal plagues brought in from the Outer Earth.

Come All-Death Day there are more Dead Things Walking than Living Beings Talking. Believe it or not, that's the good news.

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phantacea Graphic Novels

Forever and Forty Days

- The Genesis of Phantacea -

Front cover of Forever and Forty Days; artwork by Ian Fry and Ian Bateson, ca 1990

Published in 1990; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

The Damnation Brigade

- Phantacea Revisited 1 -

Front cover of The Damnation Brigade, artwork by Ian Bateson, retouching by Chris Chuckry 2012

Published in 2013; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

Cataclysm Catalyst

- Phantacea Revisited 2 -

Front cover for Cataclysm Catalyst, artwork by Verne Andru, 2013

Published in 2014, main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

Kadmon Heliopolis had one life. It ended in October 1968. The Male Entity has had many lives. In his fifth, he and his female counterpart, often known as Miracle Memory, engendered more so than created the Moloch Sedon. They believe him to be the Devil Incarnate. They've been attempting to kill him ever since. Too bad it's invariably he, Heliosophos (Helios called Sophos the Wise), who gets killed instead.

On the then still Whole Earth circa the Year 4000 BCE, one of their descendants, Xuthros Hor, the tenth patriarch of Golden Age Humanity, puts into action a thought-foolproof, albeit mass murderous, plan to succeed where the Dual Entities have always failed. He unleashes the Genesea. The Devil takes a bath.

Fifty-nine hundred and eighty years later, New Century Enterprises launches the Cosmic Express from Centauri Island. It never reaches Outer Space; not all of it anyhow. As a stunning consequence of its apparent destruction, ten extraordinary supranormals are reunited, bodies, souls and minds, after a quarter century in what they've come to consider Limbo. They name themselves the Damnation Brigade. And so it appears they are -- if perhaps not so much damned as doomed.

At least one person survives the launching of the Cosmic Express. He literally falls out of the sky -- on the Hidden Continent of Sedon's Head. An old lady saves him. Except this old lady lives in a golden pagoda, rides vultures and has a third eye. She also doesn't stay old long. He becomes her willing soldier, acquires the three Sacred Objects and goes on a rampage, against his own people, those that live.

Meanwhile, Centauri Island, the launch site of the Cosmic Express, comes under attack from Hell's Horsemen. Only it's not horses they ride. It's Atomic Firedrakes!

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Jim McPherson's Phantacea Mythos Online

Phantacea Publications logo

Double-click to open a separate window with a different banner

Jim McPherson's PHANTACEA Mythos Online

Covers for Feeling Theocidal and Forever and Forty Days

Mosaic Novel Published in 2008
Graphic Novel Published in 1990

An Illustrated Primer

[Animated Phantacea on the Web log prepared on Photoshop by Jim McPherson, 2002]

Animated GIF prepared by Jim McPherson, 2002 

| Sun-Moon-Kissing pHlogo | Phantacea Publications available in print and digitally | Introductory Remarks | 2014 Prime Picture Gallery Masthead | The 2012/13 Phantacea Revisited Graphic Novels | The three mini-novels comprising "The Thousand Days of Disbelief" | Graphics prepared for start of Launch 1980 Story Cycle | Feel Theo's front and back covers | The Potential Covers Gallery | Sample Artwork from the Comics & Graphic Novel | Illustrated Mini Essays | Photos suggestive of Mythos Characters | Page Backgrounds pre 2007 | Character Collages | Closing Comments |

Anheroic Fantasy since 1977

Two Ian  Bateson covers of the same scene

Mosaic Novel Published in 2009
Phase One #2 cover never published
©Copyright Jim McPherson ( 2010

| pH-Webworld's Welcoming Page | Internal Search Engine | Main Menu | Online PHANTACEA Primer | Ongoing PHANTACEA Features | pHantaBlog | Information for ordering by credit card | Information for ordering by certified cheque or money order | Serial Synopses | Contact | pH-Webworld Miscellanea | Lynx to additional websites featuring Jim McPherson's PHANTACEA Mythos | Bottom of Page Lynx |

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Introductory Remarks

pH-Webworld (aka PHANTACEA on the Web) began in 1996. Although I tend to call it Jim McPherson's PHANTACEA Mythos Online these days, it still has two primary purposes.

Firstly, it provides a web-presence whereby I can advertise print publications, such as 'Feeling Theocidal' and 'War of the Apocalyptics', as well as back issues of the PHANTACEA Comic Books and Genesis Graphic Novel, that are still available for purchase. Even though covers a fair bit of that role these days, pH-Webworld still contains a great deal of background information. Almost all of it is accessible from here, here and of course here, the very webpage you're currently perusing.

Secondly, it gives me an opportunity to serialize chapters and, indeed, entire novels featuring the aforementioned PHANTACEA Mythos. With those serials (cereals or Web Wheaties, as I sometimes refer to them, howsoever lamely) come synopses for chapters that have come and gone. That's a dot-ditto for the few that keep on going and going, which are listed here.

Early on I started adding a graphics component. Mostly these consisted of photos I took during various 'Travels in my Pants' (TIMP), many of which can now be found on a different website. In time, though, I developed some small ability of my own when it came to preparing collages and suchlike specific to the PHANTACEA Mythos. There are now dozens, if not hundreds, of these graphics out here in Cyberia.

