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Welcome to the Phantacea Miscellanea Webpage

- In case you were wondering where it went, the pHantallanea page was formerly known as the Web-Publisher's Commentary Page -

Sun-Moon-Kissing Logo, shot in Puerto Morelos, 2014, by Jim McPherson

2015 Sun-Moon-Kissing pHlogo first seen on the back cover of "Helios on the Moon"

| Top of Page Search Engine | Phantacea Publications available in print and digitally | Page Highlights | Ordering Lynx | Cataclysm Buzz | Nuck Drags Buzz | D-Brig Buzz | Stuff to Do | D-Brig Ordering Information | Thus ends 'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' trilogy |"Goddess Gambit" available from Phantacea Publications | "The 1000 Days of Disbelief" is too -- as three e-books to boot | Start page proper |

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Phantacea Publications in Print

- The 'Launch 1980' story cycle - 'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' Fantasy Trilogy - The '1000 Days' Mini-Novels - The phantacea Graphic Novels -

The 'Launch 1980' Story Cycle

The War of the Apocalyptics

Front cover of War Pox, artwork by Ian Bateson, 2009

Published in 2009; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

Nuclear Dragons

Nuclear Dragons front cover, artwork by Ian Bateson, 2013

Published in 2013; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

Helios on the Moon

Front cover for Helios on the Moon, artwork by Ricardo Sandoval, 2014

Published in 2014; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

The 'Launch 1980' story cycle comprises three complete, multi-character mosaic novels, "The War of the Apocalyptics", "Nuclear Dragons" and "Helios on the Moon", as well as parts of two others, "Janna Fangfingers" and "Goddess Gambit". Together they represent creator/writer Jim McPherson's long running, but now concluded, project to novelize the Phantacea comic book series.

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'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' Epic Fantasy

Feeling Theocidal

Front Cover for Feel Theo, artwork by Verne Andru, 2008

Published in 2008; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

The 1000 Days of Disbelief

Front cover of The Thousand Days of Disbelief, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

Published as three mini-novels, 2010/11; main webpage is here; ordering lynx for individual mini-novels are here

Goddess Gambit

Front cover for Goddess Gambit by Verne Andru, 2012

Published in 2012; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

Circa the Year of Dome 2000, Anvil the Artificer, a then otherwise unnamed, highborn Lazaremist later called Tvasitar Smithmonger, dedicated the first three devic talismans, or power foci, that he forged out of molten Brainrock to the Trigregos Sisters.

The long lost, possibly even dead, simultaneous mothers of devakind hated their offspring for abandoning them on the far-off planetary Utopia of New Weir. Not surprisingly, their fearsome talismans could be used to kill Master Devas (devils).

For most of twenty-five hundred years, they belonged to the recurring deviant, Chrysaor Attis, time after time proven a devaslayer. On Thrygragon, Mithramas Day 4376 YD, he turned them over to his Great God of a half-father, Thrygragos Varuna Mithras, to use against his two brothers, Unmoving Byron and Little Star Lazareme, in hopes of usurping their adherents and claiming them as his own.

Hundreds of years later, these selfsame thrice-cursed Godly Glories helped turn the devil-worshippers of Sedon's Head against their seemingly immortal, if not necessarily undying gods. Now, five hundred years after the 1000 Days of Disbelief, they've been relocated.

The highest born, surviving devic goddesses want them for themselves; want to thereby become incarnations of the Trigregos Sisters on the Hidden Continent. An Outer Earthling, one who has literally fallen out of the sky after the launching of the Cosmic Express, gets to them first ...

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The '1000 Days' Mini-Novels

The Death's Head Hellion

- Sedonplay -

Front cover for The Death's Head Hellion, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

Published in 2010; main web presence is here; Character Companion starts here; ordering lynx are here;

Contagion Collectors

- Sedon Plague -

Front cover for Contagion Collectors, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

Published in 2010; main web presence is here; Character Companion starts here; ordering lynx are here;

Janna Fangfingers

- Sedon Purge -

Front cover for Janna Fangfingers, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2011

Published in 2011; two storylines recounted side-by-side, the titular one narrated by the Legendarian in 5980, the other indirectly leading into the 'Launch 1980' story cycle; main web presence is here; Character Companion starts here; ordering lynx are here;

In the Year of the Dome 4825, Morgan Abyss, the Melusine Master of the Utopian Weirdom of Cabalarkon, seizes control of Primeval Lilith, the ageless, seemingly unkillable Demon Queen of the Night. The eldritch earthborn is the real half-mother of the invariably mortal Sed-sons but, once she has hold of her, aka Lethal Lily, Master Morgan proceeds to trap the Moloch Sedon Himself.

In the midst of the bitter, century-long expansion of the Lathakran Empire, the Hidden Headworld's three tribes of devil-gods are forced to unite in an effort to release their All-Father. Unfortunately for them, they're initially unaware Master Morg, the Death's Head Hellion herself, has also got hold of the Trigregos Talismans, devic power foci that can actually kill devils, and Sedon's thought-father Cabalarkon, the Undying Utopian she'll happily slay if they dare attack her Weirdom.

