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Phantacea Publications in Print

- 'Phantacea Phase Two' 2016-2018 - The 'Launch 1980' story cycle - 'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' Fantasy Trilogy - The '1000 Days' Mini-Novels - The phantacea Graphic Novels -

Phantacea Phase Two 2016-2018

Decimation Damnation

Decimation Damnation front cover, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2017

Mini-novel published in 2016; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

Hidden Headgames

Hidden Headgames front cover, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2017

Collection of three intertwined novellas published in 2017; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

Daemonic Desperation

Daemonic Desperation cover mockup, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2016

Tentative cover for Dem-Des; will probably be changed before it's published; scheduled to be released in 2018;

The Phantacea Phase Two revival physically began with 2016's "Decimation Damnation", the first mini-novel extracted from the as yet open-ended saga of 'Wilderwitch's Babies'. It was set between the 9th of Tantalar and the 1st of Yamana, 5980 Year of the Dome. However, its follow-up, "Hidden Headgames" was set between the 30th of Maruta and the 14th of Tantalar in that same year. "Daemonic Desperation" picks up Babes near the end of the second week of Yamana and continues through the Summer Solstice of 5981. As the last known member of the Damnation Brigade, if the Witch was fortunate to survive Dec-Dam, alive and pregnant, she may not be so lucky come the end of Dem-Des. Oddly enough, her unborn babies may yet still be both viable and unborn by then.
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The 'Launch 1980' Story Cycle

The War of the Apocalyptics

Front cover of War Pox, artwork by Ian Bateson, 2009

Published in 2009; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

Nuclear Dragons

Nuclear Dragons front cover, artwork by Ian Bateson, 2013

Published in 2013; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

Helios on the Moon

Front cover for Helios on the Moon, artwork by Ricardo Sandoval, 2014

Published in 2014; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here;

The 'Launch 1980' story cycle comprises three complete, multi-character mosaic novels, "The War of the Apocalyptics", "Nuclear Dragons" and "Helios on the Moon", as well as parts of two others, "Janna Fangfingers" and "Goddess Gambit". Together they represent creator/writer Jim McPherson's long running, but now concluded, project to novelize the Phantacea comic book series.

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'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' Epic Fantasy

Feeling Theocidal

Front Cover for Feel Theo, artwork by Verne Andru, 2008

Published in 2008; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

The 1000 Days of Disbelief

Front cover of The Thousand Days of Disbelief, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

Published as three mini-novels, 2010/11; main webpage is here; ordering lynx for individual mini-novels are here

Goddess Gambit

Front cover for Goddess Gambit by Verne Andru, 2012

Published in 2012; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

Circa the Year of Dome 2000, Anvil the Artificer, a then otherwise unnamed, highborn Lazaremist later called Tvasitar Smithmonger, dedicated the first three devic talismans, or power foci, that he forged out of molten Brainrock to the Trigregos Sisters.

The long lost, possibly even dead, simultaneous mothers of devakind hated their offspring for abandoning them on the far-off planetary Utopia of New Weir. Not surprisingly, their fearsome talismans could be used to kill Master Devas (devils).

For most of twenty-five hundred years, they belonged to the recurring deviant, Chrysaor Attis, time after time proven a devaslayer. On Thrygragon, Mithramas Day 4376 YD, he turned them over to his Great God of a half-father, Thrygragos Varuna Mithras, to use against his two brothers, Unmoving Byron and Little Star Lazareme, in hopes of usurping their adherents and claiming them as his own.

Hundreds of years later, these selfsame thrice-cursed Godly Glories helped turn the devil-worshippers of Sedon's Head against their seemingly immortal, if not necessarily undying gods. Now, five hundred years after the 1000 Days of Disbelief, they've been relocated.

The highest born, surviving devic goddesses want them for themselves; want to thereby become incarnations of the Trigregos Sisters on the Hidden Continent. An Outer Earthling, one who has literally fallen out of the sky after the launching of the Cosmic Express, gets to them first ...

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The '1000 Days' Mini-Novels

The Death's Head Hellion

- Sedonplay -

Front cover for The Death's Head Hellion, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

Published in 2010; main web presence is here; Character Companion starts here; ordering lynx are here;

Contagion Collectors

- Sedon Plague -

Front cover for Contagion Collectors, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

Published in 2010; main web presence is here; Character Companion starts here; ordering lynx are here;

Janna Fangfingers

- Sedon Purge -

Front cover for Janna Fangfingers, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2011

Published in 2011; two storylines recounted side-by-side, the titular one narrated by the Legendarian in 5980, the other indirectly leading into the 'Launch 1980' story cycle; main web presence is here; Character Companion starts here; ordering lynx are here;

In the Year of the Dome 4825, Morgan Abyss, the Melusine Master of the Utopian Weirdom of Cabalarkon, seizes control of Primeval Lilith, the ageless, seemingly unkillable Demon Queen of the Night. The eldritch earthborn is the real half-mother of the invariably mortal Sed-sons but, once she has hold of her, aka Lethal Lily, Master Morgan proceeds to trap the Moloch Sedon Himself.

In the midst of the bitter, century-long expansion of the Lathakran Empire, the Hidden Headworld's three tribes of devil-gods are forced to unite in an effort to release their All-Father. Unfortunately for them, they're initially unaware Master Morg, the Death's Head Hellion herself, has also got hold of the Trigregos Talismans, devic power foci that can actually kill devils, and Sedon's thought-father Cabalarkon, the Undying Utopian she'll happily slay if they dare attack her Weirdom.

Utopians from Weir have never given up seeking to wipe devils off not just the face of the Inner Earth, but off the planet itself. Their techno and biomages, under the direction of the Weirdom of Cabalarkon's extremely long-lived High Illuminary, Quoits Tethys, have determined there is only one sure way to do that -- namely, to infect the devils' Inner Earth worshippers with fatal plagues brought in from the Outer Earth.

Come All-Death Day there are more Dead Things Walking than Living Beings Talking. Believe it or not, that's the good news.

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phantacea Graphic Novels

Forever and Forty Days

- The Genesis of Phantacea -

Front cover of Forever and Forty Days; artwork by Ian Fry and Ian Bateson, ca 1990

Published in 1990; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

The Damnation Brigade

- Phantacea Revisited 1 -

Front cover of The Damnation Brigade, artwork by Ian Bateson, retouching by Chris Chuckry 2012

Published in 2013; main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

Cataclysm Catalyst

- Phantacea Revisited 2 -

Front cover for Cataclysm Catalyst, artwork by Verne Andru, 2013

Published in 2014, main webpage is here; ordering lynx are here

Kadmon Heliopolis had one life. It ended in October 1968. The Male Entity has had many lives. In his fifth, he and his female counterpart, often known as Miracle Memory, engendered more so than created the Moloch Sedon. They believe him to be the Devil Incarnate. They've been attempting to kill him ever since. Too bad it's invariably he, Heliosophos (Helios called Sophos the Wise), who gets killed instead.

On the then still Whole Earth circa the Year 4000 BCE, one of their descendants, Xuthros Hor, the tenth patriarch of Golden Age Humanity, puts into action a thought-foolproof, albeit mass murderous, plan to succeed where the Dual Entities have always failed. He unleashes the Genesea. The Devil takes a bath.

Fifty-nine hundred and eighty years later, New Century Enterprises launches the Cosmic Express from Centauri Island. It never reaches Outer Space; not all of it anyhow. As a stunning consequence of its apparent destruction, ten extraordinary supranormals are reunited, bodies, souls and minds, after a quarter century in what they've come to consider Limbo. They name themselves the Damnation Brigade. And so it appears they are -- if perhaps not so much damned as doomed.

At least one person survives the launching of the Cosmic Express. He literally falls out of the sky -- on the Hidden Continent of Sedon's Head. An old lady saves him. Except this old lady lives in a golden pagoda, rides vultures and has a third eye. She also doesn't stay old long. He becomes her willing soldier, acquires the three Sacred Objects and goes on a rampage, against his own people, those that live.

Meanwhile, Centauri Island, the launch site of the Cosmic Express, comes under attack from Hell's Horsemen. Only it's not horses they ride. It's Atomic Firedrakes!

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Helios on the Moon

- 2014 Print Edition -

Covers for Helios on Moon print edition, artwork by Ricardo Sandoval, 2014

Artwork by Ricardo Sandoval, 2014; main web presence is here; back cover text is here; back cover characters, unobscured, are here; excerpts from the novel are here; additional lynx re 'Hel-Moon' are here; ordering lynx are here and here

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What might have been, will be for sure in 2014

Two versions of Rhadamanthys Revealed, art by Verne Andru, 1980-2013

Cover(s) by Verne Andru, 1980-2013; text by Jim McPherson, 2014

BTW, pHz-1 #12 only exists in script form; Kitty-Clysm is pH-Webworld shorthand for "Cataclysm Catalyst";

Double-click to enlarge images in this panel here


Phantacea Revisited 2: Cataclysm Catalyst

Cataclysm Catalyst front and back cover in black and white, art by Verne Andru

Available since Spring 2014, the third graphic novel from Phantacea Publications extracts another complete story sequence from Phantacea 1-7 and Phantacea Phase One #1. Artwork by Dave Sim, Ian Fry, Sean Newton, Verne Andrusiek, and Ian Bateson

Dedicated webpage is here. A complete list of contributing artists is here. Order online or from the publisher.

Double-click to enlarge in a separate window

What was once, will be again

Helios on the Moon, bw versions of front cover for pH-3, art by Richard Sandoval, 1978

Thirty-six years after its original release, Jim McPherson completes his Launch 1980 project to novelize all the Phantacea comic books with the release of "Helios on the Moon"

pH-3 artwork by Richard Sandoval, 1978; rollover adjustments made by Jim McPherson, 2013

Double-click to enlarge images in this panel here
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Phantacea Seven

- The unpublished comic now novelized -

pages 1 and 2, artwork by Ian Bateson, 1980

At long last, the second entry in the Launch 1980 epic fantasy has arrived

Check out the expanded Availability Listings for places you can order or buy Phantacea Publications in person

Images in this row double-click to enlarge here

Look out below!

Full covers for Nuclear Dragons, art by Ian Bateson, 2013; text by Jim McPherson

Nuclear Dragons are here!

- A phantacea Mythos Mosaic Novel -

Jim McPherson continues his ongoing project to novelize the entire Phantacea comic book series

Double-click on image to enlarge in a separate window

Dedicated webpage can be found here; back cover text here; lynx to excerpts from the book start here and here; check out material that didn't make it here and related excerpts from its scheduled follow-up, 2014's "Helios on the Moon", here; for the time being its Auctorial Preamble is reprinted here and here

Centauri Island

- The web-serial enlarged radically -

pages 3 and 4, artwork by Ian Bateson, 1980

Ian Bateson's unpublished artwork from Phantacea Seven provides the basis for the first full-length phantacea Mythos Mosaic Novel since "Goddess Gambit".

Ian Bateson's breathtaking wraparound cover for the novel utilizes his own dragons from pH-7. Those from the unfinished cover for the Phantacea Phase One project can be seen here and here.

Images in this row double-click to enlarge here and here

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Phantacea Revisited 1

B/w first and last pages from DB graphic novel

Check out the expanded Availability Listings for places you can order or buy Phantacea Publications in person

NEW: Read most of the mini-novels making up "The Thousand Days of Disbelief" today on Google Books

Hit here to see what else is currently available there

Guess what isn't coming soon any more?

Text reads Graphic Novel coming soon or here

Phantacea Revisited 1: The Damnation Brigade"

A Watermarked PDF of the graphic novel can be ordered from Drive Thru Comics here

To order from the publisher, click here or go straight to here.

Postage is extra. Please be aware that as yet Phantacea Publications can only accept certified cheques or money orders.

The Damnation Brigade Graphic Novel

artwork by Ian Bateson and Vince Marchesano

Artwork never seen before in print; almost all of pH-5 available for the first time since 1980

Images in this row double-click to enlarge here

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No wonder they call themselves the Damnation Brigade

Variations of DB cover, artwork by Ian Bateson, 2012, collage by Jim McPherson, 2012

Now available from Phantacea Publications

Images in this row are double-clickable from here, here, and, to a lesser degree, here.

pHantaBlog On

Two Damnation Brigade Collages, 2009, 2012

Register now and contribute whenever you please

The 2006 PDF of Mythos Mag, with its updated 2012 lynx, can be downloaded here.

Hit here for a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) of the most recent pHantaBlog entries

The Phantacea Revisited Project

D-Brig covers

Collecting the Phantacea comic books 1977-1980, 1987, Rv1:DB contains material from pH #s 1-5 + pHz1 #s 1 & 2.

This will be the first time in the better part of 30 years that material from pH-5 has been available except from online traders.

Watch for "Phantacea Revisited #2: Cataclysm Catalyst" coming in the Spring of 2014


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D-Brig advertisement with graphic novel table of contents on one side2013 Phantacea Publications advert with price listSearch all the Phantacea Sites
Contribute to the all-new pHantaBlog and download a free PDF of Mythos Mag #1 while you're at it
Get hold of "Phantacea Revisited 1: The Damnation Brigade", a graphic novel collecting the DB-storyline from pH 1-5, as well as Phantacea Phase One #s 1 & 2 (unpublished) now available for ordering from Phantacea Publications

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"Goddess Gambit"

– Now available from Phantacea Publications –

Eyemouth over cover for Gambitsedonic eyes"For the Dead to Thrive, the Living must Die!"