[NOTE: supplies what amounts to a pH-Webworld web gallery. Just go to, hit the images link and type in PHANTACEA. Not all of what comes up link to one of my three websites but most do. As for the others, well, for the most part I have no idea why google displays them.]

What follows is the start of my own version of a pH-Webworld graphics gallery.

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2014 Welcoming Table for phantacea's Prime Picture Gallery

| 2014: "Cataclysm Catalyst" | 2013: "Nuclear Dragons" | 2013: "Damnation Brigade" | Blog on | Get Busy | 2012: "Goddess Gambit | 2010/11: "The Thousand Days of Disbelief" | 2009: The War of the Apocalyptics" | 2008: "Feeling Theocidal" | Quick Lynx |

What might have been, will be for sure in 2014

Two versions of Rhadamanthys Revealed, art by Verne Andru, 1980-2013

Cover(s) by Verne Andru, 1980/2-2013; text by Jim McPherson, 2014

BTW, pHz-1 #12 only exists in script form; Kitty-Clysm is pH-Webworld shorthand for "Cataclysm Catalyst";

Double-click to enlarge images in this panel here


Cataclysm Catalyst

Cover art by Verne Andru

Phantacea Revisited 2

Now available for ordering online, the third graphic novel from Phantacea Publications extracts the complete 'Soldier's Saga' from Phantacea 2-6 as well as the 'Hell's Horsmen' sequence as drawn for pH-7 and the 'Origin of the Devil' from the Phantacea Phase One project.

Illustrators include Dave Sim, Ian Fry, Sean Newton, Verne Andrusiek (later Andru), and Ian Bateson; full colour cover by Verne Andru off his black and white Rhadamanthys Revealed proposal as reproduced here and here; dedicated webpage is here.

- Double-click to enlarge in a separate window here and here -


What was once, will be again

Helios on the Moon, bw versions of front cover for pH-3, art by Richard Sandoval, 1978

Thirty-six years after its original release, Jim McPherson completes his Launch 1980 project to novelize all the Phantacea comic books with the release of "Helios on the Moon"

pH-3 artwork by Richard Sandoval, 1978; rollover adjustments made by Jim McPherson, 2013

Double-click to enlarge images in this panel here
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Phantacea Seven

- The unpublished comic now partially novelized -

pages 1 and 2, artwork by Ian Bateson, 1980

At long last, the second entry in the Launch 1980 epic fantasy has arrived

Check out the expanded Availability Listings for places you can order or buy Phantacea Publications in person

Images in this row double-click to enlarge here

Look out below!

Full covers for Nuclear Dragons, art by Ian Bateson, 2013; text by Jim McPherson

Nuclear Dragons are here!

- A phantacea Mythos Mosaic Novel -

Jim McPherson continues his ongoing project to novelize the entire Phantacea comic book series

Double-click on image to enlarge in a separate window

Dedicated webpage can be found here; back cover text here; lynx to excerpts from the book start here and here; check out material that didn't make it here and related excerpts from its scheduled follow-up, 2014's "Helios on the Moon", here; for the time being its Auctorial Preamble is reprinted here and here

Centauri Island

- The web-serial enlarged radically -

pages 3 and 4, artwork by Ian Bateson, 1980

Ian Bateson's unpublished artwork from Phantacea Seven provides the basis for the first full-length phantacea Mythos Mosaic Novel since "Goddess Gambit".

Ian Bateson's breathtaking wraparound cover for the novel utilizes his own dragons from pH-7. Those from the unfinished cover for the Phantacea Phase One project can be seen here and here.

Images in this row double-click to enlarge here and here

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Phantacea Revisited 1

B/w first and last pages from DB graphic novel

Check out the expanded Availability Listings for places you can order or buy Phantacea Publications in person

NEW: Read most of the mini-novels making up "The Thousand Days of Disbelief" today on Google Books

Hit here to see what else is currently available there

Guess what isn't coming soon any more?

Text reads Graphic Novel coming soon or here

Phantacea Revisited 1: The Damnation Brigade"

A Watermarked PDF of the graphic novel can be ordered from Drive Thru Comics here

To order from the publisher, click here or go straight to here.

Postage is extra. Please be aware that as yet Phantacea Publications can only accept certified cheques or money orders.

The Damnation Brigade Graphic Novel

artwork by Ian Bateson and Vince Marchesano

Artwork never seen before in print; almost all of pH-5 available for the first time since 1980

Images in this row double-click to enlarge here

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No wonder they call themselves the Damnation Brigade

Variations of DB cover, artwork by Ian Bateson, 2012, collage by Jim McPherson, 2012

Both Phantacea Revisited graphic noves are now available from Phantacea Publications.

"Phantacea Revisited #1: The Damnation Brigade" follows D-Brig from their reconstitution on Damnation Island through to their deadly struggle against the Apocalyptics of War, Death, Plague and Catastrophe, along with their allies, in Subcranial Temporis.

The survivors may reappear in RV2:CC; always assuming there are any, that is.

Images in this row are double-clickable from here, here, and, to a lesser degree, here.

pHantaBlog On

Two Damnation Brigade Collages, 2009, 2012

Register now and contribute whenever you please

A variety of mildly interactive PDFs produced specifically for Phantacea Publications can be downloaded here; this season's selected highlights from pHantaBlog are here

Hit here for a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) of the most recent pHantaBlog entries

The Phantacea Revisited Project

Covers for the Phantacea Revisited graphic novels

Collecting complete storylines from the Phantacea comic book series (1977-1980) and pHz-1 (1987).