Utopians from Weir have never given up seeking to wipe devils off not just the face of the Inner Earth, but off the planet itself. Their techno and biomages, under the direction of the Weirdom of Cabalarkon's extremely long-lived High Illuminary, Quoits Tethys, have determined there is only one sure way to do that -- namely, to infect the devils' Inner Earth worshippers with fatal plagues brought in from the Outer Earth.

Come All-Death Day there are more Dead Things Walking than Living Beings Talking. Believe it or not, that's the good news.

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phantacea Graphic Novels

Forever and Forty Days

- The Genesis of Phantacea -

Front cover of Forever and Forty Days; artwork by Ian Fry and Ian Bateson, ca 1990

Published in 1990; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

The Damnation Brigade

- Phantacea Revisited 1 -

Front cover of The Damnation Brigade, artwork by Ian Bateson, retouching by Chris Chuckry 2012

Published in 2013; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

Cataclysm Catalyst

- Phantacea Revisited 2 -

Front cover for Cataclysm Catalyst, artwork by Verne Andru, 2013

Published in 2014, main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

Kadmon Heliopolis had one life. It ended in October 1968. The Male Entity has had many lives. In his fifth, he and his female counterpart, often known as Miracle Memory, engendered more so than created the Moloch Sedon. They believe him to be the Devil Incarnate. They've been attempting to kill him ever since. Too bad it's invariably he, Heliosophos (Helios called Sophos the Wise), who gets killed instead.

On the then still Whole Earth circa the Year 4000 BCE, one of their descendants, Xuthros Hor, the tenth patriarch of Golden Age Humanity, puts into action a thought-foolproof, albeit mass murderous, plan to succeed where the Dual Entities have always failed. He unleashes the Genesea. The Devil takes a bath.

Fifty-nine hundred and eighty years later, New Century Enterprises launches the Cosmic Express from Centauri Island. It never reaches Outer Space; not all of it anyhow. As a stunning consequence of its apparent destruction, ten extraordinary supranormals are reunited, bodies, souls and minds, after a quarter century in what they've come to consider Limbo. They name themselves the Damnation Brigade. And so it appears they are -- if perhaps not so much damned as doomed.

At least one person survives the launching of the Cosmic Express. He literally falls out of the sky -- on the Hidden Continent of Sedon's Head. An old lady saves him. Except this old lady lives in a golden pagoda, rides vultures and has a third eye. She also doesn't stay old long. He becomes her willing soldier, acquires the three Sacred Objects and goes on a rampage, against his own people, those that live.

Meanwhile, Centauri Island, the launch site of the Cosmic Express, comes under attack from Hell's Horsemen. Only it's not horses they ride. It's Atomic Firedrakes!

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What might have been, will be for sure in 2014

Two versions of Rhadamanthys Revealed, art by Verne Andru, 1980-2013

Cover(s) by Verne Andru, 1980-2013; text by Jim McPherson, 2014

BTW, pHz-1 #12 only exists in script form; Kitty-Clysm is pH-Webworld shorthand for "Cataclysm Catalyst";

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Phantacea Revisited 2: Cataclysm Catalyst

Cataclysm Catalyst front and back cover in black and white, art by Verne Andru

The third graphic novel from Phantacea Publications extracts another complete story sequence from Phantacea 1-7 and Phantacea Phase One #1. Includes artwork by Dave Sim, Ian Fry, Sean Newton, Verne Andrusiek, and Ian Bateson. Dedicated webpage is here. Order online or from the publisher.

Double-click to enlarge a black and white version of the cover in a separate window

What was once, will be again

Helios on the Moon, bw versions of front cover for pH-3, art by Richard Sandoval, 1978

Thirty-six years after its original release, Jim McPherson completes his Launch 1980 project to novelize all the Phantacea comic books with the release of "Helios on the Moon"

pH-3 artwork by Richard Sandoval, 1978; rollover adjustments made by Jim McPherson, 2013

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Phantacea Seven

- As it might have been -

pages 1 and 2, artwork by Ian Bateson, 1980

At long last the second entry in the Launch 1980 epic fantasy

Check out the expanded Availability Listings for places you can order or buy Phantacea Publications in person

Images in this row double-click to enlarge here

Guess what's been here since September 2013?

Full cover for Nuclear Dragons; artwork by  Ian Bateson, 2013

Nuclear Dragons

- A phantacea Mythos Mosaic Novel -

Double-click on image to enlarge in a separate window

Dedicated webpage is here; back cover text can be found here and here; excerpts can be found starting here and here; check out material that didn't make it here and related excerpts from its scheduled follow up, 2014's "Helios on the Moon", here

Phantacea Seven

- As it might have been -

pages 3 and 4, artwork by Ian Bateson, 1980

Ian Bateson's unpublished artwork from Phantacea Seven provides the basis for the first full-length phantacea Mythos Mosaic Novel since "Goddess Gambit".