So proclaims Nergal Vetala, the Blood Queen of Hadd.

When her soldier falls out of the sky she's not only back in the pink again – as in arterial – she reckons she's found the perfect foil through which to play, and win, a Trigregos Gambit.

She might be right as well.

Thus Ends 'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' Trilogy

For more on the actual celestial phenomena upon which the eye-collages were based, click here. There's additional information re the Sedonic Eye here and here. The complete cover for Phase One #1 is here whereas yet another variation of it is here. The left eye double-click is the full cover for "Goddess Gambit", artwork by Verne Andru 2011/2. The right eye double-click is of Ian Bateson's enduring, 1986 Sedonic Eye as prepared by Jim McPherson, 2011. Gambit's main webpage is here.

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"The 1000 Days of Disbelief" is not only 3/3rds Done, it's E-done (albeit for Kindle, not kidding nor kindling)

In part to celebrate the 35th Year of Anheroic Fantasy, Phantacea Publications is pleased to announce that "Feeling Theocidal", Book One of the trilogy, and all three mini-novels extracted from 1000-Daze are available on the Kindle platform from and a number its affiliates worldwide.

Alternative covers for Goddess Gambitcovers and characters from Janna FangfingersSubtitled Sedonplay, Sedon Plague and Sedon Purge, the mini-novels commence, continue and conclude Book Two of 'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' trilogy.

Watch for e-versions of Book Three, "Goddess Gambit", and its full-length predecessor in the Launch 1980 story cycle, "The War of Apocalyptics", coming soon from Phantacea Publications.

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Like the first two mini-novels extracted from 1000-Daze, "The Death's Head Hellion" and "Contagion Collectors", "Janna Fangfingers" contains a book-specific character companion. An Auctorial Prefatory and the opening chapter extracted from Gambit round out a 230-page volume bargain-priced at only $12.00 per book CAD and USD, vastly less as an e-book.

(Please note: although their character companions are for the most part applicable to Feel Theo, in large measure they're not so much so to either War-Pox or Gambit, which tend to feature characters more prevalent in the phantacea comic books and web-serials.)

Together they carry on recording the multi-millennia-long chronicles of the gods and goddesses, the demons and monsters, of antique mythologies — the same seemingly endless saga also presented in the 1990 graphic novel, "Forever & 40 Days — The Genesis of phantacea", and the three, thus-far-published, full-length mosaic novels featuring Jim McPherson's Phantacea Mythos.

Variations on covers prepared for Goddess Gambit

Each of the mini-novels is complete unto itself. Among many another character, they feature Thrygragos Everyman and his firstborn Unities (the incomparable Harmony, Thunder & Lightning Lord Order and Uncle Abe Chaos) in their freewheeling prime. On top of that, Fangers presents a framing story set in 5980 Year of the Dome. As such it could be considered a prequel to the Launch 1980 story cycle that began in earnest with War-Pox and eventually picks up again in Gambit.

[Check out for extracts, synopses, teasers, and a grab bag of even more intriguing graphics pertinent to Phantacea Publications' 35th anniversary.]

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Cover for the Death's Head Hellion, artwork prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010Cover for the Contagion Collectors, artwork prepared by Jim McPherson, 2010

"Forever & 40 Days — The Genesis of PHANTACEA", a graphic novel with additional features written by Jim McPherson, "Feeling Theocidal" (Book One of 'The Thrice Cursed Godly Glories'), "The War of the Apocalyptics" (the opening entry in the Launch 1980 story cycle), the three mini-novels, "The Death's Head Hellion", "Contagion Collectors" and "Janna Fangfingers", that comprise "The 1000 Days of Disbelief" (Book Two of 'The Thrice Cursed Godly Glories'), the trilogy's concluding novel, "Goddess Gambit", the graphic novel "Phantacea Revisited 1: The Damnation Brigade", "Nuclear Dragons"(the second, full-length entry in the Launch 1980 story cycle), plus the latest graphic novel, "Phantacea Revisited 2: Cataclysm Catalyst", and "Helios on the Moon", the culminating entry in the Launch 1980 story cycle, should be available at your favourite book stops.

If they're not, kindly direct local librarians and neighbourhood booksellers to in order to start rectifying that sad situation. Either that or, if you're feeling even more proactive, click here, copy the link, paste it into an email and send it to them, along with everyone else you reckon could use a double dose of anheroic fantasy. It will certainly be appreciated.

Help build the buzz. The more books sell, the faster the PHANTACEA Mythos spreads.

Covers for Feeling Theocidal and Forever and Forty DaysTwo Ian  Bateson covers of the same scene

Individual copies of "Feeling Theocidal", "The War of the Apocalyptics", the three mini-novels comprising "The Thousand Days of Disbelief" ("The Death's Head Hellion", "Contagion Collectors" and "Janna Fangfingers") and "Goddess Gambit" can be ordered from and its affiliates, including and, as well as from Barnes & Noble.

Libraries, bookstores and bookseller collectives can place bulk orders through Ingram Books, Ingram International, Baker & Taylor, Coutts Information Services, and a large number of other distributors worldwide.

E-books for Kindle, Kindle Fire, I-pad, I-phone and other applications can be ordered through, and other amazon affiliates worldwide. An interactive e-book containing the entirety of "Feeling Theocidal", as built specifically for Adobe Reader, is available direct from the publisher. (Certified cheques or money orders only, please.) E-books on other platforms are also available. Check you favourite online bookseller for the latest list and ordering instructions for Phantacea Publications. lists the latest releases from Phantacea Publications along with a goodly number of additional booksellers carrying them. Also listed therein are almost all of the PHANTACEA Mythos print and e-publications, including the graphic novel and some of the comic books.

Another interesting option for the curious is Chegg, which has a rent-a-book program. Thus far its search engine shows no results for phantacea (any style or permutation thereof) but it does recognize Jim McPherson (a variety of them) and the titles of many releases from Phantacea Publications.

As for the Whole Earth (other than the Hidden Continent of Sedon's Head, at least as far as I can say and always assuming it's still around in what be its 61st century), well, this page contains a list of a few other websites where you can probably order the novels in a variety of currencies and with credit cards.

Of course you can always email or send me your order(s) via surface mail. No matter where you live or what currency you prefer to use, I'll figure out a way to fill your order(s) myself. Just be aware that I can only accept certified cheques or money orders. Plus, I'll have to charge an additional 12% to cover Canadian and provincial goods and sales taxes as well as Canada Post rates for shipping.

I do use bubble mailers, though.

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Logo for Phantacea reads Anheroic Fantasy since 1977


The PHANTACEA Mythos Online: A Glossary of Characters

| Illustrated Character Companions for mini-novels extracted from "The 1000 Days of Disbelief" | The Shining Ones — The First and Second Generations of Devazurkind | The Shining Ones — Master Devas | The Shining Ones — Devils Described | PHANTACEA Essentials | Non-Devic Pivotal Players | Additional Non-Devic Characters | Deviants | Golden Age Patriarchs | Gypsies & Etocretans | Supranormals | Teutonic Templars | Utopians of Weir | Witches | The Moloch Sedon | The Thrygragos Brothers | The Trigregos Sisters | Byronics Listed | Lazaremists Listed | Mithradites Listed | Devils — by Tribal Affiliation | Celestial God | Recurring Dual Entities | Supranormals/Deviants by Group Affiliation | Places Peculiar to PHANTACEA | Terms Peculiar to PHANTACEA |

-- A Glossary of Terms Peculiar to PHANTACEA --











Centauri Island









































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ANGELICS (Angelycs)

often spelled 'angelycs' to distinguish these primitive Headworld semi-sentient beings from the many members of the Family D'Angelo, who are more correctly considered Celestials.

The Head's modern-day Angelycs are reliant on the charity of Utopians from the Weirdom of Cabalarkon;

Even Golden Agers had gods, a God rather. Supposedly only Alorus Ptah and, some said, Droch Nor had ever seen him. According to Droch and their own folklore, the Angelic race were this God's representatives, his messengers more like, but that was probably only because they had wings and could fly, some even between-space. A majority felt Angelics were simply yet another Edenite biogenetic experiment gone awry. Certainly they were not immortal; were in fact less long-lived than even modern day men and women.

They did have souls however and practised metempsychosis such that a dying angel's life-force could be captured in a soul sink and transferred to an aborning child. Along with their souls went at least a modicum of the life-force's mind and, with it, an ancestral memory. When an angel claimed to have seen God it meant that one of his long-gone forefathers had seen God. And when angels as a collective said that God was a singular entity, a male one at that, those of a 'religious bent' tended to believe them.

-- from Cain, Slayer of Abel
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[H.R. GIGER'S PAINTING OF CHARACTERS REMINISCENT OF SOME OF THOSE FOUND IN <b>HELIODYSSEY</b> -- IMAGE TAKEN FROM THE WEB]The descendants of Cain & Awan ('wickedness'); at the time recounted during Cain, Slayer of Abel, Lamech-Cain was the official alternative patriarch, -- though, because he was still alive, Cain himself was considered the Anti-Patriarch

The Anti-Patriarchs were (followed by their attributes):

  1. Cain the Farmer, Slayer of Abel the Shepherd
  2. Enoch-Cain (city-states, law-giver, peacemakers or police)
  3. Irad or Jared-Cain (navies)
  4. Mehujael-Cain (vimanas, air force)
  5. Methusael-Cain (rockets, missiles)
  6. Lamech-Cain (armies)

Lamia, Lamech-Cain's sister, was Amemp Tut's mother; was therefore Xuthros Hor's great-grandmother; Lamech-Cain's sons by Adah were Jubal-Cain (ranching) and Jabal-Cain (music, story-telling); his son by Zillah was Tubal-Cain (metalworker, iron foundries, weapons);

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- more correctly, the Antediluvian Sisterhood of Flowery Anthea; although there is a highborn Lazaremist devil by that name, Ants traced their lineage to Xuthros Hor's wife, Anthea, the mother of the Bible's Ham, Shem, Japheth, and a number of daughters whose names were mostly lost in time; often, though not always, Ants marry Xuthrodites;

- their elders are known as Nightingales; their Shelters or convents are not-so-jokingly called Anthills; their stepping stones are referred to as Anthean Agates; on the Inner Earth of Sedon's Head they ensorcel agates such that they can't be devazur-possessed; because of what these agates look like, they are called agatine eyes;

- virtually no old-time Ants are left on the Outer Earth; "sisters" beyond the Dome who call themselves life-loving Antheans are actually more like Althean healers, which may be why their elders are called Nightingales, as in Florence, the nurse of Crimean War fame;

see also witches;

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- sometimes also spelled asuras or ahuras; spirit beings born of Master Devas who, although they can possess other sentient beings, can almost never dominate them the same as their third generational devic parents can;
- exceptions may be simpletons or brain-damaged individuals, though that isn't certain; they can't even dominate debrained demons; they can, however, dominate Dead Things, Samarandin homunculi (singular: homunculus, sometimes wrongly spelled homonculus; commonly referred to as 'homos' in 'Centauri Island') and such like sorts of otherwise essentially mindless, yet nonetheless solid, fully functional beings constructed specifically for them;Ian Fry, artwork from Forever and Forty Days, 1990

Azuras could exist separately, that is to say without a sentient shell. They did much better when they had one, though. Furthermore, they did not die when said shell did. Just moved onto a different ‘hollow’, if one was immediately available. Sometimes in a tree or blade of grass, even a rock, until an empty someone, man or beast, happened by. Sometimes after a jolly good run of fun in Pandemonium, where their transitional shells, what kept them going until their next assignment, were demons.