Rv1:DB contains material from pH #s 1-5 + pHz1 #s 1 & 2. It's the first time in the better part of 30 years that material from pH-5 has been available except from online traders.

"Phantacea Revisited #2: Cataclysm Catalyst" features the launching of the Cosmic Express, the origin of the Devil Sedon, the complete Soldier's Saga and the 6-page, never before print-published Hell's Horsemen sequence intended for pH-7.

RV2:CC contains material from pH #s 1-7 + pHz1 #s 1 & 2. It's the first time the entirety of pH-6 has been reprinted with its hand-lettering corrected.



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D-Brig advertisement with graphic novel table of contents on one side2013 Phantacea Publications advert with price listSearch all the Phantacea Sites
Contribute to the all-new pHantaBlog and download a free PDF of Mythos Mag #1 while you're at it
Get hold of "Phantacea Revisited 1: The Damnation Brigade", a graphic novel collecting the DB-storyline from pH 1-5, as well as Phantacea Phase One #s 1 & 2 (unpublished) now available for ordering from Phantacea Publications

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"Goddess Gambit"

– Now available from Phantacea Publications –

Eyemouth over cover for Gambitsedonic eyes"For the Dead to Thrive, the Living must Die!"

So proclaims Nergal Vetala, the Blood Queen of Hadd.

When her soldier falls out of the sky she's not only back in the pink again – as in arterial – she reckons she's found the perfect foil through which to play, and win, a Trigregos Gambit.

She might be right as well.

Thus Ends 'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' Trilogy

For more on the actual celestial phenomena upon which the eye-collages were based, click here. There's additional information re the Sedonic Eye here and here. The complete cover for Phase One #1 is here whereas yet another variation of it is here. The left eye double-click is the full cover for "Goddess Gambit", artwork by Verne Andru 2011/2. The right eye double-click is of Ian Bateson's enduring, 1986 Sedonic Eye as prepared by Jim McPherson, 2011. Gambit's main webpage is here.

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"The 1000 Days of Disbelief" is not only 3/3rds Done, it's E-done (albeit for Kindle, not kidding nor kindling)

covers and characters from Janna FangfingersAlternative covers for Goddess GambitIn part to celebrate the 35th Year of Anheroic Fantasy, Phantacea Publications is pleased to announce that "Feeling Theocidal", Book One of the trilogy, and all three mini-novels extracted from 1000-Daze are available on the Kindle platform from and a number its affiliates worldwide.

Subtitled Sedonplay, Sedon Plague and Sedon Purge, the mini-novels commence, continue and conclude Book Two of 'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' trilogy.

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Like the first two mini-novels extracted from 1000-Daze, "The Death's Head Hellion" and "Contagion Collectors", "Janna Fangfingers" contains a book-specific character companion. An Auctorial Prefatory and the opening chapter extracted from Gambit round out a 230-page volume bargain-priced at only $12.00 per book CAD and USD, vastly less as an e-book.

(Please note: although their character companions are for the most part applicable to Feel Theo, in large measure they're not so much so to either War-Pox or Gambit, which tend to feature characters more prevalent in the phantacea comic books and web-serials.)

Together they carry on recording the multi-millennia-long chronicles of the gods and goddesses, the demons and monsters, of antique mythologies — the same seemingly endless saga also presented in the 1990 graphic novel, "Forever & 40 Days — The Genesis of phantacea", and the three, thus-far-published, full-length mosaic novels featuring Jim McPherson's Phantacea Mythos.

Variations on covers prepared for Goddess Gambit

Each of the mini-novels is complete unto itself. Among many another character, they feature Thrygragos Everyman and his firstborn Unities (the incomparable Harmony, Thunder & Lightning Lord Order and Uncle Abe Chaos) in their freewheeling prime. On top of that, Fangers presents a framing story set in 5980 Year of the Dome. As such it could be considered a prequel to the Launch 1980 story cycle that began in earnest with War-Pox and eventually picks up again in Gambit.

[Check out for extracts, synopses, teasers, and a grab bag of even more intriguing graphics pertinent to Phantacea Publications' 35th anniversary.]

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Cover for the Death's Head Hellion, artwork prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010Cover for the Contagion Collectors, artwork prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

"Forever & 40 Days — The Genesis of PHANTACEA", a graphic novel with additional features written by Jim McPherson, "Feeling Theocidal" (Book One of 'The Thrice Cursed Godly Glories'), "The War of the Apocalyptics" (the opening entry in the Launch 1980 story cycle), the three mini-novels, "The Death's Head Hellion", "Contagion Collectors" and "Janna Fangfingers", that comprise "The 1000 Days of Disbelief" (Book Two of 'The Thrice Cursed Godly Glories'), the trilogy's concluding novel, "Goddess Gambit", the graphic novel "Phantacea Revisited 1: The Damnation Brigade", "Nuclear Dragons"(the second, full-length entry in the Launch 1980 story cycle), plus the latest graphic novel, "Phantacea Revisited 2: Cataclysm Catalyst", and "Helios on the Moon", the culminating entry in the Launch 1980 story cycle, should be available at your favourite book stops.