Ian Bateson is currently working on a wraparound cover for the novel that utilizes his own dragons

Images in this row double-click to enlarge here and here

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Phantacea Revisited 1

B/w first and last pages from DB graphic novel

Check out the expanded Availability Listings for places you can order or buy Phantacea Publications in person

Guess what isn't coming soon any more?

Text reads Graphic Novel coming soon or here

Phantacea Revisited 1: The Damnation Brigade"

A Watermarked PDF of the graphic novel can be ordered from Drive Thru Comics here

As for how to order "Phantacea Revisited #1: The Damnation Brigade" by credit card, that will be coming soon to this very spot.

To order from the publisher, click here or go straight to here.

Postage is extra. Please be aware that as yet Phantacea Publications can only accept certified cheques or money orders.

The Damnation Brigade Graphic Novel

artwork by Ian Bateson and Vince Marchesano

Artwork never seen before in print; almost all of pH-5 available for the first time since 1980

Images in this row double-click to enlarge here

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No wonder they call themselves the Damnation Brigade

Variations of DB cover, artwork by Ian Bateson, 2012, collage by Jim McPherson, 2012

Now available from Phantacea Publications

Images in this row are double-clickable from here, here, and, to a lesser degree, here.

Search all the Phantacea Sites

Contribute to the all-new pHantaBlog

Download a free PDF of Mythos Mag #1 while you're at it

Hit here for Really Simple Syndication (RSS) of pHantaBlog entries

Two Damnation Brigade Collages, 2009, 2012

Get hold of "Phantacea Revisited 1: The Damnation Brigade", a graphic novel collecting the DB-storyline from pH 1-5, as well as Phantacea Phase One #s 1 & 2 (unpublished) now available for ordering from Phantacea Publications

The Phantacea Revisited Project

D-Brig covers

Collecting the Phantacea Comic Books 1977-1980, 1987, Rv1:DB contains material from pH #s 1-5 + pHz1 #s 1 & 2.

This will be the first time in the better part of 30 years that material from pH-5 has been available except from online traders.


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Here Ends 'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories'

Eyemouth over cover for Gambit sedonic eyes"For the Dead to Thrive, the Living must Die!"

So proclaims Nergal Vetala, the Blood Queen of Hadd.

When her soldier falls out of the sky she's not only back in the pink again – as in arterial – she reckons she's found the perfect foil through which to play, and win, a Trigregos Gambit.

She might be right as well.

For more on the actual celestial phenomena upon which the eye-collages were based, click here. There's additional information re the Sedonic Eye here and here. The complete cover for Phase One #1 is here whereas yet another variation of it is here.The left eye double-click is the full cover for "Goddess Gambit", artwork by Verne Andru 2011/2. The right eye double-click is of Ian Bateson's enduring, 1986/7 Sedonic Eye as prepared by Jim McPherson, 2011. Gambit's main webpage is here.

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"Goddess Gambit"

Now available from Phantacea Publications

One of the decades-lost Trigregos Talismans does turn up — in the most unlikeliest of places.

Should her soldier successfully claim it; should it lead him between-space to the other two, which it surely will; should he find and thereafter keep all three; he will not only become her champion, he will become the Trigregos Titan.

Soon, though, it's not just one goddess willing to make a play for all three. Neither is it just devils chasing them.

Dedicated Webpage is here
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Strips and recompilations taken from Verne Andru's cover for Goddess Gambit, 2012

Would-be devil-slayers; devil-eaters such as forever-fickle fays and their earthborn cousins, the Indescribables of Tal's Forbidden Forest, the Grey Land of Twilight, the New Valhallan Bloodlands and Satanwyck, Sedon's Temple ...

Devil-hating, demon-loving Hecate-Hellions; Athenan War Witches; long-lived Utopians; recurring deviants; Outer Earth supranormals; Godbadians, Sraddhites, even Janna Fangfingers, a survivor if there was one ...

Altogether alive mortal men and women; many of the Hidden Headworld's seemingly immortal, practical deities; and/or the still ambulatory dead, howsoever they're animated ...

All - the She-Sphinx, All of Incain, among them - are willing to risk everything they have, or have left, to gain possession of the thrice-cursed godly glories.

Like Vetala herself; like Freespirit Nihila, whoever she is; they should know better.