... from 'The Vampire Variations', a Phantacea Mythos web-serial appearing on pH-Webworld in the late Nineties

- like Master Devas, who are genetically incapable of disobeying their fathers, the Thrygragos Brothers and their grandfather, the Moloch Sedon, azuras are incapable of disobeying their devic fathers;
- also like devils, possession by azuras can be healthful; however, as per Ian Fry's 1990 graphic from "Forever & 40 Days — The Genesis of phantacea", probably due to the for-profit-materialism foisted on them by Centauri Enterprises not very many of Aka Godbad's inhabitants believe in them anymore;
- possession by azuras may be the reason the indigenous population of devic protectorates maintain the worship-quotient the protectorates' overlords require in order to remain so very nearly omnipotent in their realms;

(Note: there are also domains over-lorded by over-ladies, female Master Devas like Krepusyl of Crepuscule and Methandra of Mythland;)

Pre-Muslim Iranian adherents to Magian Fire Faiths or Zoroastrianism, called Parsees in modern day India, did know about Devas, capitalized. However, they considered them vastly inferior demons to their gods ­– who, in Zoroastrianism anyhow, numbered only three, the same as the Church’s Holy Trinity. Be that as it may, some of these gods or demigods (called Asuras, usually also capitalized, in their language) were/are depicted with three eyes.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle

- there are almost as many different kinds of azuras as there are individual devils: as related in "Sedon's Stooge", part of PREGAME-Gambit (the 2005 revision thereof), Klannit Thanatos was the world's first known azura; in the story sequences set in 5980 Year of the Dome she dominates ice statuary prepared specifically for her by Sedunihas, her deaf-mute, age-retarded, fourth generational devic brother in Tantal and Methandra Thanatos;

  • Aphrodisiazurs are the offspring of Byron's Venus, Aphropsyche Morningstar (APM All-Eyes); Lovely Lady Afrites are said to house them but APM also use them to inspire childbirth after plagues or disasters decimated Godbad;
  • Apocalyptazurs are the get of the three Primary Apocalyptics (Carcinogen the Leper or Plague, Headless Ramazar or Disaster and Mars Bellona or War); their most common mothers are Mithradites such as the Medusa (Mater Matare or Mother Murder), the other two Gorgons (Stheno & Euralye), and the lesser Apocalyptics (Famine or Pestilence, Diluvia Ran or Flood and Milady Malaise or Sickness, the Leper's Lady); those by Plague and Sickness can cause illnesses; often called Tazurs for short;
  • Belialmazurs are Lady Lust's infrequent offspring, usually by Thrygragos Mithras, Tantal Thanatos or her most common beau, Cruel Plathon, the Bull of Mithras;often called Mazurs for short;
  • Fatazurs are Dame Chance's azura offspring by Rumour of Lazareme, as such they ceased coming into existence circa 4000 YD (the time of Phantast and Strife's failed Crimson Conspiracy); they appear to have similar attributes to Bellona's Sangs;
  • Cardazurs are some of Lady Luck's other azura offspring, presumably by different devils; Tom-Tiddly Taddletale seems to be composed of them during 'The Vampire Variations'
  • Mazurs are also the azura offspring of Lust's Lackeys (Parfum, Humoan & Pheron) by various Master Devas;
  • Mithrazurs are (mostly) the get of Thrygragos Varuna Mithras and Divine Coueranna, she of the curse, from circa Year 0 of the Dome until roughly 2000 YD, when Kore-Eris (Marut Kanin, Discord, Marutia, Strife) replaced Coueranna (Kore-Concord) as Mithras's mate; as such they are probably oldest group of azuras on Inner Earth;
  • Nergalazurs are Nergal Vetala's offspring by either Zuvem Nergalis or Yama Nergal; often called Lazurs for short;
  • Haddazurs are Nergal Vetala's offspring by devils other than Zuvem Nergalis or Yama Nergal; often called Dazurs for short;
  • the term 'Vetalazurs' is used throughout both versions of 'The Trigregos Gambit' as the collective noun for azuras whose devic mother was Nergal Vetala; they animate many, though hardly all, of the Haddit Zombies (Gambit's Ambulatory Dead); Vetalazurs are parasitic; often called Lazurs for short;
    (Former Fecundity’s at least five hundreds of years’ ageless azuras) couldn’t animate Haddit zombies in a rainstorm. Indeed, their Vetalazurs being unable to hold onto them any longer, Haddit zombies were rotting away instantaneously, dissolving everywhere anyone could look down below.

    Those that were not were rapidly trying to dig themselves underground; not that it would forestall their fate for long. Water ran as well through tunnels as it did surface culverts. Besides, Haddit zombies weren’t coordinated enough to flight arrows, or shoot guns, while flying in any case. Not if they wanted to stay aloft. They’d as likely hit the vultures carrying them.

    ... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle
  • Sangazurs, or Vahallazurs, also animate the Dead, but only those slain in battle; their devic father is always Mars Bellona, the Apocalyptic of War; they have a variety of devic mothers including Mater Matare (the majority), Drought and Kala Tal, who are Mithradites, as well as Badhbh (Battle Babe or Sabre Rattle), who's a Lazaremist; most Sangs are referred to as Guardian Angels; one of the oldest, and one of the few Sangs with his own name, is Guardian Angel Tyrtod, whose devic mother was Titanic Metis, also a Lazaremist; another Sang with a name is Guardian Angel Jordy, though some claim he's a Fatazur; Sangs are symbiotic; they appear in both 'Feeling Theocidal' and, as per here and here, its immediate sequel, 'The 1000 Days of Disbelief'; Gomez Niarchos is a Sang, not a Haddazur; Sangs, per se, also appear in "Goddess Gambit" and "Helios on the Moon"; although it's probably never acknowledged in the book, Cromwell Necator's albinos in "Nuclear Dragons" are Sangazurs;
  • The Dead had to be animated by Sangazurs, Mars Bellona’s sometimes less than a couple of hundred years’ ageless azuras (by a number of different female Master Devas, self-evidently none of whom were Vetala-Fecundity) ... The majority of Dead Things the vultures were carrying were Japanese Temporites, the sort Cerebrus and Furie encountered in the Pre-Tokugawa Cavern Devauray-Saturday.
    ... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle
  • Tantalazurs are Tantal Thanatos's offspring; only one of them, Klannit, is by his wife and immediate sister Methandra (Mediterranean Athena), Heat to his Cold; the rest come from his younger siblings including Belialma (Lady Lust, aka Hell's Belle);
  • Yamazurs are Yama Nergal's offspring by female devils (including Nergal Vetala); because they somehow regenerate their own life-force, Yamazurs are about all that can survive in the Ghostlands (once the Elysian or Valhallan Fields) that surround the Weirdom of Cabalarkon;


Sangs, more correctly Sangazurs, were the offspring of Mars Bellona, the Apocalyptic of War, and an always-combative diversity of female Master Devas, not all of who were Mithradites. They usually animated the Glorious Dead of Valhalla, Bellona’s quasi-protectorate east of the Hills of the Sleepers and south of the Mystic Mountains, Sedon’s Crown, in the Upper Headlands.

... from 'The Thousand Days of Disbelief'


Note 1: Guardian Angels Jordy and Tyrtod appear primarily in "Janna Fangfingers" the 3rd section of '1000-Daze'; Guardian Angel Tyrtod returns in "Goddess Gambit" and again in "Helios on the Moon", the second and third installments of the 'Launch 1980' story cycle;

Sangazurs were symbionts. They animated the Dead while, at the same time, allowing deceased individuals to retain their unique personas. That made them about the most useful form of azura to be found anywhere. It also made them the most prized.

Their Valhalla-homeland having gone radioactive courtesy of the Idiot Twins – Tammuz and Osiraq as Illuminaries had them – going atomic in 4825, these days they were mostly found in the Bloodlands, Sedon’s Inner Nose; hence its other name: New Valhalla.

... Sangazurs had many weaknesses. Like any azura – or any Master Deva for that matter – they could be captured and held in a Trinondev’s prison pod or a devil’s ringot. Equally so, albeit unlike devils, they could be captured and held in soul sinks, a dryad or Acorn Ant’s nut-ball, a wizard’s eye-catcher or a Valkyrie’s crystal skull.

... from 'The Thousand Days of Disbelief'


NOTE 2: In terms of phantacea print publications, Gomez Niarchos, a significant behind-the-scenes character "Goddess Gambit", debuted in "Janna Fangfingers" the 3rd section of '1000-Daze', albeit just as much off-camera as he does throughout most of Gambit

Ferdinand’s father, Gomez Niarchos, was dead. He had, however, survived death as a Dead Thing Walking. Fortunately for his friends and relatives, Gomez was a Sangazur-animated Dead Thing rather than a Haddazur-motivated, hence zombified, humanoid eating machine. (Omnivores, brains for Haddit zombies were only considered delicacies.)

There was a substantial difference, in all senses of the word ‘substantial’. Sangazurs were symbiotic. They actually preserved a corpse’s living intelligence, their in-life individuality. In other words, in return for a body to call their home they as good as prolonged a person’s lifetime. On top of that, there were on record occasions when they, Sangs, preserved a person’s fertility as well as his dignity in terms of not smelling too terribly off.

... from 'The Thousand Days of Disbelief'


Additional lynx: there's a note re azuras in the synopsis for 'COUERANNA'S CURSE' 8: "Cain, Slayer of Abel"; more commentary can found in the Terms' entry for Master Devas; plus, now that phantacea Mythos mosaic novels are starting to come out, there's stacks of stuff on azuras and their devic parents in com; a couple of recommended ones are here and here;

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- generic term for the nebulous realm through which spirits, certain witches, devils, and other teleporters travel;

- other terms for between-space include the Dark-Grey Universal Substance of Samsara, the Grey, as most witches referred to it, and the Weird, as devils do; Samsarites such as the Death Dodgers and Multivoids such as the Indescribable Mr No Name (both groups of which seem to have started out as Callion Clones) have also been known to call it either Stoprock or Brainstone;

NOTE: there's a highlighted area in the synopsis to Weird-5 that has to do with between-space specifically

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“We are not God,” argued Mnemosyne. [She's speaking to Heliosophos, the Male Entity, in Lunar Trigon.] “Though I sometimes think we are God’s playthings.”

“You also believe that God is Gypsium.”

“What’s left of the primordial Godhead; what’s left of the mass from whence came the Big Bang, yes. As far as that goes.”

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


As also here, Brainrock came into being when the Primordial Godhead exploded in the first moment of the Big Bang. Reputedly semi-sentient, fragments of it spread throughout the Cosmos. When it is glowing, it acts as a teleportive agent. Stepping stones such as Anthean Agates, Afrite Bulbs, Korant Kernels, Sari Glittery Bits (glitz) and Hellstones are largely composed of Brainrock. So are devic talismans such as Aerialist's Aerod, Sea's Aqua Ankh, Miracle Maenad/Nergal Vetala/Rhea Ararat's moon-sickle, and Demon Land's Stalactite Club.

[SOMETHING THAT LOOKS A LITTLE LIKE BRAINROCK, PHOTOGRAPH BY JIM MCPHERSON, 1991]Cathonic Fluid is Distilled Brainrock. In the Weirdom of Cabalarkon it's usually used to the suspend the animation of those suffering from 'Imminent Death'. Those immersed in it, such as the Undying Utopian after whom the Weirdom is named, are called Sleepers. In Cabalarkon (the place) it's also of component of the Development Tanks used there to clone folks such as Golgotha and Gethsemane Nauroz. The first Moses Callion used a variation of it to clone the brats as well as, presumably, the second Moses Callion. The third Moses Callion, with the assistance of Inner Earth witches like Aranyani Nightingale, used it to produce Samsarites/Multivoids such as the Death Dodgers and other Callion Clones.

Gypsium, the secondary fuel of the Cosmic Express and what made Doc Defiance a late-in-life supranormal, is just another name for this miraculous substance. The word 'Gypsium' itself was supposedly coined by members of the Gypsium Triumvirate (Romaine Kinesis, Kadmon 'El Draco' Heliopolis and Aristotle Zeross) in the late Forties, our time. Long before that, however, Sedon's Hairband, the dividing land-line between the Cattail Peninsula and the occipital regions of Sedon's Head, was also referred to as the Gypsium Wall.

That it was named by the time-tumbling Dual Entities therefore cannot be discounted. Indeed, as per "Helios on the Moon", which came out in 2014, that can now be confirmed. See here for full quote.

Certain supras, including Doc Defiance (Rom Kinesis), the Untouchable Diver (Yehudi Cohen) the second Ringleader (Harry Zeross) and Morg's one-armed man (Alastsor Molorchus) are considered Gypsium-gifted. Devils are said to be Brainrock-blessed. So are the Dual Entities, which is why they could be considered Immortals. For what is Brainrock except Godstuff.Suggestive of Brainrock, billboard shot by Jim McPherson, 2013

Its counter-force or neutralizing agent is Stopstone, also called Solidium and, less commonly, Godcrud. Mastery of Stopstone is what makes a Mithrant Persian such as Rom's father, Alexandros 'Pluman' Kinesis, an Earth Magician while Mastery of Brainrock is what makes a Heliodromus such as Rom's mother, Roxanne 'Slipper' nee Heliopolis, a Sky Magician. Chthonic creatures such as demons, faeries, mandroids (the Lemurian frog-women's guard-bodies, most of which are made by All of Incain) and the Mantels of Temporis are largely composed of Solidium-Stopstone, which is why they can neutralize devils.

The invariably striated – like a human brain – ever-glowing rock was very hard to locate. Gypsium sort of appeared and disappeared, as if it had a will of its own. Which of course some believed it did. Not for nothing was the miraculous substance sometimes called Godstuff. Even more furthermore, not for nothing was it as often, or perhaps even more often, called Brainrock.

Kilauea Hawaii Lava Lake, taken from Web and used on cover of Hidden Headgames,Although pockets of it were found in the environs of Sedona Arizona, the Yucatan Peninsula and, perhaps surprisingly, around the Palestinian Dead Sea, Gypsium was generally dug out of the ground in the vicinity of volcanoes or, more commonly, around meteorite craters and cometary blast sites.

(To the Western World’s abiding gall, the largest known deposit of Gyps was in Soviet Siberia, in and around the site of 1908’s Tunguska ‘event’. This fluke of happenstance more so than planetary geology gave the Soviet Union a huge advantage in the Supra Wars of the late Forties, very early Fifties, when Sedon St Synne and the otherwise anonymous Gypsium Genius known as the King Conqueror secretly made their base in the Ukraine.)