If they're not, kindly direct local librarians and neighbourhood booksellers to in order to start rectifying that sad situation. Either that or, if you're feeling even more proactive, click here, copy the link, paste it into an email and send it to them, along with everyone else you reckon could use a double dose of anheroic fantasy. It will certainly be appreciated.

Help build the buzz. The more books sell, the faster the PHANTACEA Mythos spreads.

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The phantacea Revisited Graphic Novels

| pH-Rev 1 | Prepared Promos for D-Brig Graphic Novel | Additional 'D-Brig' graphics on | pH-Rev 2 | Prepared Promos for Clysm Graphic Novel | Additional 'Catalysm' graphics on |

Back from the Dead

B/w first and last pages from DB graphic novel

The extraordinary story of the Damnation Brigade from the Launching of the Cosmic Express and their consequential re-embodiment on Damnation Island to their ill-fated ics intervention in devil-doing within Subcranial Temporis beneath Sedon's Head

The Damnation Brigade

Text reads Graphic Novel coming soon or here

Phantacea Revisited 1


Only to Die Anew

artwork by Ian Bateson and Vince Marchesano

Breathtaking storytelling combined with phenomenal artwork, some of it never seen before in print; almost all of pH-5 available for the first time since 1980

Demon Land v/s Devil Wind; artwork by Ian Bateson, ca 1985; lettering by Fred Armstong; from pHz1 #2 which as never published; more of the same links from here;

Interior Artwork Credits for pH-Rev 1

Credits for D-Brig g-novel. prepared by Jim McPherson 2012

Artists include Dave Sim, Ian Bateson, Verne Andrusiek, Tim Hammell and Vince Marchesano

Double-click for more legible enlargement

No wonder they call themselves the Damnation Brigade

Spherized version of  D-Brig front cover, prepared by Jim McPherson, 2012

Characters spherized: Wildman Dervish Furie, Old Man Power, Radiant Rainbow Rider and Cyborg Cerebrus

Artwork by Ian Bateson, ca 1985, coloured 2012; promo prepared by Jim McPherson, 2012

First draft of front cover

Devil Wind (Vayu Maelstrom) seeks to flee the enraged, but only recently re-embodied Damnation Brigade on Damnation Island, 30 November 1980

Artwork entirely by Ian Bateson, 2012; double-click to enlarge

The Devil and the D-Brig Three

The deep blue sea in this case is Sea Goddess (Thalassa D'Angelo) together with her twin Airealist (Aires) and the Untouchable Diver (Yehudi Cohen); Maelstrom has just made off with the Elemental Twins' talismans: her Aqua Ankh or Water Wand and his Aerod

Artwork by Ian Bateson, twins and Wilderwitch touch-up by Chris Chuckry, 2012; prepared by Jim McPherson, 2012, double-click is the final front cover

The Covers Gallery

Selection of covers in bw from pHant comix, art by Ian Bateson

Covers include pH-3 flip, pH-4 front, pHz1 #1 and pHz1 #2 (previously unpublished)

- double-click to enlarge all images in this row -

pHant Promo 2013

Ad for pHant pubs, prepared by Jim McPherson

D-Brig Promo with addition of covers for novels making up 'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' epic fantasy

Artwork by Bateson, Andru, McPherson and Andru again

Out of the Grey; Into the Blue

Promo based on cover for D-Brig Graphic Novel

Characters depicted include Cyborg Cerebrus, Raven's Head, Blind Sundown, Sea Goddess, Wilderwitch, Dervish Furie

Artwork by Ian Bateson; touch-up by Chris Chuckry, 2013

So much for the Shadow Woman

p 77 of g-novel, artwork by Vince Marchesano, 1980

Actually an aspect of her did reappear in the web-serial entitled

Year One - After Limbo: PSYCHODRAMA

Artwork by Vince Marchesano and crew, 1980

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What might have been back then, is for sure in 2014

Two versions of Rhadamanthys Revealed, art by Verne Andru, 1980-2013

Cover(s) by Verne Andru, 1980/2-2013/4; text by Jim McPherson, 2014

BTW, pHz-1 #12 only exists in script form; Kitty-Clysm is pH-Webworld shorthand for "Cataclysm Catalyst";

Double-click to enlarge images in the first and last panel; see also here

Cataclysm Catalyst

Cover art by Verne Andru

Phantacea Revisited 2

As per here, interior illustrators include Dave Sim, Ian Fry, Sean Newton, Verne Andrusiek (later Andru), and Ian Bateson; full colour cover by Verne Andru off his black and white 'Rhadamanthys Revealed' proposal as reproduced here and here; dedicated webpage is here.

- Double-click to enlarge in a separate window here and here -

Bad Rhad thinks he's won

Colorized version of Kitty Clysm cover, art by Verne Andru 2013

And maybe he has -- in his fantasy life. Can't say the same thing about his phantacea life; not without giving away the ending

Which, come to think about it, is a misleading statement because Kitty Clysm actually ends on the Moon!


From comics to novels

Graphic novels that became novels, prepared by Jim McPherson, 2014

Actually the two Phantacea Revisited were novelized before they became graphic novels

Kitty Card

Postcard prepared with text-free version of graphic novel, artwork by Verne Andru, 2013

The (almost) text-free, colourized version of the complete cover for "Cataclysm Catalyst"; artwork by Verne Andru, 2013;


Artistic Credits for "Cataclysm Catalyst"

Illustrations credits for KItty Clysm

Double-click for more legible enlargement

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The three mini-novels comprising ...