... another 20-second teaser for "Goddess Gambit", now available from Phantacea Publications

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Cover for the Contagion Collectors, artwork prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010Cover montages prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

"Forever & 40 Days — The Genesis of PHANTACEA", a graphic novel with additional features written by Jim McPherson, "Feeling Theocidal" (Book One of 'The Thrice Cursed Godly Glories'), "The War of the Apocalyptics" (the opening entry in the Launch 1980 story cycle), the three mini-novels, "The Death's Head Hellion", "Contagion Collectors" and "Janna Fangfingers", that comprise "The 1000 Days of Disbelief" (Book Two of 'The Thrice Cursed Godly Glories'), the trilogy's concluding novel, "Goddess Gambit", the graphic novel "Phantacea Revisited 1: The Damnation Brigade", "Nuclear Dragons"(the second, full-length entry in the Launch 1980 story cycle), plus the latest graphic novel, "Phantacea Revisited 2: Cataclysm Catalyst", and "Helios on the Moon", the culminating entry in the Launch 1980 story cycle, should be available at your favourite book stops.

If they're not, kindly direct local librarians and neighbourhood booksellers to in order to start rectifying that sad situation. Either that or, if you're feeling even more proactive, click here, copy the link, paste it into an email and send it to them, along with everyone else you reckon could use a double dose of anheroic fantasy. It will certainly be appreciated.

Help build the buzz. The more books sell, the faster the PHANTACEA Mythos spreads.

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Covers for Feeling Theocidal and Forever and Forty DaysTwo Ian  Bateson covers of the same scene

Individual copies of "Feeling Theocidal", "The War of the Apocalyptics", the three mini-novels comprising "The Thousand Days of Disbelief" ("The Death's Head Hellion", "Contagion Collectors" and "Janna Fangfingers") and "Goddess Gambit" can be ordered from and its affiliates, including and, as well as from Barnes & Noble.

Libraries, bookstores and bookseller collectives can place bulk orders through Ingram Books, Ingram International, Baker & Taylor, Coutts Information Services, and a large number of other distributors worldwide.

E-books for Kindle, Kindle Fire, I-pad, I-phone and other applications can be ordered through, and other amazon affiliates worldwide. An interactive e-book containing the entirety of "Feeling Theocidal", as built specifically for Adobe Reader, is available direct from the publisher. (Certified cheques or money orders only, please.) E-books on other platforms are also available. Check you favourite online bookseller for the latest list and ordering instructions for Phantacea Publications. lists the latest releases from Phantacea Publications along with a goodly number of additional booksellers carrying them. Also listed therein are almost all of the PHANTACEA Mythos print and e-publications, including the graphic novel and some of the comic books.

Another interesting option for the curious is Chegg, which has a rent-a-book program. Thus far its search engine shows no results for phantacea (any style or permutation thereof) but it does recognize Jim McPherson (a variety of them) and the titles of many releases from Phantacea Publications.

As for the Whole Earth (other than the Hidden Continent of Sedon's Head, at least as far as I can say and always assuming it's still around in what be its 61st century), well, this page contains a list of a few other websites where you can probably order the novels in a variety of currencies and with credit cards.

Of course you can always email or send me your order(s) via surface mail. No matter where you live or what currency you prefer to use, I'll figure out a way to fill your order(s) myself. Just be aware that I can only accept certified cheques or money orders. Plus, I'll have to charge an additional 12% to cover Canadian and provincial goods and sales taxes as well as Canada Post rates for shipping.

I do use bubble mailers, though.

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  1. Welcome to Phantacea Miscellanea
  2. "Nuclear Dragons" Covers
  3. "Nuclear Dragons" Auctorial Preamble
  4. pH-7 Unpublished Hell's Horsemen Artwork
  5. Promos and potential covers for 2014's release of "Helios on the Moon", the final entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle
  6. 2014 b/w Previews
  7. Some Additional Notes on Graphics
  8. Sites with Loads of Graphics
  9. Previous pHpubs
  10. Novels in search of a paying publisher
  11. Phantacea Publications available in print and digitally


D-Brig covers

"The Damnation Brigade"

Graphic Novel written by Jim McPherson

Cover and collage artwork by Ian Bateson, 2012; front cover additions by Chris Chuckry, 2012; Collages on this page and throughout pH-Webworld prepared by Jim McPherson

pHRev1:DB's main webpage is here. Full cover is here.
- if supported by your browser, double-click image to enlarge -

Jim McPherson's PHANTACEA Mythos Online

- written by Jim McPherson
- unless otherwise noted the web-design, photographs and/or scanning are by Jim McPherson
- where applicable artwork is as noted in the mouse-over text

© copyright Jim McPherson

| pH-Webworld's Welcoming Page | Internal Search Engine | Main Menu | Online PHANTACEA Primer | Ongoing PHANTACEA Features | pHantaBlog | Information for ordering by credit card | Information for ordering by certified cheque or money order | Serial Synopses | Contact | pH-Webworld Miscellanea | Lynx to additional websites featuring Jim McPherson's PHANTACEA Mythos | Bottom of Page Lynx |

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Help build the buzz!

Greetings. Welcome or welcome back.