It was also found on two other dinky, tri-peaked islets: Easter Island, in the Southern Pacific, far off the west coast of Chile, and much smaller Centauri Island, off the coast of Maui in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Additionally, one of the least advertised discoveries made by Neil Armstrong and his NASA buddies, when they physically went onto the Moon the next year, was that Gypsium Godstuff was prevalent there.

That wasn’t the reason why the United Nations of Earth Ship Liberty, with its multinational crew of well over a hundred men, was orbiting the planetoid today, over a dozen years after Aegean Trigon disappeared, never to be seen again. But it probably had something to do with it.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


In New Weirworld, on or about the equivalent of 4 December/Tantalar 19/5980, the Visionary of Weir marvels at Lord Yajur's Lightning Blade.

"... the former with devils of near equal disrepute."

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle

Full quote in context here


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CATHONIC FLUID (The Water of Life)

- also called Cathy (when it's drunk like coffee) or Brainrot (when it's an alcoholic drink):

A foul-tasting, but remarkably energizing, altogether non-alcoholic concoction of finely ground, thence dissolved and distilled Brainrock-Gypsium, Cathy was called such because it was little more than a hopped-up, terrestrial variant of life-preserving, though animation-suspending, Cathonic Fluid. Its multiple tens of thousands light years’ pre-Earth originated, yet similarly prepared, and liquefied, constituent-cousin was what kept Sedon’s Cabby the Daddy, he of the north-westernmost Weirdom of the same name, the Undying Utopian.

Even if its recipe included rotting fungi, the Dinq was one of the few taverns on the Whole Earth to do a decent Cathy. That it could do so at all had everything to do with its relative proximity, across the devil-dredged and thereafter Diluvia-drenched Auditory Canal, to the westernmost extreme of the Gypsium Wall.

... from "The 1000 Days of Disbelief"

- distilled Brainrock has multiple purposes but its primary one is to suspend people's animation such that they cannot die, -- so long as they remain in the fluid, that is; notable because it has kept Cabalarkon, Sedon's Utopian 'father', semi-alive since their forced departure from New Weirworld (as per here);

- also in the Weirdom of Cabalarkon (Sedon's Devic Eye-Land on a map of the Hidden Headworld), Cathonic Fluid is a main ingredient in the Development Tanks used to produce clones such as Golgotha Nauroz; the various Moses Callions use the same stuff to make Callion Clones such as the brats we first encounter at Castle Nightmare during the course of Coueranna's Curse; this suggests that the first Moses Callion, who was living at Castle Nightmare pre-WWII, was either a Utopian scientocrat or learned about Cathonic Fluid from a Utopian scientocrat;


- ordinarily destructive to chthonic or earthborn lifeforms such as demons and faeries, Helios captures and confines the two-in-one Sed-moms, Pyrame Silverstar fused with Primeval Lilith, in a tub of Cathonic Fluid early in 1938; this event is also detailed in Curse; Curse's follow-up is "The Volsung Variations". In VolVar-5, which opens 'Queen of Heaven', that novel's second subsection, Tanith Silverhair, having accepted Tom-tiddly Taddletale's offer to marry the night before, is walking unaccompanied through the Dual Entities' Trans-Time Trigon.

As she does so she carries on a conversation with Sub-Trig's innards, Machine-Memory (who, when humanized during 19/5920's Simultaneous Summonings, may have become pregnant with Tom-Tiddly's then latest under-shell, Tammuz Rhymer of Dukkha). In this excerpt, Tanith speaks first. Said innards responds in Memory's digitized voice. Together they touch on the origins of Cathonic Fluid:

"... Unlike devils who, as the gods and goddesses of Ancient Humanity, were demonized by monotheistic, mostly western religions, Lilith was demon all along."

"Not quite right -- she was an intelligence all along -- but close enough. My love knew what he was doing when he had her stuck in that tub."

"How so?"

"Ah, as to that, we'd have to go back to our Fifth Lifetime, to how Hel, with my help -- much more so than either of us cares to acknowledge by the way -- came up with the Moloch Sedon in the first place."

"I heard that last night. Rather than going the Adam's Rib route, he plucked an eye out of a Utopian by the name of Cabalarkon, plunked it into a vat of this Cathonic Fluid stuff, and let nature take its course."

"Not exactly nature. As close to Godhood as there is. Cathonic Fluid is essentially distilled Brainrock and Brainrock is ..."

"Yeah, yeah, I heard that too, -- the stuff of God Itself. Not so much Godhood as the Godhead, the compacted everything that blew itself up in the Big Bang and turned into the Cosmos."

"Not just the compacted everything but the compacted every thought. In the beginning there was the word and all that. Say every single intelligent being today was to reach a state of perfection, a oneness with God as it were. What form would, could, this oneness take?"

"A big blob?"

"A not so much big but almost impossibly dense thickness encompassing everything that was. Call it the ultimate unity."

"A Godhead," Tanith appreciated." And not only everything that was, I gather you're saying, but will be again."

"Consider that a nod," suggested the air as her silver hair ruffled otherwise inexplicably. "What happened was, at least what Heliosophos would tell you happened, was that every conceivable intelligence in what it's easiest to think of as the previous cosmos, having achieved perfection, the ultimate unity, found it perfectly boring."

"Enough of them rebelled, blew themselves, and every other intelligence, up and out of this perfection, and began another cosmos for not even God, them, knows how many times."

"Bang on, as Helios is wont to say."

{NOTE: There's more from this conversation preserved on the long forgotten (until the Autumn of 2007 update) pHluffy pHilosophies page.}


Here's an excerpt from Helmoon re Cathonic Fluid. The speakers are Ubi (Mr Provisional-Astronomer-Again) and Mik Starrus; the latter recently dispossessed of Lord Yajur:

"... Ergo, deprive you of his eye and his weapon, he’s an insensate entity – little more than a harmless curio. His blade and sheathe I have been allowed to keep as trophies. The Visionary now has his eye in a fishbowl filled with Cathon in his bedroom."

"Why didn’t you destroy it?"

“The Visionary could not envisage any way to do that with certainty. However, he has seen that Cathonic Fluid, the stuff that makes up our development tanks and where we lay those suffering from Imminent Death, neutralizes devils. It is a clear liquid that tastes remarkably like apple cider. In fact it is distilled from the golden apples that are partially responsible for our incredibly long lives. By your standards, not the Sisters."

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


see also Multivoids, Death Dodgers; there's a gold-mining box re Cathonic Fluid in the synopsis of Helioddity: Old King Kad

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- known variously as Cathonia, the Dome, the Sedon Sphere;
- zone of Sedonic Energy similar to the Sedonshem that has kept the Outer Earth separated from the Inner Earth or Sedon's Head since the Genesea;
- time is counted in Years of the Dome (YD) on the Hidden Headworld;


The Great Flood occurs in 4000 B.C. To stave it off, at least in terms of Pacifica, the Moloch Sedon – the king of both skyborn devils and earthborn demons by then – raises the Cathonic Zone or Dome out of his own essence. It’s no big deal for him. He’s been doing the same with the Sedonshem – the Devil’s Ark, as it were – for much of the previous many multiple millennia.

He thus separates Pacifica, Mu, Lemuria, from the rest of the planet. Which is turn answers where most of the water comes from on account of Pacifica isn’t an archipelago anymore. It’s a hidden continent. He thereby consequently saves, according to them, something like a final five hundred of his devic descendants from annihilation; what I’d have called devastation had it happened to all of them.

Despite the Dome, which is almost as impermeable as it is permanent, their All-Father has never ceased influencing events negatively throughout the Earth.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


As also per here, the Moloch Sedon mystically maintains the Dome by having mortal Sed-sons (or sedons, small case) at least once (make that twice, since it has two sides) a human generation:

It was indeed her, Lily – not her, Pyrame, her witting holder, with very few exceptions, until 5950 – that the Moloch Sedon really needed to father Sed-sons (such as Saladin born Nauroz in here and Sedon St Synne out there) in order to maintain the Sedon Sphere, the Cathonic Zone separating the Inner from the Outer Earth for nearly six millennia. (When Mother Earth makes deals, Mother Earth keeps deals.)

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


The Moloch Sedon punishes Master Devas who disobey his thought-inviolable decrees by turning them – along with their daemonic bodies and power foci – into stars in the night's sky (Sedon Sphere) above the Hidden Continent. Devas call this ill-starring or cathonitizing but other myths refer to it as catasterizing or stellifying.

Since he rarely releases (decathonitizes) anyone from the night's sky devils consider it akin to a death sentence for immortals. The whole point of the Rhadamantine Scheme to thrust the Cosmic Express into Cathonia was to free dozens of thus confined devils, especially the fourth generational Thanatoids and Mater Matare, who's pregnant with the Apocalyptic (Quadrang) Nucleoids.

Worked as well. However, as the Visionary of Weir tells the Trigregos Sisters on New Weirworld during the equivalent of the second week of Tantalar 5980, the emancipated devils, most of whom were Mithras Spawn, came out shadows of their former selves.

"This Yajur of yours is not what he once was. I believe he is much like a shade or spectral revenant, one dead yet risen, more spirit again than anywhere near as whole as he had been.

"He was weakened by his five centuries containment within what we must call the Cathonic Dome – probably permanently so. He needs to possess a shell but, once dispossessed and now repossessed, it is he who is the possessed. Starrus is dominant and Starrus is a devil-slayer.

"Care to try him out? On yourselves!"

'You play a dangerous game, Visionary.'

"I do not play games, sisters. You are devils and Utopians owe it to the cosmos to destroy devils."

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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thought by some to have possibly been Heliosophos during an unknown lifetime;

This God, some said, was of the heavens, was a Celestial, a member of a star-born race and therefore could not be one of a kind. Others said he was a rebel Celestial, the equivalent of the Titan Prometheus, who gave humanity sentience against the wishes of his fellows. Dependent on one's race, he was variously described as Semitic, Caucasian, Oriental, African, Polynesian, or Australian Aboriginal. Most agreed that, whatever his skin colour, he was next to unbearable to look upon because his hair and beard, if he had one, were composed of sun rays.

Except for the fact that his skin was definitely blue, much the same thing was said about Alorus Ptah. This led to the oft-quoted statement that man was made in the image and likeness of God. While other upper level sentient beings on the Whole Earth objected to that characterization, it suited human beings.

-- from Cain, Slayer of Abel


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- an actual heavenly race and, along with Utopians, devazurs' greatest enemies; devas refer to them as Hedonists as distinct from themselves, who are Sedonists; Celestials are said to have trapped a number of devas in their realm when the Sedonshem passed through it multi-millennia before arriving on the Whole Earth; one those devas was Serathrone Hallow, the breed sister of the two Silverclouds, Rudra and Umashakti, and therefore of Great Byron's first litter;

- because devas were considered gods in Hindu Mythology and the word itself was corrupted into 'deus' and 'divine', some think Celestials are devas who did not make it to the Whole Earth; Celestials may also have influenced the outcome of the Crimson Conspiracy some two thousand years ago; the various members of the Family D'Angelo are said to be Celestials and Celeste Mannering is called the Celestial Superior of the Anthean Sisterhood;

- As noted in "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle, over the course of many millennia Utopian explorers from New Weirworld have also come close to the Celestial Sphere and hence encountered Celestials; see here for an excerpt;


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Centauri Island

graphic for online defintion of 'islet', taken from Free DictionaryThree stubby, formerly volcanic peaks so far offshore that the they were invisible from the nearest major mainland are usually classified as islands or, if comparatively tiny, islets. Mounts Zeross, Kinesis and Heliopolis might have been that, pluralized, had they been named such in those days [post war, late Fifties, early Sixties]. Then again, since they were joined at low tide, some might have considered them a small but howsoever still nameless island, singular.

Call in NCE’s terra-forming reclamation units, with their dredgers, their manpower, their steel and heavy machinery, their boatloads of sand and concrete, and you can scratch the nameless.

Welcome to Centauri Island, singular.

... from the unpublished 'Ringleader's Revenge' web-serial


- Centauri Island came under attack from Crystallion (Crystal St Synne) and Hell's Horsemen in December 1980, story told in "Nuclear Dragons", the second entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle; Ian Bateson's astonishing depiction of the attack, initially intended for Phantacea Seven, finally saw print in "Cataclysm Catalyst"; one section of it is the dicked double-click here and here; the entire sequence, with the original lettering, is preserved online here and here;

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- 'Launch 1980' is the overall title of the second full-length epic fantasy released by Phantacea Publications; it represents Jim McPherson's efforts to novelize the original phantacea comic book series; it's based on the comics as well as extant scripts for comics that were never produced and the pH-Webworld web-serials;

- in PHANTACHRON terms, the Launching of the Cosmic Express took place on Centauri Island on the 30th of November, 1980 (the 30th of Maruta, 5980 YD); see also Counting time on Sedon's Head here;

- there's a description of a cosmicar here;

"Five years ago, when we started this, our hundredth lifetime together, we learned of the Cosmic Express. As you may or may not have learned before you left the island, Project Centauri would never have got off the ground without the aid of Thrygragos Byron and his now nearly four thousand years’ solid offspring.

“For them, its main function was to get the cosmicompanions and their teleportive cosmicars – teleportive because they’re at least partially powered by Gypsium-Godstuff – out here such that they could start scouting other planets suitable for them. You see, Byronics regard the Hidden Headworld as an enormous prison; nowhere near as confining as All or the other Sphinx, which had been rendered inactive long before the Flood, but one they nevertheless want to leave.”