"The Thousand Days of Disbelief"

- Double-Click images for enlarged versions in a separate window -

| "The Death's Head Hellion" | "Contagion Collectors" | "Janna Fangfingers" | Background Images | Plenty more on |

The Death's Head Hellion

-- Sedonplay - 4824/25 Year of the Dome --

Full cover for The Death's Head Hellion

- Lynx to some of the images that went into Hellion's cover collage, as prepared by Jim McPherson, 2009

- The 10 Second Synopsis for Hellion

- Back Cover Blurb

©Jim McPherson, 2011
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Contagion Collectors

-- Sedon Plague - 5456-5476 Years of the Dome --

Full cover for Contagion Collectors

- Lynx to some of the images that went into Contagion's cover collage, as prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

- The 10 Second Synopsis for Contagion

- Back Cover Blurb

©Jim McPherson, 2011
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Janna Fangfingers

-- Sedon Purge - YD 5476-5495 --

Full cover for Janna Fangfingers

- Lynx to some of the images that went into Fanger's cover collage, as prepared by Jim McPherson, 2011

- The 10 Second Synopsis for Fangers

- Back Cover Blurb

©Jim McPherson
Top of Page - Top of Section - Return to Page Contents - On to Graphics prepared for Table Backgrounds - Bottom of Page Ordering Lynx

Fangers Missing Abyss

Alternative Cover for 1000 Daze prepared by Jim McPherson, 2009

Missing Herta Heartthrob, Magnus Minus and Demon Queen Lilith, among a number of others pictured herein, too.

I don't doubt they, like Daddy Cabby's Champion, are all at least mentioned the third and final mini-novel extracted from 1000-Daze, though.

More here

Devils aren't always heroes

Durer collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2009

Not even in their own minds.

Among those represented in this collage are the three Unities of Lazareme and a number of others.

More here

Bosch's Fruit Dancers

Bosco Fruit Figures, from the Garden of Earthly Delights

The double-click is Bosch's Juggler, which is taken from the same painting: "The Garden of Earthly Delights", which provides the part of the background for the 1000-Daze collage in the first panel of this row.

More here

Embossed Front Cover

Embossed version of Fangers cover, prepared by JIm McPherson, 2011

More here

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Graphics Illustrating Aspects of the Launch 1980 Story Cycle

| Spooky Jolts of Stellar Similarities | Actual and Potential Cover for "The War of the Apocalyptics" | War-Pox Graphics |

- double-click on the graphics in this table and a new window with enlarged images should open -

Spooky Jolts of Stellar Similariities

Shot of part of the Helix Nebula that's been nicknamed 'The Eye of God'

Eye of God, Shot taken from Web

The double-click takes you to the same image, albeit meshed with the Sedonic Eye-Mouth

For more on the so-called Eye of God, check out Stellar Serendipity

'The Hand of God', as taken by NASA's Chandra X-ray observatory.

The so-called Hand of God

At present, the projected Launch 1980 story cycle contains three novels. They are: "The War of the Apocalyptics", "Centauri Island" and "Helios on the Moon".

For more on the so-called Hand of God check out Stellar Serendipity

Peter Lynde's Cosmicaptain Starrus and the Hand of Son-Shine, from pH-3

Peter Lynde's pH-3 version of SonShine's hand and Starrus going out to confront it

All three novels in the projected Launch 1980 story cycle are based on the comic books and novels previously serialized out here in Cyberia.

That said, by the time they attain the status of phantacea Mythos print publications, they may be much different than their predecessors of the same titles.

For more of Starrus and Son-Shine check out Stellar Serendipity

The Mighty Eye-Mouth in the Sky

SEdonic Eye-mouth fused with Eye of GodEye of God

"The Launching of the Cosmic Express took place on November 30, 1980.

"The Moloch Sedon found the whole thing so distasteful he spat it out again."

... from War-Pox's back cover

For more on the Sedonic Eye-Mouth, check out Stellar Serendipity

Actual and Potential Cover for "The War of the Apocalyptics"

Ian Bateson's original cover for phantacea Phase One #2

Cover for Phase One 2, artwork by Ian Bateson, 1985/6

Bateson redid this cover from 1985/6, albeit in full colour, for "The War of the Apocalyptics", which can now be ordered in a variety of ways

War-Pox Covers Rollover

Two cover for War-Pox, the published cover is by Ian Bateson, 2009, the potential cover is by Jim McPherson, 2003

Published and Unpublished Front and Back Covers for "The War of the Apocalyptics"

For the unpublished cover, collages and text prepared by Jim McPherson, 2007. For the published cover, all artwork and text layout by Ian Bateson, 2009.

Ordering information can be found here and here. Lynx leading to a partial list of excerpts from the novel can be found here and here. Back cover text can be found here.

A sample of Ian Bateson's artwork for PHANTACEA Phase One #2

Demon Land prepares to smash the cosmicar, artwork by Ian Bateson, 1985/6

Although the issue never saw the light of day, photocopies of Bateson's artwork have survived and appear in pH-Webworld

War-Pox Graphics

Mater Matare, the self-proclaimed Apocalyptic of Death, has four arms and three eyes but she's still phantacea's Medusa

[Wooden plate of a wolf-woman suggestive of Wilderwitch and her fearsome soul-self as found on in a vendor's sidewalk display in Montreal, Canada, PHOTO BY JIM MCPHERSON, Year 2000]

As Mother Murder, she gets much more of a run in War-Pox than she did in Feel Theo.