Ad for print publications prepared by Jim McPherson, 2011

"Forever & 40 Days — The Genesis of phantacea", "Feeling Theocidal", "The War of the Apocalyptics", "The Death's Head Hellion", "Contagion Collectors", "Janna Fangfingers", "Goddess Gambit", "Phantacea Revisited 1: The Damnation Brigade", "Nuclear Dragons" and "Phantacea Revisited 2: Cataclysm Catalyst"are available for ordering either by credit card or from the publisher by certified cheque and/or money orders.

Kindle-versions of the two novels and three mini-novels making up the epic Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories fantasy trilogy can be ordered from ( and (

No word yet when any of them will be available via any of the other amazon outlets. However, there are instant gratification ordering lynx for some of the amazon sites at the bottom of this and every page throughout pH-Webworld and the Phantacea Publications web-site.

To order any of the other PHANTACEA Mythos print publications that are still available, including returned copies of PHANTACEA #1, click here or here.

For an e-version of "Feeling Theocidal" built specifically for Adobe Reader, click here. The 2013 price list for Phantacea Publications in print is here.

If you're ordering from me, I decided not to incur the cost of trying to set up an online payment system since they seem to benefit the intermediary more so than the publisher.

That means certified cheques or money orders only please. And that in turn means stamps, an envelope and a trip to either the bank or the post office.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Hestia Housekeeping

Times certainly change and after years of non-anthropomorphic yeoman's service, Hestia Housekeeping has, too. Henceforth let it be pHantallanea.

From now on you'll have to look elsewhere in order to locate info re 'What's New' pH-Webworld. Or Phantacea Publications, as far as that goes.

The three main places for suchlike updates, besides the Welcoming Pages just linked, are in order of regularity: pHantacea on pHacebook, Phantacea Publications on Google+ and pHantaBlog.

Here's the last 'What's Old' link to where I put pH-pubs' previous update. (Never did finish it but I'm not about to start doing that now.)

Now that that's done, we can get on with this edition's preview -- and, all goes well, it'll be the last I produce.

Not sad about it either. That's because I'm moving over to the blogosphere for most of my web-work on behalf of Phantacea Publications.

It uses php-coding (whatever that means) instead of html so anyone can read it clearly on hand-held devices or those dinky pads that have become so popular of late.

That in mind here's a link to its RSS: Have to say, dependent on the browser, I've had mixed results with it.

Me, I'd recommend you just go there yourself and have a look around:

To read parts of the books go here for Google Books or to the bottom of the page for lynx to's 'Look Inside' feature; much of the D-Brig graphic novel can be viewed on Drive Thru Comics here

Feedback encouraged; that's a ditto after any and every post on pHantaBlog. You just have to register first.

As always, good reading.

2014 Phantacea Price List

2014 Price List

Double-click to enlarge here
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Lynx to complete mosaic novels within the PHANTACEA Mythos whose potential covers, background information and introductory chapters are still online

| 2002: "The Moloch Manoeuvres" | 2004: "Decimation Damnation" | 2008: "Feeling Theocidal" | 2009: "The War of the Apocalyptics" | 2010/11: "The Thousand Days of Disbelief" | 2005/12: "Goddess Gambit" |

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pHantallanea pHorever

| "Nuclear Dragons" Full Cover | Dragons' Auctorial Preamble | pH-7 Unpublished Hell's Horsemen Artwork | Note on Dragons' back cover text | Additional Notes on Graphics | The 'Launch 1980' story cycle concludes soon | 'Kitty Clysm' Lynx |

"Nuclear Dragons"

- A phantacea Mythos Mosaic Novel -

Full covers for Nuclear Dragons, art by Ian Bateson, 2013; text by Jim McPherson

More info is here; main website is here;

- Double-click to enlarge in a separate window -
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Nuclear Dragons - Auctorial Preamble

ad for Nuclear Dragons utilizing Ian Bateson's 2013 front cover, prepared by Jim McPherson, 2013Centauri Island cover for Phase One Project, Ian BatesonSometimes one thing leads to all sorts of other things.

Which, in turn, begs the question: How much back story is too much back story?


In some respects, the book-in-hand could be considered two extended prologues, or preludes, and a mini-novel. One prelude, ‘Indescribable Defiance’, definitely leads into Helios on the Moon, the upcoming third entry in the Launch 1980 story cycle. That much I can tell you. As you might expect it also leads into the second prelude, ‘The Strife Virus’.

What I can’t tell you is what that leads into, other than the mini-novel itself obviously, which is also Nuclear Dragons proper. That’s because I still haven’t decided where to go after Helios. Quite conceivably I’ll carry on with the Outer Earth aspect of this here PHANTACEA Mythos.

That being the case, the second prelude will also lead into it. I might even call the post-Helios story sequence Outer Earthlings. After all, titles are mutable. For example, this book was supposed to be called Centauri Island, where virtually all of it’s set. Needless to say, not just the title didn’t turn out that way.