“But the Express barely got off the ground and certainly never made it to space, not the way it was supposed to anyway."

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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- inhuman exotica sometimes referred to as the eldritch earthborn; Machine-Memory calls them base planetary natives; also, notably in "Goddess Gambit" and "Helios on the Moon", they're often referred to as Indescribables (see for example here);
- Daemonicus and Primeval (Lich) Lilith, both of whom seem indestructible, are considered Daemonic Royalty; Collage entitled Daemonic Royality, prepared by Jim McPherson
- in the Phantacea Mythos be-brained demons cannot possess anyone; what they do is coat someone and then more like seep into their victim until they're either in control or as close as they can get in strong-willed people, more here
- as per here, are probably the equivalent of the Japanese 'oni';
- as per here, devic eyefire disorients them; with enough concentration it can debrain them; more often it just spurs them into an eating frenzy
- devils solidified by daemons who were too slow to avoid being debrained are among their favourite meals;
- contrary to popular belief demons don't possess people; they do, however, coat people then render themselves indistinguishable from that person -- except when they attack, at which point they become skin-jumpers;
- devils body-bounce, demons skin-jump;
- as suggested here, one proven way to expel a demon is to 'electrocise' it (electrocute + exorcise);


- in phantacea, a definite, as well as definitive, distinction is often made between daemons and demons

Daemon (classical mythology) is a good or benevolent nature spirit in classical Greek mythology [whereas] a demon is a malevolent being in mythology or occultism.

... from TheFreeDictionary by Farlex


Immediately below, left and right, are two of H.R. Giger's depictions of Primeval Lilith, thought to be Alorus Ptah's first wife and the Queen of All Demons, -- images found on the Worldwide Web. For more Giger, see Anti-Patriarchs, above, and the webpage Devas by Affiliation.

[ONE OF H.R. GIGER'S DEPICTIONS OF LILITH, CAIN'S MOTHER AND THE QUEEN OF DEMONS; IMAGE FOUND ON THE THE WORLDWIDE WEB]Demons are not quite indistinguishable from daemons. While both are chthonic (earthborn and earthbound) semi-sentient beings native to the planet, the former are generally considered malefic beings entirely inimical to humans whereas the latter is more a generic term for the overall species. Informally, daemons are considered less nasty, if not, except rarely, beneficent. Generally speaking, demons are also man-killers as well as man-eaters whereas daemons, while omnivorous, are not cannibals per se.

In 'Sedon's Stooge', one of the sample chapters of the 2005 revision of "The Trigregos Gambit" still online, the Smiling Fiend tells the Legendarian how the husks of daemons debrained on Sedon's Peak, circa 2000 Year of Dome, ended up as devic bodies; he also describes cases of daemons devouring devic spirit beings, notably Tvasitar Smithmonger, who started making devic talismans or power foci shortly thereafter that happened.

Earlier in the same chapter, the Legendarian tells Thartarre Holgatson, the Sraddhites High Priest in 5980 YD, his understanding of the truth behind the legend of Sodom and Gomorrah. While doing so he speaks about a couple of specific types of demons. (The Hecate-Hellions he refers to as the oldest Witch Sisterhood on the Whole Earth feature throughout the Thrice Cursed Godly Glories trilogy that I began print-publishing under the phantacea imprint in 2008 with "Feeling Theocidal").

Because they were Weirdoms, were a couple of the places where ancient Illuminaries got through the Dome, fame of both the twin cities themselves and their eponymous rulers, Sodom and Gomorrah, had long ago reached the Head. Wandering troubadours told or sang their stories far and wide. Some even claimed they were immortal. Well, they would, wouldn’t they? That’s the purpose of an honorific, to perpetuate the semblance of perpetuity.

Two of them were named, funnily enough, Jordan and Pusan. He was the musician of the two, the one who told the stories. She sang and danced. They were very much in love, these two. Their parents were against them marrying so they ran away. Their parents were pagans. They worshipped Mother Earth; not the three Great Gods, who were the only solid devils on the planet now that Dark Sedon was up there in the night’s sky being dark during the day.

Their mothers were more than merely pagans; they were Hecate-Hellions. That meant they belonged to the oldest Witch Sisterhood on either side of the Dome; one that was even older than that of Flowery Anthea. Which was named after Xuthros Hor’s wife, Hor being the Biblical Noah; not Thrygragos Lazareme’s highborn epitome of the Spring Season, of Life Itself.

An Hawaiian LIlith, shot in the British Museum by Jim McPherson, 2010They conjured up a pair of demons to go after them. These two were very old demons. Not that there’s anything natural about demons, other than Mother Nature’s their mother, and that includes aging or death. Put it this way, they still contained a pair of devils they’d acquired during the tail-end of Ragnarok some 2000 years earlier, pre-Genesea, when the Whole Earth was still the Whole Earth. We’ll save some time and name them now. They were Future Tvasitar Smithmonger and Future Klannit Thanatos.

The former was a gargantuan concretion of galumphing granite while the latter was seemingly composed entirely of  reflective glass; a mobile mirror, in other words. In terms of demonology there’s stacks of variants on the former. Blockhead’s one of them, Gobble Stones is another, but the generic term I use is Rockhead.

The latter, though, shouldn't be confused with the Diamantes native to the Crystal Mountain Range; they’re at least humanoid. The term demonologists use for mobile mirrors, and this should’t surprise you, if you don’t know it already, is a Klannit. They were as in love as the two troubadours, which may have been how they caught their scent. Love stinks, don’t you know? Sorry, bad joke.

... from PREGAME-Gambit: 'Sedon's Stooge', Chapter Seven of "The Trigregos Gambit"

By the Sixtieth Century of the Dome, the only true demons left are confined to either Satanwyck (Sedon's Temple, Pandemonium), where they are the subjects of Baaloch Hellblob, Sinistral Sloth, or the Forbidden Forest of Kala Tal, Sedon's Moustache. These last, who constantly plague the Sraddhite Warrior Monks of Lake Sedona (Sedon's Teardrop), are commonly referred to as 'Indescribables'.

Being earthborn, demons are related to the faeries (feeorin) of the Grey Land of Crepuscule (Twilight — formerly, pre Era of Empires, Daybreak, the Brilliant Land of Daylight) and the Thousand Caverns of Tariqartha (Temporis), mandroids (both Old Weir's version and the near-automatons who serve All the Invincible, She-Sphinx of Incain, and Queen Amphitrite of Lemuria in 5980), and mantels (particularly the replicated denizens of Temporis);

The original demons were not so much products of Old Eden's discredited science as 'adjusted' according to Edenite specifications; female demons were bred to be compatible with human beings and, indeed, most other order of sentient life forms; Primeval Lilith, Anti-Patriarch Cain's presumed mother, and Daemonicus seem to be legitimate old-time demons whereas Steltsar/Sharkczar, Crystallion, Hell's Horsemen, and their Nuclear Firedrakes would appear to be mostly manmade monstrosities;


[ANOTHER OF H.R. GIGER'S DEPICTIONS OF LILITH, CAIN'S MOTHER AND THE QUEEN OF DEMONS; IMAGE FOUND ON THE THE WORLDWIDE WEB]Demons fused like most creatures did but not so much sexually as bodily. Often a great many of them fused at once. Some of what they excreted became living beings in their own right. They fed on what was left of their parents -- the ones that did not walk away, that is -- inhuming their remains and acquiring aspects of their minds at the same time.

There was considerable debate about whether they had souls like most of the higher sentient orders did however. One school of thought had it that they devoured sentient souls. Which was the main reason cognizant reincarnation never seemed to work. More practical men such as both Tut and his father held that demons simply fed on decomposed biomass.

[POSSIBLE LIKENESS OF BADHBH, FAERIE GODDESS OF BATTLE; SCULPTOR: GEROME, 1892; FROM 'THE COLOUR OF SCULPTURE' EXHIBITION, AMSTERDAM 1996]Certainly their delicacies were fungous in nature, mushrooms, moulds, mildew, and such like, though they sometimes went for moss and lichen.

Those who cremated their dead did so to keep them away from demons. By contrast, those that either buried them or left them up in trees or in open-topped structures on hills did so to appease demons. Witches and warlocks, priests and priestesses, who sacrificed animals even infants, children, virgins, or year kings, did so in the misguided belief that demons could somehow influence the course of Nature Itself. There was no evidence of that but it was true that demons could be bribed by a fresh kill; properly pulped of course since they liked their bones powdered. Probably had a calcium deficiency.

They also made for very formidable fighters since they were sort of squishy and therefore could absorb a lot of punishment, had no vital organs as such and did not burn particularly well. The best way to dispatch them was to literally blow them apart or hack them into dozens of pieces, starting with the legs, assuming they had any. Not the easiest thing to do considering demons could use weapons as easily as anyone with arms, a modicum of intelligence, and opposable thumbs. Some even had tentacles, tails, and very impressive teeth to add to their arsenal.

Demons were born with their progenitors' memories. If there were too many of them, they could not assimilate and therefore sublimated all but the most primeval of them, -- the will and wherewithal to survive. However, if the demon was born of a single sentient, a human say, they would inherit his memories alone. Arguably, his memories amounted to his psyche, his mind, his intelligence. Presumably also they included his soul, his animus, since psyche literally meant soul. But only if they fed off their placental parent; their father in other words!

-- from Cain, Slayer of Abel


In 4376 YD, the Legendarian comes across Hinny the Hippy. He doesn't think she's a demon but he might be wrong.

(BTW, even though they don't have talaria wings, hinnies exist; at least they do according to this the Free Dictionary here. There are images of them here. Hippogriffs don't, except on the Hidden Continent of Sedon's Head. There's an image of one on pHanta-pHlikr here; one of a pegasus isn't faraway here.)

What the hell was that tethered to the hitching rail?

First look said Mandroid. Second look said, no, altogether alive that hell. Possession wasn’t what animated the undeniable oddity. Third look said dumb as they come. It wasn’t a faerie perversion. Plus, it was too docile to be daemon or demon, agathodaemon or cacodemon; the former being more indifferent than benevolent while the latter was a man-eater. That must make it a domesticated animal then, but what kind?

Size-wise, albeit only from a distance, it might pass for a stumpy but thickset deer, mule, jackass, or dwarf donkey. Except, how do you account for the furry-looking, tightly matted, black feathers and crow’s head? And what’s with the wings, dinky ones on either side of its four upper hooves or fetlocks and stunted ones sprouting out of its shoulders like that of an immature or diseased Pegasus or hippogriff?

... from "Feeling Theocidal"


Shot of a demon, behind glass, taken by Jim McPherson in Lima, Peru, in 1998 and modified on PHOTOSHOP in 2007In 'The Volsung Variations', Tanith Silverhair carries on a conversation with whom she's walking upon -- that'd be the Mnemosyne Machine, for the non-pHants amongst you. They speak to demons, particularly their antediluvian king and queen:

"But, going back to Lilith and the tub of Cathonic Fluid," the walls were saying, "It being Brainrock and she being mostly Stopstone ..."

"It's the worst possible place for her."

"It preserved her life, -- her existence rather --, but that may be about it."

"She'll never get any better," understood Tanith. "Solidium's not much more than glorified mud, is it?"

"Slop of the earth, Silverhair. Add the sun, a little lightning, a few meteor showers and, voilà, you've life. Evolution takes care of the rest. As for intelligence, well ..."

"What stuck, you and I'd scrape off our boots."

"To be sure, tellurians never really got very high up the ladder in terms of wit. Barely made it past the twit-step, truth told. They're as loyal as dogs and don't bite unless you tell them to, which some might think of as good points."

"Good points that also make them the perfect slaves."

"For the most part, equally true. They're clumsy and plodding, though. Sentimental too. Don't get them to wash your dishes. They break one, they start to cry. Think they've done in a cousin or some such."

... from "The Volsung Variations"


Wilderwitch, a member of the Damnation Brigade, has a cut-anything knife akin to a purpa. One such is superimposed over a wooden labrys, of which more here, in this graphic. The description is copied from a display in New York's Metropolitain museum.

Purpa superimposed over a wooden labrys, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2015


"The p'ur'bu is a triangular-bladed magic dagger used for stabbing demons and exorcising evil. It belongs to the most esoteric level of Buddhist practice. Pur-pa is a deified form of the dagger. This one is giant-sized and dated by inscription to the Mind Dynasty during the reign of Emperor Te Tsun (1506-1522)."