Nonetheless, motherly as she may be, even her own siblings likely wouldn't consider her heroic.

As for her devic children, hey, that's why the Byronic Nucleus brought D-Brig to the Inner Earth -- to stop her having any.

There are more Medusas here and here

Collage made up of images suggestive of the Damnation Brigade

Collage featuring images suggestive of the Damnation Brigade

D-Brig are the closest thing War-Pox has in terms of heroes.

Which isn't surprising since phantacea has been spotlighting Anheroic Fantasy in print since 1977.

The double-click is a collage containing images I reckon suggestive of two other members of D-Brig: Blind Sundown and Raven's Head; its main shout is here

Collage made up of images suggestive of the four Apocalyptics and their two allies

Collage made up of images suggestive of the Apocalyptics

"Plague, Murder, War and Disaster, they're Apocalyptics ... Murder's pregnant. She'll give birth ... if D-Brig doesn't stop her first."

... from War-Pox's back cover

The double-click is a shot of a Kali-type that I took while in India in 2005. It first appeared in the Anheroic Fantasy photo essay and reminds me of what Mater Matare looks like in War-Pox if perhaps not so much so in Feel Theo.

Wildman Dervish Furie is proof positive that phantacea's heroes are definitely of the anheroic variety

[Mask of a faun as photographed in Antigua Guatemala by Jim McPherson, Year 2001]

The faun mask, one of a number, that I spotted in Guatemala Antigua was but one of many serendipitous sightings I preserved here.

The double-click brings up the back cover for pH-3, artwork by Ian Bateson, 1978.

It depicts Sea Goddess's howsoever fleeting victory over the Apocalyptics.

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Published and Unpublished Front and Back Covers for "Feeling Theocidal"

Potential Cover for "Feeling Theocidal". constructed by Jim McPherson using his own copy and photos, 2007

For the unpublished cover, collages and text prepared by Jim McPherson, 2007. For the published cover, all artwork and text layout by Verne Andru, 2008.

Ordering information can be found here and here. Lynx leading to a partial list of excerpts from the novel can be found here and here. Back cover text can be found here.

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Potential Cover for Manoeuvres, prepared by Jim McPherson

"The Moloch Manoeuvres"


| 2002: "The Moloch Manoeuvres" | 2003: "The War of the Apocalyptics" | 2004: "Decimation Damnation" | 2005: "The Trigregos Gambit" | 2006/7: "Feeling Theocidal" | 2008: "Tsishah's Twilight" |

A collage entitled 'The VAM Entity', prepared on PHOTOSHOP by Jim McPherson, 2007

The VAM Entity

A potential dust cover for "The War of the Apocalyptics", prepared on PHOTOSHOP by Jim McPherson, 2005

"The War of the Apocalyptics"

A potential dust cover for "The Triggregos Gambit", prepared on PHOTOSHOP by Jim McPherson, 2005

"The Trigregos Gambit"

Potential cover for Jim McPherson's Decimation Damnation. The text on the back cover under the Mythos logo reads as follows: "By the time the Damnation Brigade regroups in the Weirdom of Cabalarkon only 8 of the original 10 are left. One of them is Wilderwitch. She's pregnant. Her soul-self is too. Make that two. And soon there might be none. D-Brig really should have called themselves something less self-fulfilling."

"Decimation Damnation"

Potential cover for Jim McPherson's Tsishah's Twilight. The text on the back cover under the Mythos logo reads as follows: "Tsishah Twilight, 47, is the Anthean Aortic of Shenon, Witch Isle. She was once possessed of a devil. Now she wears a demon. In life her demon's name was Shahiyeha. Shah's parents are long dead. The one of them isn't and Tsishah suddenly finds herself in truly Deep Dreck!

"Tsishah's Twilight"

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The Sedonshem Landing

Hell to Earth artwork by Ian Fry, late 1980s; colour and script by Jim McPherson, 2007

... from "Forever & 40 Days -- The Genesis of PHANTACEA", published in 1990;

Order the graphic novel now

As Jordy might say: "Be a goose and have a gander at the full cover. Then order the graphic novel for only $10.00, plus shipping costs!"

Collage entitled "Jordan Tethys", b/w artwork by Ian Fry, prepared on PHOTOSHOP by Jim McPherson, 2007

Sequence featuring Jordan Tethys from "Forever & 40 Days - The Genesis of PHANTACEA"; artwork by Ian Fry, 1990, with a contribution from Hieronymous Bosch, ca 1500 AD, and a wax tee-tee from London's Faerie Tree

Order the graphic novel now

"Nuke Weirstar!"

Artwork by Ian Fry, late 1980s, colour and text by Jim McPherson, 2007

... from "Forever & 40 Days -- The Genesis of PHANTACEA", published in 1990;

Order the graphic novel now

The Black Rose of Anarchy

The Black Rose of Anarchy, artwork by Peter Lynde, 1978

... from pH-3, published in 1978

Returns and remainders of the 1st four issues of the PHANTACEA comic book series can still be ordered for $5.00 an issue, plus shipping costs!