That said, what with Crystallion, Hell’s Horsemen, and their titular atomic firedrakes on the way, in all probability any Outer Earth follow-up won’t take place on what’s left of Centauri. Unless it’s set prior to 1980, that is, which actually is a possibility.

I can also tell you that the 5980 framing story of the Janna Fangfingers mini-novel leads to the same place, albeit the book-in-hand as a whole. Then again, Fangers also leads into Goddess Gambit, the third and final instalment of ‘The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories’ epic trilogy.

Of course, in its turn Gambit eventually picks up from where The War of the Apocalyptics, the first entry in the Launch 1980 story cycle, left off. Hence my opening statement. To which I could have added: ‘Whereupon said other things invariably lead into many more other things’. (So-called Shared World writing certainly does get complicated.)

Indeed, Fangers’ sixth chapter, ‘Contacting the Stars’, features two of Nuke’s major characters in such a way that its readers may not even realize they’re in both books until midway through ‘Mind Tap’, the first chapter of said book-in-hand. That being the case it perhaps behooves the writer-at-hand to quote from a pertinent passage of Fangers.

Should first note that Devauray is our Saturday. Should additionally note that neither Gottfried Kenton nor Jordan Tethys appear in Nuke. As for the herein referenced Mr Centauri, he more or less does. (Except that, this time, when it comes to him it’s almost always a matter of more.) Beyond that, well, um, I’ve probably said too much already.

Kenton reached into his suit pocket – only a guy like Kenton would wear a suit on a Devauray morning – and pulled out a list of names. “Be a goose and have a gander at these goslings; I mean godlings. Bet you could do a damn fine series of portraits of this loathsome load, as Mr Centauri reckons most of them.”

Tethys obliged. The list had over fifty names on it. Some weren’t names real devils used – not that devils used names as such, just called each other by their attributes – but he had no trouble visualizing each and every one of them. Kenton’s smile was unwavering and the scar in the middle of Tethys’s forehead hadn’t stopped itching since he first beheld the glad-handing bastard through the peephole upstairs.

That only ever happened when …

“What I meant was, if they’re devils, they’re fourth generational devils. And surely your Illuminaries have told you there’s no such thing. More likely they’re deviants, the offspring of regular men and women possessed by Tantal Thanatos and his sister-wife Methandra, Mithras’s Virgin obviously no longer. For one thing, they were born in pairs, not triplets, and something else everyone knows is Master Devas are born in litters of three.”

“Yet Illuminaries have a Constellation Thanatos don’t they. As it happens, I’ve one of those very things, their star charts, right here in my briefcase if you want proof.” Correction, only a guy like Gottfried Kenton would wear a suit and carry a briefcase on a Devauray morning.

He placed it on the table, opened it up, pulled the map of the night’s sky out of it, shut it, and laid the star-chart atop it. His briefcase wasn’t all he opened. [Most devils {Shining Ones} have three eyes; they also have subtle matter bodies, meaning they can hide or reveal their third one at will.] Neither was his voice his anymore.

“Now let’s scrap the pleasantries, shall we.”


A few pages later on we have the following sequence.

The first speaker is the aforementioned Jordan Tethys, aka the legendary 30-Year Man, also 30-Beers. He’s the hero of ‘The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories’ epic trilogy. If a PHANTACEA Mythos series can have heroes, that is. (Which, seeing as how it’s Anheroic fantasy – meaning ‘without heroes’ – it can’t.)

The second speaker is not the titular Janna Fangfingers, though she was named after her. It’s Janna St Peche-Montressor. She doesn’t appear in Nuke either. However, her husband does and so does the devil who isn’t possessing her in this passage. They’re two of Alfredo Sentalli’s Untouchables.

“You’ve always struck me as more sensible than sensitive, Janna. Tell me, you have any idea why I wrote this?” He flipped to another page. His Brainrock quill had a much better memory than he did. While he was in his Zen-state it had rewritten what he’d last used it to write, though he somehow sensed not so much in the sky as within it, if that made sense.

‘Rendezvous here’,” she read. Carefully considered her response: “Nope. You?”

His sketchpad suddenly burst into flames. He hated it when that happened. Hated it even more when he had no idea why it happened. He dropped it with a yelp. They watched as it burnt into a cinder. Both registered the letter ‘D’,drawn at an angle of 90 degrees clockwise, linger glowingly before surrendering to ash’s inevitable triumph.

“Not anymore. I like this life too much the way it is. How about APM, SPM?”

Janna looked shaken, not stirred. For a change she didn’t say ‘not possessed, Jordy’; said instead: “Got a spare beer?”

She had his while he went to the infirmary.


Might Kenton in the first blockquote have been possessed by the ‘D’ in the second? And, if so, why was this ‘D’ trying to get Tethys (who, thanks to his Brainrock quill, more so than any innate talent, is an extremely gifted artist) to draw portraits of over fifty named devils, including those in Constellation Thanatos?