  • Lynx to more entries on Daemonicus, the demon's pre-flood king, can be found here;
  • a mini-essay on Primeval Lilith, the primogenitor female daemon, can be found in the Summer 2004 edition of pHpubs;
  • there's a quote from "The Death's Head Hellion" re the lovely but lethal, devil-hating etherealist here;
  • a significant snippet of dialogue between the Dual Entities regarding demons has been preserved here;
  • additional info regarding both Lilith and Daemonicus, the primogenitor male daemon, can be found here; images representing both Lilith and Daemonicus can be seen on the original front cover prepared for "The 1000 Days of Disbelief", a self-contained mini-trilogy that constitutes the second book in 'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' trilogy;Tapistry featuring a forest growing out of a  witch's head, shot at the 2015 Vancouver Folk Festival
  • as preserved here, , during the course of "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle, Miracle Memory speaks authoritatively of occupying Primeval Lilith when she became the mother of Cain, Slayer of Abel;
  • in 'Sedon's Stooge', one of the sample chapters of the 2005 revision of 'The Trigregos Gambit' still online, the Smiling Fiend tells of his connection to Daemonicus;
  • in 'The Volsung Variations', Magnus Minus (represented by the above demon-figure) fancies himself the 5938-new Daemonicus;
  • in terms of phantacea print publications Minus of Minius first appears in "The Death's Head Hellion", the first mini-novel extracted from "The 1000 Days of Disbelief"; as per here, another image representing him as the potomaniacal demiurge of the lower depths (aka Absudyl) can be seen on its front cover (beneath the image used to represent, Master Morgan Abyss, a leading Hecate-Hellion of 4824/5 YD); an excerpt from the mini-novel re the minutely mighty Minotaurus is here; even more notes re the ballsily bullish maybe-mandroid, whom the Society of Saints, unless it was the King's Own Crimefighters, howsoever arguably first encountered as Mr Miniature, is here;
  • there are those who consider psychopomps daemons; see here, here and here re that or just copy and paste 'psychopomp' into the Search Engine at the top of the page; the phantacea Mythos contains plenty of pomps;
  • there are a number of shots representative of Primeval Lilith online; two of Giger's Demon Queens are here and here; Fuselli's Night Hag, from New York's Metroplitain Museum is here; one from Hawaii but shot in the British Museum, 2010, is up the page; the most famous Lethal Lily, also from the British Museum, is here, here and here; also on on pHanta-pHlickr there's a picture of it rendered in colour here; it shows up here as well; John Collier's Lily as a naked woman wrapped in a rather large snake is here;Salvador Dali's Fecundity, shot by Jim McPherson in Dubrovnik, 2017


Perhaps because they are denizens of Satanwyck (Sedon's Temple), throughout the phantacea Mythos vampires are considered demons; they still have to be turned, however, possibly by a human Black King or a haemogoblin, a demon-type that carried the infection much like rats carried fleas who carried the plague

One type of vampire is a 'vetala' (lower case, so as not to be confused with Nergal Vetala, aka Fecundity, after she becomes the Vampire Queen of the Dead as recounted in "Janna Fangfingers"; NOTE: the image to right is Salvador Dali's Fecundity as shot in Dubrovnik, Croatia, in 2017 by Jim McPherson):

What was so strange about one of the women, a young and nice-looking, albeit toothy, dark-haired oriental in a kimono and sandals was both her feet and hands seemed to be attached backwards.

from PREGAME-Gambit: 'Chomping the Cosmicar’s Four', the sixth chapter of "Goddess Gambit"


Perhaps surprisingly, as per this quote, Blind Sundown seems to consider his beauty, Raven's Head, to be part-psychopomp, as in part-daemon. The conversation takes place in the Weirdom of Cabalarkon. It's between Blind Sundown and the Witch, but Raven is there, not altogether non-vocally:

“There are other ways to traverse the Weird,” said the Witch, only now beginning to apprehend where he was heading.

“So there are. But, ask me, that only widens the field of suspects. For example, both Fish and Solace sometimes rode psychopomps – which it seems you are too, Raven – to get about between-space. Fish had a few, Delphi comes to mind for one, and back in the Forties Solace had Aquilla, a half-brained, what did she call him? A Garuda, that’s it.”

Psychopomps, another one being Agenor Heliopolis’s Pegasus, what first came out of the Olympian Tantalus at least as early as the late Thirties, could traverse the Weird. They had nothing to do with the Magnificent Psycho. In the lexicon of the White Witch, Superior Sarpedon, the Morrigan, they were related to demons, however – demons being chthonic or earthborn creatures whereas devils were Cathonic or skyborn, as in extraterrestrial, as Sundown after three weeks on the Head was now aware.

“So did Eden,” said Wilderwitch. “Hers was a nightingale, appropriately enough. Name of Medici, also appropriately enough, since the Medicis ruled in Florence, Italy.”

... from "Decimation Damnation", the initial entry in the open-ended saga of 'Wilderwitch's Babies'


A number of demonic Indescribables appear in the pHanta-pHlickr web galleries; one purportedly depicting a Ghastly Ghast (Hankering Hankies) is here; a chapter excerpted from 'The Trigregos Gambit' web-serial that features a Ghast in an unexpectedly pivotal role is preserved here;


Return to Terms Lynx


- devazurkind, also sometimes called Sedonists or Shedds, after Sedon; the collective race of the mostly solid Master Devas and the almost always insubstantial azuras;
- because devas were considered gods in Hindu Mythology (reference Varuna or Uranus) and Sanskrit is the written form of an Indo-European tongue, the word itself was corrupted into 'deus' and 'divine'; equally so, because devas were considered evil spirits (reference Ahriman or even Satan) in Persian or Zoroastrian Duality, the word, Deva, usually capitalized, means 'Shining One'; it also became 'devil';
- as per here, in all probability, the collective equivalent of the Japanese 'kami';


In this quote, the Male Entity (Heliosophos, Helios called the Sophos the Wise) tells Romaine Kinesis (Doc Defiance) how he and Machine-Memory helped engender the devazur race:

"It was my fifth [lifetime] that I most regret; that has haunted me ever since. We turned up in the far off Planetary System of Old Weir, where the natives were called Utopians. They had been at war with machine-men for hundreds of years – Utopians sometimes lived for three or four thousand Earth years, if not longer  – and they were winning.

“However, their leader, Cabalarkon, wanted both a final victory over the mandroids, as he called them, and their Machine Mother Moulder. Wanted as well immortality for his people. What I did, using one of his two eyes as a starting point, was create an entirely new life form, the devazur as it’s now known.

“At first there was only one devil, Sedon, the big D Himself. I realized what I’d done, who I’d effectively engendered, almost immediately. I even tried to destroy him, albeit not immediately enough. He nailed me, instead.”

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


Devazurs aren't supposed to kill for fear of robbing their All-Father Sedon of the worship due him, as funnelled through Master Devas and their fathers, the Thrygragos Brothers. They kill, they're cathonitized (catasterized, ill-starred, turned into stars in the Sedon Sphere above the Hidden Continent).

Gods don't kill graphic, taken from web

As Freespirit Nihila points out to Quill Tethys near the end of the 'Launch 1980' story cycle, however, there are exceptions:

 “Killing equals in self-defence is no capital crime, especially when they’re full of Lethal Lily [Primeval Lilith]. Or didn’t you know that?”

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


- there are similar notes re the devazur race in the exposition section of the Overview Webpage created for the revised version of 'The Moloch Manoeuvres'; see also The Moloch Sedon, The Thrygragos Brothers, The Trigregos Sisters, Byronics, Lazaremists, Mithradites, and individual listings linked from those listings;

Return to Terms Lynx


- the sons and daughters of Master Devas conceived when their devic half-parent(s) were possessing sentient beings;
- a term used almost exclusively on the Hidden Continent of Sedon's Head;
- many but hardly every deviant parent is human;
- for more on some known deviants see here;
- many Outer Earth born supranormals are actually deviants; the majority of these were born as a result of the Simultaneous Summonings of 19/5920 or the wild night in Vancouver Canada on the Autumnal Equinox of 1952 when "Lady Lust came to town leaving Mama Maternity behind";


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EDEN (Plato's Atlantis)

- what Plato called Atlantis; the Garden of Eden was what others called Avalon, -- or Apple Isle as it is currently known as on Sedon's Head, Old Eden's Zoo;

According to some Plato's Atlantis was Santorini, sometimes called Thira, an island in the Aegean Sea that blew it's heart into the sky around 1500 BC. It's said that the eruption of the Island, which in the PHANTACEA Mythos is called Strongyne, the Island of Strong Women, contributed mightily to the demise of the Etocretan society of the Minoans. I've also heard it muttered that something called Continental Migration resulted in Atlantis being moved to the vicinity of South Pole where it became frozen Antarctica.

By far the most common version of its fate is the closest to Plato's version of it. Namely, that somewhere around ten thousand years before the present day, the Earth's last Ice Age ended. As vast glaciers melted, waters throughout the globe consequently rose, swamping much of the planet. There remained a lengthy archipelago that stretched across the Atlantic Ocean between North Africa and Iberia all the way to what would become the West Indies and North-Central America. Its remains are now under the Sargasso Sea.

Eden's society was so highly advanced some have suggested it was extraterrestrial, perhaps even Utopian, in origin. Its technical achievements made those of 1938's Outer Earth pale in contrast.

-- from Cain, Slayer of Abel

-- the Mnemosyne 3-Thing, speaking to Big Max Maxwell during a segment of "Helios on the Moon", hooks the sinking of Atlantis into the beginning of the Golden Age of Humankind. An extended excerpt of their conversation is quoted in the topic section of the Winter 2000 Web-Publisher's Commentary.


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EDEN'S ZOO (Lemuria)

another name for Lemuria or Sedon's Head; so-called because that was where Edenites or Atlanteans deposited their failed genetic experiments designed primarily to grant Edenites immortality; a practise which accounted for the incredible diversity of sentient life forms still found on Sedon's Head.

Not content with extremely long, healthy lives provided by their famous golden apples, hence the term Golden Agers, Edenites wanted immortality, the stuff of Godhood.

-- from Cain, Slayer of Abel!


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- there are all sorts of Elementals in the Phantacea Mythos;
- among them are: dryads, Electrans (Blitzens), Fire-Styx, Nephi Cloud Creatures, Photonics, salamanders, stone gnomes, sylph air-sprites, sylvan wood-sprites, Tellamic metallics, undine water-sprites


Here's some dialogue from "Harry on the Head", the as yet unpublished, in any form, continuation of the 'Ringleader's Revenge' web-serial. It's written from the teenage Ringleader's perspective. The other speaker is Fisherwoman, whom Harry (Aristotle Zeross, Ringleader's real name) has already pleaded with to not fishify, while she's speaking to him, as he can't follow her.

It's Azky, Year of the Dome 5960 (June 1960 on the Outer Earth):

"Elementals are just as sentient [as earthborn faeries] but are composed of ...”

“Their elements,” Ringleader realized. “The four traditional Elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water.” With that realization he couldn’t help appreciating anew just how outré, how bizarre, how supernatural – make that unnatural – the Hidden Headworld was compared to where he came from.

And to think they were part of the same planet. Unless the outside world was a whole lot weirder than, even allowing for supras, it appeared. Maybe Mother Nature just kept her secrets better out there.

“Lot more than that,” contributed Fisherwoman. “Sylvans are wood-sprites, dryads and lachanodes vegetative, fauns and satyrs like Wanderlust animalistic, Tellamics metallic, Photonics light, naiads fresh water, Nephi Cloud Creatures water vapour, and so on. For everything that is, there isn’t just a season, but a spirit that goes with it. In here, back in the early days of SOS, the Society of Saints, some of them were near-deified as Emperor and Empress Elementals.”

“The Terrible Twins, Aires and Thalassa D’Angelo?”

“Air and Water, yes. For a time they were Sylph-Emperor and Undine-Empress. Will Tombstone, Kid Cemetery, was declared Gnome King about the same time. His then-girlfriend, Brunhilde born von Alptraum, the bronze-haired Volsung your Etocretans hated, to my mind irrationally, became his Salamandress.” Rings took that to mean the Burning Hell whom his Mama Meg did hate, albeit irrationally only as far as Fish was concerned.

“Mr Brilliant positively adored the adulation he received from the Photonics, whom you mostly see atop cloud cities or in the upper atmosphere cavorting with Air’s sylphs. However, the woman he wanted to impress most in the world way back then, Clair du Lune, thought all the unwanted attention she received from Lathakra’s Intuits – which was what started the whole pseudo-deification process – pardon the expression, sheer lunacy.”

“My aunt?”

“Laodice? Electra-Electress of the Electrans, the Lords and Ladies of Lightning, Elementals that hang out in the Cloud Cities nether regions. Perhaps after you Etocretans, Electrans were how Lao referred to her personally loyal sprites. In contrast, the as-good-as triplet Volsung girls, Gold, Silver and Bronze, called them Blitzens, as in Santa’s reindeer. As in ‘blitzkrieg’, lightning-war, tuna-too!”

... from "Harry on the Head", the unpublished sequel to the 'Aspects of an Amoebaman' web-serial


Elsewhere in the same, as yet unpublished tome, we, through Harry Zeross, visually encounter Fire-Styx, a type of Faerieflight-like Elemental that reminds him of a legendary phoenix.

“That Firebird a Phoenix?” had to ask Harry.

“No,” Nereid responded as helpfully as ever. “It’s a Faerie­Flight, a flying fucking Fire-Styx spewing salamanders.”

“Faerieflight, Fire-Styx, salamanders?”

“Not the cute little lizard-like amphibians with fireproof skin you’re thinking of, Rings. Our salamanders are Earthborn Elementals usually found in the vicinity of volcanoes, lava lakes and lava rivers. They’re often seen in bonfires and were guaranteed to show up at Spanish Inquisition-style autos-da-fe in Twilight and the Cattail before Athenan War Witches put a stop to them; the witch-burnings, not the salamanders. Faerie Flights are a form of faerie-types; Fire-Styx their Elemental equivalents. They carry with them dot-dittoes and tend to defecate dick-dildos.”