Sample Artwork from the Comics & Graphic Novel

Backcover of 4Ever40DaysFrontcover of 4Ever40Days

A detailed, section-by-section overview of "Forever & 40 Days - The Genesis of PHANTACEA" starts here

Order the graphic novel now

Doc Defiance, the Gypsium Man


... from pH-2, published in 1978

Returns and remainders of the 1st four issues of the PHANTACEA comic book series can still be ordered for $5.00 an issue, plus shipping costs!

Helios threatening to destroy 'fascistes'

Helios announcing to the world that he was taking over, from pH-3 as drawn by Richard Sandoval in 1978

... from pH-3, published in 1978

Rhadamanthys Revealed

Unpublished Wraparound Cover prepared for PHANTACEA Phase One by Verne Andru circa 1987.

... inked but never coloured, potential cover for reprint of pH-6 (unpublished)

Link to Verne Andru's '420' Website

Anti-Patriarch Cain raising the Golden Calf

Cover from Cain, Slayer of Abel, artwork by Ian Fry, 1988

... from "Forever & 40 Days -- The Genesis of PHANTACEA", published in 1990;

The Byronhead encounters the Apocalyptic Nucleus

The Byronic and Apocalptic Nucleii atomizing each other, from pH-5, art by George Freeman and Verne Andru, 1980

... from pH-5, published in 1980

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Graphic prepared on PHOTOSHOP by Jim McPherson, 2005; main image suggestive of Rakshas demons

Anheroic Fantasy

Mini Essays

Gif used on back cover of potential dustcover for 'The Trigregos Gambit', prepared on PHOTOSHOP by Jim McPherson, 2005,

The Trigregos Talismans

Jpeg entitled 'The outstretched, grasping hand', prepared on PHOTOSHOP by Jim McPherson, 2005

The Cretan Snake Goddess

A photo of a faerie stuck in a tree taken by Jim McPherson in Vancouver Canada


Mayan Statue of a Vampire Bat, taken at Copan Honduras by Jim McPherson, 2003

Vampires in pre-Columbian Honduras

Aerial Shot of Giza Plateau taken in the 20s or 30s

Sedon's Head: Inspiration or Destination?

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The Dual Entities in Egypt

Photos Suggestive of Characters Featured in the PHANTACEA Mythos

Statues reminiscent of the Dual Entities, photo taken in the British Museum by Jim McPherson in 2005

The Dual Entities in the British Museum

Shot of a demon, behind glass, taken by Jim McPherson in Lima, Peru, in 1998 and modified on PHOTOSHOP in 2007

Magnus Minus in Lima, Peru

Painting spotted on a subway wall suggestive of Sorciere manifesting herself through Granny Garuda, photo by Jim McPherson, 2005

Sorciere coming out of Granny Garuda on the wall of a subway in Mexico City

Bonehead on Vacation, shot of a mask bought in Mexico in the 1980s, photo by Jim McPherson

Mars Bellona, the Apocalyptic of War, as Bonehead on Vacation in Zihuatanejo, Mexico

A Fino's Mary Magdalene, photographed in Puno, Peru, by Jim McPherson, 1998

Lady Lamia (Mary Magdalene nee Ryne Mandam) as the Qosqo (Cusco) Magdalene in Peru

[Mask of a faun as photographed in Antigua Guatemala by Jim McPherson, Year 2001]

All of Incain (Ginny the Gynosphinx early on in Feel Theo), as spotted for sale in Catania, Sicily

Statue reminiscent of Headless Ramazare, the Apocalyptic of Disaster, photo taken by Jim McPherson in Catania, Sicily, 1997

Headless Ramazar, also in Catania, Sicily

Medusa Head, spotted in San  Jose, Costa Rica, picture taken by Jim McPherson, 2003

Mater Matare (Mother Murder) as a Medusa in San Jose, Costa Rica

Collage prepared on PHOTOSHOP by Jim McPherson, 2006, intended to represent the Mask of Byron as transformed in 'Feeling Theocidal'

Thrygragos Byron in Mexico

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Collage made up of a number of images scanned in or else taken from the Web by Jim McPherson, who the mother of the 3rd potential Trig Trip is contained within it; collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2007

Ophiomedea as a Cockatrice

The Raven Fetishim collage, prepared by Jim McPherson, using pictures mostly taken in Mexcio, 2007

Shaman Manitoulin's Raven Fetishim

Collage on Faceless Strife prepared by Jim McPherson, 2007,  integral images taken from Web

Faceless Strife

Collage made up of various images suggestive of Young Death, the Male Trickster; prepared by Jim McPherson, 2007, using his own photo as well as images taken from Web

Young Death

Fanciful graphic suggestive of Gloriel, prepared on PHOTOSHOP by Jim McPherson, 2005

Gloriella D'Angelo Dark

Character Collages

Fanciful gif of Bad Rhad as a tree sprite, prepared on PHOTOSHOP by Jim McPherson, 2005

The Smiling Fiend

Collage prepared on PHOTOSHOP celebrating 25 Years of PHANTACEA

Anheroic Fantasy Hotspots

GIFs with transparent backgrounds representing the Damnation Brigade and the Apocalyptics, collage prepared on PHOTOSHOP by Jim McPherson, 2004