To send them an invitation of course. And, given they’re now stars in the night’s sky, what’s with the coordinates on the star map? Answer to that is obviously why he wrote: ‘Rendezvous here’. Which in turn leads us back to the book-in-hand as well as the answer to the query I posed at the outset. Which is: It depends.

Thanks for that you might be saying. But it does and, in the interests of brevity, if hopefully not at the cost of clarity, I’ve chopped bags of back stories already. As near as I can make out, short of eliminating them altogether, there are a number ways of dealing with what’s left. Character companions, parentheses, footnotes and/or an addendum come to mind. I’ve chosen parentheses.

While the reader can skip them as he or she pleases, I’d recommend perusal. Especially when in comes to “Nuclear Dragons”, I do some of my best work in parentheses.

Jim McPherson

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Hell's Horsemen

As they were intended for Phantacea Seven (unpublished). Artwork by Ian Bateson, circa 1980

NOTE 1: Jim McPherson re-did the lettering digitally for "Cataclysm Catalyst"

Double-click to enlarge images

page 1, pH-7, art by Ian Bateson ca 1979/80

page 1, pH-7, art by Ian Bateson ca 1979/80

page 1, pH-7, art by Ian Bateson ca 1979/80

page 1, pH-7, art by Ian Bateson ca 1979/80 page 1, pH-7, art by Ian Bateson ca 1979/80

page 1, pH-7, art by Ian Bateson ca 1979/80


NOTE 2: Ian Bateson's artwork for Phantacea Phase One #2 (also unpublished) links from here

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2013 Price ListOther side of 2013 price listAdditional Notes on Graphics

<== Double-click either of these shots from Price List rollover to enlarge in a separate browser ==>

  • Most of the other images on this page double-click to enlarge
  • The back cover text on the above 'covers hint' can be found here
  • pHRev1:DB's main webpage is here; full cover is here
  • The actual eyes-in-the-sky were the subject of a Serendipity Now entry here; more here
  • Each of the books has its own dedicated webpage or area; click here to go to whichever one you chose, use the search engine at the top of the page or check out either this menu or this menu
  • Recall, there's a wonderful grab bag of stills entitled pHantastic pHublicity in the Next Thirty-Five Years of Phantacea feature in the Spring 2012 update of pH-Pubs here
  • the below promo and sample cover images for Helios on the Moon (Hel-Moon) initially appeared in the Summer 2014 update of pH-Webworld
  • Double click to enlarge b/w covers below
  • the Helmoon rollovers currently double-click here
  • double click to enlarge the giveaways prepared in April 2014 for the launch of "Cataclysm Catalyst"; free to download PDFs of same are here

Coming Soon

Potential front and back covers by Ricardo Sandoval, 2014

Tentative front cover for "Helios on the Moon" backed by figure drawing to be incorporated into eventual back cover; artwork by Ricardo (formerly Richard) Sandoval, 2014;


Images in this row double-click to enlarge here and here

The conclusion of the 'Launch 1980' story cycle

Promo of potental covers for Helios on the Moon

Promo for "Helios on the Moon" prepared by Jim McPherson, 2014; utilizes covers for the two Phantacea Revisited graphic novels: "The Damnation Brigade" and "Cataclysm Catalyst"; rollover is original mockup prepared by Jim McPherson, 2012/3;

An ever-growing list of excerpts and/or cut-outs from the novel is here

- Double-click promo to enlarge in a separate window here -

Background figures for back cover

Figures prepared for back cover of Helmoon, art by Ricardo Saandoval, 2014

The Sun (Helios), All of Incain, the Moon (Mnemosyne), Order (Thunder & Lightning Lord Yajur), Doc Defiance, Mik Starrus, Mr No Name and Miracle Memory humanized by Strife

Figures by Ricardo Sandoval, 2014

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Purpa superimposed over a wooden labrys, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2015

phantacea logo featuring a purpa demon-dagger and a wooden labrys

Both Wilderwitch, in "The War of the Apocalyptics", and Sorciere, in the Heliodyssey web-serials set in 1938, have cut-anything knives; in fact there is a strong suggestion they were the same knife, which might have been a purpa

As for the labrys it's a double-headed war axe; Tantal Thanatos (King Cold) has a massive labrys for a power focus

Wrapped Launch

Launch 1980 advisement re Goddess Gambit; original artwork Verne Andru, 2013/4; adjustment by Jim McPherson, 2014

It's true, the novel version of 'Hel-Moon' eventually does carry on from where Goddess Gambitleft off; then again it does a ditto from where 'War-Pox' and 'Nuck-Drags' do, too

Artwork by Verne Andru, 2013/4, who also did Gambit's cover, which just happens to be the double-click

The graphic derives from a polarized background best seen here; it double-clicks here; more on it here, complete with a nifty backdrop of its own


Aurora Nihila

Aurora Borealis shot in Iceland, 2014, photo by

Wondering why, as per panel to left, the 'Launch 1980' story cycle eventually picks up from where Gambit left off? Well,'Hel-Moon' isn't called Nihila on the Moon but it might have been