... from "Harry on the Head", the unpublished sequel to the 'Aspects of an Amoebaman' web-serial


Return to Terms Lynx


... destroyed in 661 Pre-Dome (PD) but once stood in the Sinai Peninsula and was dominated by three mighty ziggurats; conceivably the first Trigon. It was the last stronghold of Edenite Science and there, with his three young wives, also lived the oldest and most hated man alive ...

-- from Cain, Slayer of Abel!


Cain has by now settled in the so-called Land of Nod, East of Eden; both of them, the original and Apple Isle. Which is about west as you can go on the Whole Earth before it becomes east. Nod’s in Arabia, in it’s own way just about as far away from Pacifica as one can go without getting west of Eden. That’s where he brings Awan once they marry.

Time continues to pass, bugger that it is. Thrae has more children. Cain and Awan start a family as well. He still hates his father, goes so far as to declare himself the Anti-Patriarch, to Ptah-Helios’s Patriarch, and eventually builds Enoch City.

It isn’t there anymore. Rather, what’s left of it is under the Arabian desert at an impossible depth.

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


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Exotica on the Head

- Headworld exotica include centaurs, cyclodes, daemons, fairies, fauns, Garudas, Ophidians, Lizarados, Lemurians, piscines, saurians, Simian Sapients


Centaurs had ... mostly fled from old Iraxas to the north in order to avoid being eaten by voracious Haddit zombies. Their exodus into the vast plains of Marutia occurred shortly after their patron, sometimes also their matron, ever-changing Chimaera, was driven back to [the subcontinent of] Godbad when the expanding empire of Lathakra came a-conquering in the 47th Century of the Dome. They never returned.

... from "Harry on the Head", the as yet unpublished continuation of the 'Ringleader's Revenge' web-serial

- more on centaurs and their relationship to Chimaera Glimmenmare can be found here and here;


These airborne, demonic insectoids reputedly had a hive mentality that somehow coalesced into their own private deity. Cyclodes were familiar to Outer Earth’s supranormals; had killed more than a few of them – including Mandasoma Plantagenet and her Summoning-Aged Russian husband, the Sleeping Giant, the last time they escaped Cathonia. Not that very many beyond the Dome knew there was a Dome, a barrier separating the two sides of the Whole Earth. Or even that the planet had two sides.

Outer Earth veterans of the 17-year-long, so-called Supra Wars were familiar with their self-composed deity as well. Quite naturally called him Kinsecto, as in King of the Insects. Modern day Illuminaries like Mel-Illuminatus were not altogether convinced he was a devil, but characterized him as the Apocalyptic of Pestilence anyways. Categorized him a lesser Apocalyptic since everyone knew the Primary Apocalyptics were War, Death, Disease, and Disaster.

The other three lesser Apocalyptics were Drought, Famine and Flood. All eight were Mithras Spawn and, thankfully, all eight now shone in the Night’s Sky. Unless Kinsecto was no devil. In which case Pestilence was not Kinsecto. Or, dependent on the shape it took, was not Queen Secto; make that Quensecto, not to be confused with Swarma, sometimes Quinsecto, an East Indian supra associated with the Outer Earth’s Kinsecto and Strife’s Sinister Sisterhood. Was definitely a Quensecto today in Godbad City, though.

... from "Harry on the Head", the as yet unpublished continuation of the'Ringleader's Revenge' web-serial


There she [Lemurian Aortic Merthetis] found a Piscine baby [the future Fisherworman] — Piscines being slime-green and somewhat scaly-skinned humanoid amphibians. Many, including many an Illuminary of Weir, held Piscines were genetically designed by ancient Atlanteans. At least hypothetically, they knew their continent was sinking, yet no more wanted to leave it than they did to turn themselves into dolphins.

... from "Daemonic Desperation", the second mini-novel excerpted from the as yet open-ended saga of 'Wilderwitchs Babies'



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EYE-STAVE (also including Eyeorbs or Prison Pods)

- a long metallic pole upon which perches an eyeorb or prison pod; carried by Utopian Trinondevs, the Elite Warriors of Weir, the earliest ones are extraterrestrial in origin:

But – take this seriously please, she’d say to pre-differently-inflamed lover, Quill Tethys – should they be cleared, what if the ancient ones proved to have supplementary functions that no one either remembered or recorded next-to-endlessly long ago? [LION-HEADED CREATURE TAKEN FROM THE WEB]What if, once vacated, they could then be used, collectively, to take out Sedon Himself? If it worked, might the risk be retrospectively hailed as well worth the taking?

Not according to any Master of any Weirdom anywhere on the Whole Earth post-Dome. Then again, virtually all the Masters of any Weirdom, ones that anyone – including the two, to-this-day, still recurring deviants, the Legendarian and the Goat, Pusan Wanderlust – could recall with any degree of confidence, had turned out to be craven crayfish, again to quote Cabalarkon’s then reigning Master, Morgan Abyss.

Because Cabalarkon the Undying Utopian lay inanimate deep within the catacombs of Cabalarkon the city proper, Dark Sedon safeguarded Cabalarkon the Weirdom, his Devic Eye-Land. Its cowardly Masters were too afraid of losing his protection to do what they should have been doing all along: exerting their anti-devil goodwill and no matter how unwelcome influence, as well as their not inconsiderable might, trying anything to annihilate said Sedon and his diabolical descendants.

... from "The 1000 Days of Disbelief"


- Eye-staves are usually topped with eyeorbs or prison pods, which are conceivably related to the Biblical Shamir; most Trinondevs manifest gargoyles from the eyeorbs atop their eye-staves;
- in "The Death's Head Hellion", Melusine Master Morgan Abyss wields the oldest eye-stave then still extant on the Whole Earth of circa 4824 YD; so long as it has been properly charged it has the ability to manufacture its own eyeorbs;
- as per this discussion between Kyprian Somata, 5938's Master of Weir, and Akkipy Falconiform, Granny Garuda's daughter, as taken from one of the pH-Webworld serials, that wasn't all Master Morgan did (NOTE: the Abomination Master Kyprian's referring to is Young Death) ...

“Abomination's an imbecile then. Doesn't recall, or never knew, how my predecessor, Morgan Abyss, the Death's Head Hellion, dealt with the Mighty Eye-Mouth then not in the sky in 4824. Cleared out dozens, maybe even hundreds, of pre-Earth prison pods to grab hold of him. Did so despite knowing full well that Cabalarkon was under the Moloch's protection, true. More precisely Cabalarkon – the Utopian, not so much the place – was! True too, it didn't stick. Plus, loyal son that he was, and is, Dark Sedon supposedly still visits him regularly.”

“On Mithramas Day. Heard that myself, from Granny.”

“Heard, not seen. By either of us. If the Demon King was susceptible to a single eyeorb, even one of mine, we’d have had him prison-podded and packed away thousands of years ago, wouldn't we?”

“Would have had Pyrame podded and packed away as well.”

“She invented the damn things, didn't she? Rather, Miracle Maenad invented them and Pyrame made her make her immune to them probably those selfsame thousands of years ago.”

... from 'The Vampire Variations', a Phantacea Mythos web-serial appearing on pH-Webworld in the late Nineties

- Megaera born Kinesis become Zeross became, in effect, a Living Eye-Stave in 5938; she thereafter gained the codename of Meg-Aura;
- Throughout the web-serials, Demios Sarpedon wields the oldest eye-stave in existence; it was given to him by Ubris Nauroz, the father of Augustus Nauroz (Hush's Gush, the Voodoo Child, Aug the Dog, the male trickster, Augustus Nauroz, Auguste Moirnoir, Young Death to Hush's Young Life, who like her in the 1938 serials has been an apparent seven year old for something like seventeen years; that makes them, assuming they're the same wights come the serials set in 1980, seven years old for sixty years);
- A white man dressed like an Algerian Tuareg; many Trinondevs of Weir dress similarly except all male Utopians are black; Trinondevs weild eye-staves; scanned in from a newpaper, photo attributed to Dan Cayo 2003Ubris was therefore the grandfather of Saladin Devason, the Master of Weir in the 59/1980 serials, and Morgianna Somata (1938), later Superior Sarpedon (1960 as well as 59/1980), the Hecate-Hellions' Morrigan;
- As per here, the Mnemosyne Machine invented eye-staves, and the removable orbs that fit atop them, in order to take out devils and demons and anything else, devic talismans foremost, composed of subtle matter; conceivably this might include Celestials themselves;


manifesting gargoyles pink versionNeither of them should have been as surprised as they looked and sounded. They’d both been around witches and what passed for their witchcraft enough in the not-too-distant past to have expected no different. Then again, maybe like Strife, witches didn’t leave memories behind.

What was now inside the Solidium, casket-like oblong was an evidently metallic shaft or long staff just, as Max had speculated, like Demios Sarpedon’s eye-stave. Helios opened one of a series of pouches in the lid.

"This is an eyeorb," he explained. "They go by a number of different names. Eye-egg comes immediately to mind. So does prison pod, though ringots like Harry got hold of, mostly from his father, Angelo Zeross, the first Ringleader, Ringkeeper more like, are a bit different. In some respects they’re just oversized Anthean Agates. As such, they can be used to change outward appearances."

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


- a mini-essay on Utopian eye-staves entitled "Manifesting Gargoyles" can be found in the Winter 2004/5 edition of pHpubs; there's more on Djinn Domitian, PHANTACEA's version the Mithraic 'leontocephalic' god, here; a webpage dedicated exclusively to Utopians of Weir starts here;

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GARUDAS (Avian Humans)

- this quote from the web-serial 'Coueranna's Curse' pretty much says all that needs saying about the dual nature of Garudas:

As one might expect from the fact they were hollow-boned, avian-humans were yet another product of old Eden’s twisted experimentations with upper-level-intelligent, biological specimens. Lightweight, small of stature and arboreal, with pinched faces and pronounced noses – what they, being ironic, called their beaks – they were nevertheless human. Were live-born, viviparous, had no tail, no fur, though they were moderately hairy, and had ordinary skin, of varying pigmentations. Self-evidently they could interbreed with both regular humans and Utopians like the late Granny Garuda, who was born Kanin Nauroz and, as such, was Augustus Nauroz’s aunt. Was also Aquilla’s maternal grandmother.

A gold figurine found in a museum somewhere reminiscent of a Garuda like Aquilla tthe Hunter or his maternal grandmother,  Granny Garuda, pthotograph by Jim McPhersonWhat made them Garudas was their regalia, their feathers, which had decidedly daemonic qualities to it. Truth told, which Garudas seldom did, especially to non-Garuda-outsiders, there was a great deal of the daemonic about them. It’s said of them they’re simultaneously twice-born: one side, the avian-human side, is born externally while the other side, their feathered side, is born internally, as in not so much inter-spatially as inner-spatially. Both sides grew together, one visibly, the other invisibly. Around the age of seven, their wise men and women performed certain rituals and, lo and behold, their feathered side became physically accessible.

It continued to grow as you did but it was removable; could actually be hung in a clothes closet along with your regular outfits and put on the same way, one leg or one arm at a time. A parent might think this a great way to save on a new wardrobe at the start of, say, every school year. However, as with all things daemonic, fairy-like if you prefer, a Garuda’s regalia came with a catch. You’re a Garuda. Wear it too often you can’t get it off anymore; not unless you’re dead anyhow. You are then anyone can not only get it off you; anyone can also put it on and use it to fly just like you did. Which basically is what happened to Granny Garuda in Brindisi, on the Outer Earth, back on the Fourteenth.

Conversely, you didn’t wear it often enough it went into a huff and actually molted. You go off to one of Godbad’s many universities, most of which are well up in the mountainous north; far away from where you live in Djerridam-Goatwood, Sedon’s Goatee. You leave your feathers behind in a closet at your parents’ nest, call it a cabin if you must, way up some tall tree way down there. You get caught in a student demonstration against the subcontinent’s imported, orange-skinned, and orange skin-textured, Bandradin aristocracy. You’re sent to prison for a couple of years. You’re finally released and make your way back home. There’s not enough of your feathers left to stuff a proper pillow.

Tough tiddlywinks, as they say.
-- from the web-serial 'Coueranna's Curse': "Cry Helios"


- there's a picture of Garuda as well as some additional notes on them in the India '05 webpage;

- click link for image on pHanta-phlickr that's sugestive of their two sides; it was taken in London, England, 2014;

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GENESEA (The Noachian Flood)[Cover of 'pH4-Ever & 40']

- the Great Flood of Genesis; caused by Xuthros Hor, the Biblical Noah, approximately 4000 BC or Year Zero of both the Cathonic Dome (YD) and as time is counted backwards Pre-Dome (PD);

- Alorus Ptah, the Biblical Adam, was born in 1656 PD whereas Amemp Tut, the Biblical Methuselah, was killed in the same year as the Genesea; this information is straight from the Bible; the details are provided in Golden Age Patriarchs, a long-running feature on pH-Webworld;

Xuthros Hor causing the Noachian Flood, illustration by Ian Fry, late 80s; text and colour-added by Jim McPherson, 2007========

- on the equivalent of Monday the 8th of December 1980, the very day the former Beatle John Lennon was shot down in cold blood, Mik Starrus explains his understanding of the Genesea to Ubi, his New Weirworld host ...