The Damnation Brigade

The caption reads: Mythos Utopian Eyeorbs Manifesting Gargoyle; images of Cacuceus and Gargoyles were taken from the Internet and  put together by Jim McPherson, using PHOTOSHOP, in 2004

Utopians of Weir

Collage prepared on PHOTOSHOP by Jim McPherson, 2005

The Silverclouds

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Collages and/or Original Shots that became Page Backgrounds during the first decade of pH-Webworld

-- double-click to enlarge panel backgrounds in a separate window --

Super Nova 1987A

1987A Supernova, image taken from Web

Spotted in 1987; referred to in "Forever & 40 Days - The Genesis of PHANTACEA", the framing stories of which were probably set a couple of years earlier;

Abu Simbel 2000

Abu Simbel Temple Complex, photo and adjustment by Jim McPherson, ca 2002

Original travelogue is here

Saturna Island, 1991

Shot taken on Saturna Island, BC, by Jim McPherson ca 1991

Background image on this page was derived from this shot

Brazil 2007

Collage prepared by Jim McPherson after 2nd trip to Brazil in 2007

Background image used on this page is here; original is here

India 2005

Collage prepared by Jim McPherson after trip to India in 2005

Original travelogues link from here

Egypt 2000

Sphinx in front of Great Pyramid shot by Jim McPherson after trip to Egypt 2000

Original travelogues link from here;

Turkish Cliff Head, 2003

Cliff head spotted and shot in Turkey, 2003

Cliffheads were used a lot on the pHanta-FAQ panels here and here

pH-Webworld now on

Once pH-Webworld was on istar

Text reads: Jim McPherson's Phantacea Mythos online

BTW, image no longer animates due to online size constraints

[NOTE: As per the double-click, pH-Webworld switched to ca 2010]
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Closing Comments

Mouse-overs provide details on the graphics. In the case of artwork for the comics and graphic novel, mouse-overs provide the name of the artist. Particularly in the case of some of the collages and potential covers I occasionally incorporate images taken from the web, or scanned in from books, in my library. Virtually everything else reproduced on this page are my own photographs.

There are over 60 lynx on this page. Except for those in the masthead, and those that double-click for an enlargement, every one of them opens up a new browser page. That way you can chance a glance at the graphic in its natural setting, pause to read text pertinent to the pix, and/or follow the other day-glow lynx on whichever webpage I've directed you. So long as you keep the home and prime picture gallery page open, you can get back here whenever you close down the last one you're looking at.

The easiest way to navigate PHANTACEA on the Web is to start at either the Main Menu page or the Ongoing PHANTACEA Features page. They both have approaching exhaustive lists providing overviews and lynx to the entire website. The Main Main page also has a frame link, which I keep meaning to get rid of, but never get around to doing, because I still find it rather useful, in a redundant sort of way.

The 2002-2006 Online Primer Page is here. For what's new this season be a goose and have a gander at the Web Publisher's Commentary.

A related website, albeit one focusing more on my travels than on my writings, is here whereas, in case you've somehow missed all the previous lynx to it, concentrates on the material I've thus far print-published. Be forewarned, though, there are so many direct quotes from 'Feeling Theocidal' on it you almost don't have to buy the book. (Just kidding. BUY IT NOW!)

The same 'BUY IT NOW!' plea now applies to "The War of the Apocalyptics". Most of its lynx are still over here, on pH-Webworld, too. They aren't very difficult to find either. Have to admit I'm loath to link any right this minute, though. So I won't.

Not without a spoiler warning.

Lest I forget, I'm still selling issues 1 to 4 of the PHANTACEA Comic Books as well as the PHANTACEA Graphic Novel. Check out the Ordering Information then email me for instructions on how to load up. Certified cheques or money orders only, please. (BTW, both Feel Theo and War-Pox can also be ordered by credit card.)

Top of Page - Bottom of Page

Webpage Last Updated: Spring 2010

There may be no cure for aphantasia (defined as 'having a blind or absent mind's eye') but there certainly is for aphantacea ('a'='without', like the 'an' in 'anheroic')

Ordering Information for PHANTACEA Mythos comic books, graphic novels, standalone novels, mini-novels and e-booksSun-moon-kissing logo first seen on back cover of Helios on the Moon, 2015; photo by Jim McPherson, 2014

Downloadable order form for additional PHANTACEA Mythos Print Publications

Current Web-Publisher's Commentary

Jim McPherson's Worldwide Email Address --

PHANTACEA: The Web Serials

pHantaJim's Weblog

Website last updated: Autumn 2015

Written by: Jim McPherson --
© copyright Jim McPherson (
Phantacea Publications
(James H McPherson, Publisher)
74689 Kitsilano RPO
2768 W Broadway
Vancouver BC V6K 4P4

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Websites featuring, at least in part, Jim McPherson's PHANTACEA MythosLogo reads Jim McPherson's PHANTACEA on the Web

Phantacea Publications:

Jim McPherson's PHANTACEA Mythos (pH-Webworld):

Jim McPherson's Phantacea Blog (pHantaBlog):

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pHantacea on pHlickr:

Phantacea Publications on Google-PlusPhantacea logo from 4-Ever & 40

Jim McPherson's pre-2010 Travels:

The Wonderful Weather Wizard of Oz's 2011 Travels Site:

Jim McPherson's post-2010 Travels:

Search Engine at Top of Page