Double-click for enlargement of the Borealis Brolly background, the Freespirit Nihila figure is by Verne Andru, 2013/14, double-click next door, adjustments by Jim McPherson, 2012-2014

Serendipity entry on said Borealis Brolly; Devils Described usage of same background; pHistory usage of dot-ditto

Sun-Moon Kissing

Sun-moon-kissing woodcut shot in Mexico by Jim McPherson, 2012

Jim McPherson shot this this large woodcut in the Yucatan ca 2012; intended to represent the Dual Entities (Helios = Sol; Mnemosyne = Luna) it appears on the back cover of 'Hel-Moon' as well as forms the basis for this phantacea logo

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B/w 4 pHz-1 #12

Bad Rhad mock-up cover as if for Phantacea Phase One 12, art by Verne Andru, text added by Jim McPherson, 2013

BTW, Phantacea Phase One #12 doesn't exist except in script form

B/w 4 Kitty Clysm

Bw version of front cover for Cataclysm Catalyst; rt by Verne Andru, text by Jim McPherson

BTW, Kitty-Clysm does; there's a colour cover, too

B/w pH-3

Black and white version of cover for pH3, art by Richard Sandoval, 1978

The full-colour cover for pH-3 is, among many other places, here

B/w 4 Helmoon

Variation of bw cover for pH3 prepared by Jim McPherson, 2013; original artwork Richard Sandoval, 1978

Black and white faux-cover prepared for bonus chapter of "Nuclear Dragons"; also used here.

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Artistic Credits for "Cataclysm Catalyst"

Illustrations credits for KItty Clysm

From comics to novels

Graphic novels that became novels, prepared by Jim McPherson, 2014

Actually the two Phantacea Revisited were novelized before they became graphic novels

Kitty Card

Postcard prepared with text-free version of graphic novel, artwork by Verne Andru, 2013

The (almost) text-free, colourized version of the complete cover for "Cataclysm Catalyst"; artwork by Verne Andru, 2013;

The actual front cover double-clicks here


Kitty Flyer

Flyer prepared for launch of Kitty Clysm, artwork by Verne Andru, 2013; prepared by Jim McPherson, 2014

Black and white version of same is here;


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Sites with Loads of Graphics: supplies what amounts to a pH-Webworld web gallery. Just go to, hit the images link and type in PHANTACEA. Pasting into the address area of your browser the following Url might work as well:

The PHANTACEA Mythos online is chock-a-block with visuals. Good places to ogle artwork from the comic books and graphic novel are One to Six, 'Twenty-Five Years Plus' and what began as 'The Genesis of PHANTACEA' web-page. Most of the other graphics are scans I did of my own photographs or material I put together using PHOTOSHOP. All the essays are loaded with images. Try out the framed version of the Main Menu. You won't go anywhere else but, then again, you won't get lost either.

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Latest List of Lynx to some previous Welcoming Pages and Web-Publisher's Commentaries

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2012 ad for Phantacea Publicationsb/w version of 2012 ad for Goddess GambitPage and Panel Backgrounds

Both the red and pink background images for this page are variations of 'Rendering Reddening', a collage prepared out of some of the Vetala artwork Verne Andru has done over the years for phantacea; an enlargement of original can be found here

Notes for some of the other background collages found on this page be found (and seen) here, here and here; as for why Durer's 4 Horsemen are reminiscent of Thrygragos Lazareme and his firstborn Unities, that's here

Double-click on the two ads in this panel for enlargements; the flip side of blue ad enlarges here; the flip side of Sedonic Eye postcard enlarges with a double-click here

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Webpage last updated: Spring 2015

There may be no cure for aphantasia (defined as 'having a blind or absent mind's eye') but there certainly is for aphantacea ('a'='without', like the 'an' in 'anheroic')

Ordering Information for PHANTACEA Mythos comic books, graphic novels, standalone novels, mini-novels and e-booksSun-moon-kissing logo first seen on back cover of Helios on the Moon, 2015; photo by Jim McPherson, 2014

Downloadable order form for additional PHANTACEA Mythos Print Publications

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Jim McPherson's Worldwide Email Address --

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Website last updated: Autumn 2015

Written by: Jim McPherson --
© copyright Jim McPherson (
Phantacea Publications
(James H McPherson, Publisher)
74689 Kitsilano RPO
2768 W Broadway
Vancouver BC V6K 4P4

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Jim McPherson's PHANTACEA Mythos (pH-Webworld):

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Phantacea Publications on Google-PlusPhantacea logo from 4-Ever & 40

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The Wonderful Weather Wizard of Oz's 2011 Travels Site:

Jim McPherson's post-2010 Travels:

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Webpage validated: Autumn 2011
Beach sunset over Witch Babs promo, prepared by Jim McPherson, 2016