"... the mortal they call Xuthros was known as Noah in our Holy Book — one of them, the Bible. The story goes he caused a worldwide flood that washed the planet clean of evil. Conceivably, what he washed the planet clear of was devils like Yajur."

"Washed them onto a hidden continent, you mean."

"Let’s not get into that again. It’s a fable, a metaphor of some sort. There is no geological evidence for any Great Flood, nor anything particularly close to one; not a worldwide one at any rate. And mankind’s as evil as ever. About the only correlation I can offer you is that certain Creationists, call them biblical scholars for the sake of politeness, have traced the Flood back about six thousand years.

"Back in the Seventeenth Century of modern times, one of them, an Irishman named James Ussher, fixed creation at exactly four thousand and four years before modern times began. If you take that date as when the Flood happened instead of our actual creation, it roughly marks the beginning of known civilization on Earth."

Universe found this remarkably interesting."If my readings are correct, devils arrived in your planetary system approximately seven thousand of your years ago. Give them a millennium or a bit less to establish themselves as more noticeable than just a fundamental flaw, an irritating nuisance, a glitch in human makeup, and it seems I wasn’t very far off."

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


- there's more on the Genesea here

"Forever & 40 Days - The Genesis of PHANTACEA", a graphic novel published in 1990, ends with Xuthros Hor calling down, as well as welling up, the Genesea. It is still available for ordering.

NOTE: There's a section-by-section overview of the graphic novel online. The image of Xuthros Hor, complete with rain and Raven's Head (or her primogenitor), can also be found here whereas a short summary of the sequence it came from is here. There's a reference to the conjuration Xuthros Hor uses in an Autumn 2007 entry of Serendipity Now. The front and back cover for the graphic novel can be found here whereas the biggest reproduction of its front cover is here.

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- lasted from about 5600 BC (5656 BC when Alorus Ptah, the Biblical Adam, was born) until the Genesea of 4000 BC, Year Zero of the Cathonic Dome (YD) or Year Zero Pre-Dome (PD); in the PHANTACEA Mythos, the ten Biblical Patriarchs from Adam to Noah were born exactly when the Bible stated; all lived as long as it said as well; contemporaneous with Adam's line through Seth/Azura were the Anti-Patriarchs, Adam's line through Cain/Awan;

- Golden Agers aged normally until they reached puberty but thereafter, at least from the time they were twenty, began to age very slowly indeed. One rule of thumb is to consider everyone of their years a month. In human terms therefore one could think of, say, Amemp Tut, the eighth patriarch and the one who lived longest, as being the equivalent of eighty years and nine months when he died;

- peculiar to PHANTACEA, the main reason for their extraordinary long lives is explained by the Mnemosyne 3-Thing, speaking to Big Max Maxwell, during a segment of "Helios on the Moon". An extended excerpt of their conversation is quoted in the topic section of the Winter 2000 Web-Publisher's Commentary;

- parts of both '4-Ever & 40' and 'Feel Theo', both of which can still be ordered, are set in the Golden Age;

- a dedicated webpage containing plenty of other references to the Golden Age of Humankind is here;

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- singular sometimes spelled homonculus; however, it's more correctly spelled homunculus; plural also sometimes wrongly spelled homonculi; commonly referred to, just as wrongly, as 'homos' in 'Centauri Island'; homunculi are often referred to as 'homun' beings;
- properly speaking a homunculus is a fully formed, miniature human body believed, according to some medical theories of the 16th and 17th centuries, to be contained in the spermatozoon;
- the animate little toy creatures Dr Pretorius showed off in 1935's "Bride of Frankenstein" were called homunculi


- there is some controversy as to who first came up with the biological process that allowed for the generation of homun beings:

Homunculi, homunculus in the singular, were just as artificially-generated, but a whole lot less common than Mandroids. Were akin to Utopian clones in that they were grown using extrauterine techniques discovered in the usual places suspect-wise, either in the long lost, faraway planetary system of Old Weir or in the equally lost, but not at all faraway realm of Sunken Atlantis.

Homos, as they were commonly called, or homun beings, as they were more politely known, were soulless, but hardly brainless beings. Were intentional doppelgangers breathed into life by their templates, humanoid or non-humanoid, those from whose cells they were developed in the first place. Their brains had to be trained, though, such they had the same memories and personalities as their templates.

However, unlike Utopian clones, who had individualized souls and their own free-thinking brains, or Amoebamen like the Seven Psychic Siblings, who were similarly endowed, they did not long outlast the ones who gave them life. A convenient trait, all agreed. Except maybe the homos themselves. (The Japanese term ‘kagemusha’, shadow warrior, kagemushas in the plural, might also apply to homun beings, though only if they were bred and subsequently employed as doubles, which they usually were.)

The main advantage of soulless men and women, besides the fact they could be disposed of without any qualms – no soul, no real life wherein they could earn salvation, or vice versa, emphasis on the word ‘vice’, and hence no chance at an afterlife – was that they could be controlled from afar by their templates. Having brains and their memories, they could also be relied upon to function normally even when they were not being directed by their templates.

... from "Harry on the Head", the as yet unpublished continuation of the'Ringleader's Revenge' web-serial


- as per the following snippet of dialogue between Dr Hiyati Samarand (the humanized Dragon of Byron) and his Enormity, the Phantacea Mythos skips the miniature and spermatozoon qualifiers:

"The homunculi of Samarand ... are fashioned somewhat biblically. They are shaped to the desired form then breathed into life.”

“I had to kiss mine,” recalled Sentalli-Centauri through the thing he’d kissed.

“As did we all,” concurred Samarand. “The intelligence homunculi acquire is not that of a departed spirit, nor is it self-developed like the clones of Cabalarkon. What intelligence they have comes from a psychic bond with, in your case, you; in my case, me. Human or devil, it doesn’t matter; sentience is what counts.

“If either of us withdraws from that bond, no matter how temporarily, the homunculi carries on as we would. However, if either of us dies – not that I can – the homunculi will pine away and die fairly rapidly. It’s not so much a case of giving up his ghost as his ghost, his spirit, his inspiration as it were, has given up on him.

... from "Nuclear Dragons", Book Two (or Three) of the Launch 1980 story cycle.

- employing homunculi as they were designed to be employed does present many a moral dilemma, even for a little trickster:

“That’s a mandroid running amuck down there, sir,” his Enormity stated calmly. “I think I can get rid of it.”

He sounded as if he was glad to be of some use at last. Likely, thought Hush, he wasn’t, but his puppeteer, his other Enormity, was – so long as he wasn’t put at risk, it went without thinking as well as saying.

... She couldn’t help wondering what became of suchlike made-to-order doppelgangers. Could the originals simply shut them down when not in use? Did that make them any less human. Did it make their templates inhumane; if not, in the Fatman’s case, altogether inhuman like Yati and his fellow Byronics?

... from "Nuclear Dragons", Book Two (or Three) of the Launch 1980 story cycle.

Yet, as Samarand says early on in Nuke: "That’s what homunculi are for – to take the risks sanity says someone as important as you are to all we’re doing has to avoid.”


The word is used comparatively correctly during Helmoon. The speaker is the Visionary of Weir; the place is his courtroom on New Weirworld. He's passing sentence on Cosmicaptain Mik Starrus:

"... the Visionary consulted the Ys before, what seemed like hours later, rendering his decision. "There is much more knowledge to be gained from this wee homunculus of a human being. It would therefore be remiss of me to declare him an non-person and warrant his annulment. However, there is the paramount security of Weir System to consider. Mr Butcher, your theory as to how to deal with this unwelcome phenomenon strikes me as meritorious. Please repeat it.”

... from "Helios on the Moon", the third entry in the 'Launch 1980' story cycle


also properly used here;

- homun beings on Centauri Island prior to the second week of December 1980 include Roderick Paraja, who was 'grown' especially for Djerrid Ruin, Byron's Bowman;

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[AN IMAGE OF A THREE-HEADED HELLHOUND, TAKEN FROM THE WEB]Psychopomps that can travel between-space by themselves; they can track people through it as well; Cereberant Hellhounds pulled Divine Coueranna's Wheeled Cauldron when she still ruled Apple Isle from her home in Kore's Hell; Cybele St Synne, like many other Korants on Ap Isle, had her own pet Keres; its name was Celery; a telling BLOCKQUOTE re this Celery can be found here.A Cereberus dog car, image taken from Web

Cereberant Hellhounds appear most notably in 'The Volsung Variations', which I began to serialize out here in pH-Webworld during the Summer of 2006 but abandoned due to an apparent lack of readership. Cybele, Sed's Redhead, appears there as well as in 'The Moloch Manoeuvres' and 'Coueranna's Curse', two Web Wheaties cereals that've come and gone.

There's picture of a pendant I spotted in NYC's Met Museum here. It features the Phrygian (as well as early Roman) Mother Goddess Cybele (aka Magna Meter) acting as her own charioteer. In it Cybele's chariot is depicted as a dogcart being pulled by, you guessed it, Keres Hellhounds.

In "Feeling Theocidal", which I based on the Thrygragon story sequences, the Demon Child Tralalorn (unless she's a Devil Child) transforms a Keres into her chimera. Evidently she's been doing so for thousands of years. In Feel Theo its name is Stynx:


“She-Sphinx stinks. Besides the slides, Daddy Taurus said no. All might eat me. More is the pity and less is the shitty. So I Chimera-Keres rode here, tra-la that’s clear. She stinks too the boo. That’s why I call her Stygian Stynx.”

The Styx was the molten Brainrock flow separating this side’s innards of Mt Maenalus from the between-space orchard of Kore’s Hell, where reputedly still grew golden-apple-bearing trees. Korant youngsters called it the Stynx because it stank, like the brimstone magma it was, and Trala’s best gal-pals were Korant girls never forever her age.

Goat looking at goat carcasses through a windown, taken from Web, meant to illustrate Hush Stynx, albeit with only one headThe Demon Child was sitting on the back of this Stygian Stynx. Visually it wasn’t a 3-headed Cereberant identical to the ones Divine Coueranna, Plathon as her charioteer, employed to pull her wheeled cauldron to the Mole. Beyond the Dome, when they served as ferocious as well as fiercely loyal pets for Kore-Concord in her aspect of Cybele, Magna Mater – arguably the greatest Great Mother of the Goddess Culture’s matriarchate – such like chthonic canines were known as Keres Hellhounds.

On Apple Isle, Sedon’s Human Eye-Land, where he ruled from atop his Mithradium mastaba on the summit of Theopolis Hill, Cereberants were seldom seen away from Mt Maenalus. Stynx – a neverending succession of Stynxes, put better – went wherever Tralalorn went and, mindful of Sedon’s affection for the little horror, Mithras gave her free rein to go wherever she wanted to go so long as she stayed away from his Mithradium.

The reason for that was, except for the three heads, Stynx appeared to be a chimera in the sense that that, in Outer Earth Latin, ‘chimaera’ meant she-goat. To this day, even though it had been Varuna, his nocturnal yet nonetheless bi-solar alter ego, sucking it in as the baby Zeus, the mere sniff of goat’s milk made him nauseous. A Great God vomiting off the balcony of his palatial domicile over top his prayerful adherents whenever Trala and Stynx were in the vicinity was neither stately nor conducive to his devotees coming back to repeat their devotions.

... from "Feeling Theocidal"

- a 2000 year old relief (potentially) of a dogcart drawn by helllhounds can be found on pHanta-pHlickr here; what might be an equally old chimera is here;

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- an apparently solely mythical term of dubious providence for a wallet or purse like the magical hold-all almost as myrionymous Athena gave Perseus in the Medusa myth

A seventh power focus, the kibisis or bottomless bag of none other than Flowery Anthea herself – the inspiration for similar objects carried by many witches, Helena [the Inner Earth born mother of the Outer Earth's renowned Roman Emperor, Constantine the Great] amongst them – materialized slung over his right shoulder. In it, she’d heard, he held dozens if not hundreds of other devic power foci.

... from "Feeling Theocidal"


A hundred years later, Datong Harmonia, the Unity of Balance, gave an again male Legendarian a sealed bag of clattering, but otherwise unidentified trinkets. This time Pyrame, occupying Morgan Abyss, was not to pass it, a kibisis, onto Sedon. She, rather Master Morgan, was to lock it away from him.

It didn’t quite happen that way.

... from "The 1000 Days of Disbelief"

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Purpa superimposed over a wooden labrys, collage prepared by Jim McPherson, 2015 A gold figurine found in a museum somewhere reminiscent of a Garuda like Aquilla tthe Hunter or his maternal grandmother,  Granny Garuda, pthotograph by Jim McPhersonXuthros Hor causing the Noachian Flood, illustration by Ian Fry, late 80s; text and colour-added by Jim McPherson, 2007[AN IMAGE OF A THREE-HEADED HELLHOUND, TAKEN FROM THE WEB]A Cereberus dog car, image taken from WebGoat looking at goat carcasses through a windown, taken from Web, meant to illustrate Hush Stynx, albeit with only one head

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